Part 9

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Author's  POV

"One..........two..........three here I come." Saying so sona jumped in a portal and was immediately almost instantly pulled in by it. In no time she reached dwarpayug obviously through the portal and landed on something which was more like someone.

Who turns out to be our dear eldest pandav named as karn. They both rolled a few steps and fortunately stopped by a wall or else they would be rolling around the whole world. 😂😂😂😂😂.

Back to the story.

As they were stopped by the wall there eyes met for a long stare. After a while of staring contest between them sona finally realised their current position.

She was on top of dear karn with his one hand locked around her waist keeping her in place and other one supporting himself or more like saving his head from being hit by the wall which will hurt like hell once done.

Sona's hands were on his shoulder clutching his angvastra and supporting herself. It was a really awkward position in sona's point of view but for karn well he was greatly mesmerised by her brown eyes. He could stare in them forever but dude good things last short.

Sona quickly got up and dusted her clothes. She turned around to face the eldest pandav once she was done fixing her clothes. "A heart full thanks to you prince. If it wasn't for you I might have hit my head on the wall and would have been knocked out for who knows how long." She said with a sweet smile plastered on her beautiful face.

Karn just looked at her. Taking the picture of her face in his mind. Don't worry he didn't gaze long enough to embarrass himself.

"It is my pleasure goddess. I am more than happy for saving you." He answered with a smile on his handsome face.

"Prince if you mind can i please meet my sisters I am beyond worried for them." Said sona with worry evident on her face.

"Of course goddess. Here is the way to their chamber. I will show it to you." Said the boy. Smile never leaving his face making him look more handsome. Sona chuckled and followed him.

While their way to the girl's chamber.............

Chapter completed.
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See you in the next chapter.

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