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Waking up this time felt a whole lot different for George because this time, he woke up with his heart linked to another. He woke up feeling sheer solicitude and devotion and he woke up with someone he can legally call his.

It was no mystery whether Dream felt the same way as the answer was visible in the way he acted around George. Simply just by the way he lays his eyes on the brunette was nowhere near how he looks at his friends.

Every time he looks at his friends, he would seek an adventure where they would create and share wholesome memories, forge a strong and unbreakable bond, and even go through the most erratic and chaotic junctures.

But when he sees George, all that matters is being around him even when it meant staying at home all day and being completely unproductive. He would rather find comfort in the warmth of his cuddles, his presence alone was enough to make him feel giddy, a feeling he rarely feels. A feeling he only felt around George. Love, endearment, desire, at some moments even lust.

Compared to how he feels around his friends, it's like a whole concoction. A mixture of various emotions that could either be bad or good. For others, even dangerous. But that's just how love works.

Love is like a game where you either win, get the privilege of living a happily ever after, or you lose, your ways part and paths become parallel to each other. Either way, you get to experience the joyous sensation of being in love, even if it turns out to be temporary or a trial.

George smiled at Dream's still sleeping figure, admiring every detail. He ran his fingers gently through his soft dirty blonde hair, the sun's beams peaking through the translucent curtains as it hosts a new morning-their first morning together as an official couple-and a day closer to the town's big event.

George was not one to embrace the young light of day and would rather sleep in, snuggling himself in the coolness of the sheets, but things were different now. He liked to wake up, solely to meet his partner's sleeping figure. One might say that watching someone sleep is creepy, but he simply couldn't help himself. Seeing Dream asleep with the thought of him being his partner was something that lulled him into a sense of serenity. He knew for a fact that it was the same for Dream, bearing in mind that the green blob used to stalk him during his oblivious state. What more when he is asleep next to him?

He finally finds the energy to get up, yawning as he stretches his arms while savoring the satisfying feeling of it, relieving his body from the heaviness. He recalls his agenda for the day, one plan scheduled to meet Philza and Technoblade at the castle first thing in the morning. Another reason why he woke up early. He couldn't miss it, knowing they would be helping him gain control and power over his gem.

That reminds him, his hand immediately reaches for his pendant, finding it hanging behind again then lazily fixes it back in front. The item shines against the light, its azure glow standing out.

A small movement causes George to gaze to his side. Dream was awake. The green blob inhales a deep breath before releasing a groan. George felt something tickle in his stomach upon hearing that, and it only grows when his eyes meet Dream's emerald pair. He never thought eyelashes could flutter so gracefully, and he never wished so hard to be able to see the color green. Nature's primary color.

The first thing Dream sees as he opens his eyes is George staring down at him like he was his baby. He might as well be. Dream smiles, his vision adjusting to the brightness of the room. "Good morning, sunshine."

George felt the tickle getting worse. He could never get enough of Dream's morning voice. It was music to his ears. "Good morning," he replies before leaning in for a sloppy peck.

Zinnia [DreamNotFound]Where stories live. Discover now