438 22 16

WARNING: this chapter contains depictions of alcohol.

With the vast number of people attending the event of the evening, Philza had lost count of the heads. Although majority were ecstatic and overjoyed about the festivities that would occur, Philza's heart pounded unevenly, and it wasn't because of excitement. He was anxious and agitated, not because he was going to do a speech in front of hundreds, or because he was finally going to meet the Lady of Death, but because he knew that the party was too extravagant and it was prone to uninvited guests. Grand enough to pique the interest of the wolves in the clothing of sheeps.

Philza leaned against the window frame, raising his head to gaze upon the night's natural torch amidst the twinkling dots. It was a rather interesting coincidence that the event happened to be set at a night of a full moon. A perfect night for wolves to howl and strike.

He remembers stories told by his father. Stories of a brave, young lad who fought off the wolves to protect the people of their town. They commended the boy and he was crowned their ruler. Their protector. Their savior.

How much Philza wanted to meet the young lad and ask how he did it. How did he fight back against the wolves and saved his people? 

Philza sucked a nervous breath and exhaled steadily. He turns around, and his eldest is locking the button of his sleeves. He makes eye contact with his son, and his eyes were livelier than they have ever been. His boy was happy.

How was Philza going to follow the steps of the young lad while leaving everyone he loved untouched?

"Dad, how do I look?"

Dad. Music to his ears.

"Handsome, mate. Very handsome," Phil responded. He wasn't lying. Wilbur wore a royal blue, golden buttoned tailcoat hugging a white ruffled shirt, white leggings tucked beneath long black boots that reached up to his knees, portraying many women's ideal prince. His curly hair was exposed, locks draping over his alluring brown eyes. His features were sharp, his lips a baby pink.

There was an aggressive knocking at the door, and Philza rolled his eyes, already having an idea of who it was. "It's not locked!"

Just as he had anticipated, Tommy walked through the door with such vigor and zeal. Behind him followed Technoblade, Tubbo, and Ranboo, all in their luxurious apparels. They wore similar garments, the only difference between them being the colors. While Wilbur's royal tailcoat was blue, Tommy's was red, Techno's was pink, Tubbo's was yellow, and the king himself was in a navy green shade. Ranboo, on the other hand, was decked out in a fancy black and white tuxedo, and a red tie.

"Might I say, we all look mighty fine tonight!" Tommy commented. "Phil, what do you think of Techno's hair? I did it!"

Phil faced Techno, beaming. Flowers ringed the half bun of his pastel pink hair, fully obliterating the blood god's threatening image. One could quote that he was a nightmare dressed like a daydream. 

"He looks cute," Philza chuckled. 

"I am not cute, I am gorgeous." Techno planted his hand on his waist, the other twirling a strand of his hair. Despite his monotonous accent, it was evident that he was in a sassy and humurous mood. Far from the well-known savage. Everyone in the room laughed, and for a moment, Philza felt the heavy weight lift from his chest. He was grateful for his boys being around, and he couldn't dare to fathom what his life would be like without them.

"Everyone, I just want to let you all know that I care about you lots, and I want you to enjoy the night," Phil announced.

"When did you become so sappy?" Tommy wrinkled his nose.

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