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Everyone has their times when they are stuck in a situation where their minds fail to analyze the moment and differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. Some are distracted from what is the painful truth due to the sweet sensations they receive from what is not and what shouldn't be.

It is a bit hard for some to figure these sort of things out as they are blinded by the candle light. It may seem bright and beautiful at the beginning but even the wax of the brightest candle melts.

They say that life works in mystic ways. It offers a weird way of creating balance in the world we lay our feet on. In this world, a big conflict caused naturals and humans to divide. This became a big part that would appear in history books. Of course, what's a story without some sort of resolution? The only thing is that it isn't always happy endings.

Peace; that was all George's father wanted. Not just for his family, but for the world so that harmony could also be restored and naturals didn't have to shelter themselves from the public. It was a big move to ask considering the issue was global. It wasn't just in their country that had this conflict but the whole world. It spread like wildfire.

It was possible, but it required something in return.

The only reason the whole conflict erupted was because of one person. With powerful magic on their side, capturing them wasn't enough.

So they had to fight fire with fire. Fate offered George.

There he stood on a rooftop. The place, he didn't recognize but the familiarity of it was strong. The chilly air brushed against his body, the only warmth coming from a person next to him.

George was taken aback from the sudden force of being pulled to the person's direction. Realization of who they were hit him when he was met with the same green eyes that could capture his heart and soul.

"Dream-" George was cut off when Dream cupped his face and closed the gap between them without any interruption.

He felt his heart do a backflip before giving in to the kiss. There was something about that moment that made unexplained feelings rise in his chest; a flash of euphoria.

Time seemed to slow down as their lips passionately moved in sync. Their breaths became heavy, Dream pulling away. He stared at George's chocolate eyes with full adoration before resting his forehead on his.

"That was... something,"

"Yeah. It was the best something," Dream replied.

George's jolted up and awake, sweat dripping from his temples. He rested his hands behind him on the soft foam of the bed he was on to balance himself as he was catching his breath. His vision adjusted to his surroundings, analyzing where on earth he was.

The room smelled of different medicines and potions. Just as expected, to his side were other beds just like the one he was on. His first guess was that he was in some sort of infirmary. What else could explain the things in the room?

After a moment of thinking, he decided to get up and exit the room. He wasn't planning on waiting around for someone to come for him.

His head stung a bit from his movements. Thoughts about the last thing he remembered before passing out resurfaced in his mind. His fingers traced his lips which made contact with Dream. A blush of red appeared on his cheeks at the memory of him making a move on the guy. He thought that he would show a bit of superiority in order to retrieve some answers.

Of course, that sort of backfired.

Then again, that kiss-

George shook his head to shake off the thoughts. He clapped his cheeks, snapping himself out of his daydreaming phase.

Zinnia [DreamNotFound]Where stories live. Discover now