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"They are coming here for a good reason then how can it be a bad news suryadev" It was arjun this time. Suryadev sighed heavily and said "arjun my child the people of kaliyug are coming here for a good reason and they are also like angel in human form so pure they won't do any harm to us. But......" He trailed of. "But what suryadev?" Arjun asked. "The people of dwarpayug or our Enemies can use them against us. They are not knowing about the harm they can get over here." Suryadev said.

He glanced at Shakuni when he spoke the word *enemies* and Shakuni noticed. "Don't worry suryadev I myself along with my brothers will protect them" arjun said with a sweet smile on his handsome face. Suryadev just chuckled.

"But I got a question suryadev are they going to men or women?" Karn asked.
"I hope they are girls because I don't want to have any other godson. If they will be girls dussala will get another friend. Right dussala" Suryadev said and dussala nodded.

Chapter completed

Word count-178 words.

so here is the chapter vote and comment how was it.

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