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WARNING: chapter may contain some graphic descriptions and harsh swearing

The event went on for another hour, but the people were too caught up stressing about the worst case scenario. While the others left to go home, there were still a few who stayed behind, mainly to discuss on what the hell just went down.

Not for a second did Karl leave from Sapnap's side, his hands firmly gripped around his lover's arms. Sapnap was mumbling a few comforting words, seeking to cease the tears streaming down Karl's mess of a face. After hearing what King Schlatt was after, Karl had absolutely lost it. He had just miraculously gotten his partner back, and he wasn't planning on losing them again. Sapnap had to clasp Karl's palms in his hands, preventing the poor guy from lashing out.

As much as Dream wanted to talk to his best friend, he had to give the couple some space. From the corner of his eye, he caught George sitting at one of the round tables by himself, appearing to be lost in his own thoughts as he slouched against the chair, fiddling with his pendant. Dream heads over, pulling out one of the chairs and seating right next to George.

Dream was unsure of how to strike a conversation. His mind searched for the right words to say. Maybe something reassuring, or an entirely irrelevant topic to deflect themselves from the thorny situation. Perhaps the timing was not ideal for such chats. He didn't want the wrong phrases to travel past his lips. Then again, there was nothing that could possibly escape.

So instead, he just sat in silence. His mere presence would surely be enough, and hopefully George would feel that he wasn't alone. That he had Dream by his side, and that they were going to get through the problem together.

However, when they take a look at the problem, they both knew that sitting in silence and feeling each other's presence for consolation was far from a solution that could actually deal with their troubles.

Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Ranboo sat on the edge of the stage, sulking and for the first time in a while, they didn't need to be told to stay put since they were too mentally drained from the incidents that had occurred, just like everybody else. Of course, while everyone strolled on their personal train of thoughts, they all shared one, if not two, questions in mind.

Was Sapnap the pyro that Schlatt had been referring to?

Why was Schlatt looking for his son within Pogville?

There was only one person who seemed to have the answer to the last question, and it was none other than their own ruler, King Philza.

Wilbur remained puzzled, going over what had happened with Sally. While he already had the answer to that, he didn't want to believe it. He couldn't get rid of her sweet voice replaying in his head like a broken record, better yet, he couldn't bear to picture her actually gone, taken by the shapeshifters that haunted them.

He knew that the only way a shapeshifter could morph into a being was to take their life away by clawing them in the heart, and the image of that happening to Sally would make him want to throw up.

Ranboo was stuck in between blaming himself for causing a scene, and being okay with it since shattering the lantern became Sapnap's gateway for his rebirth. But he questioned how his other state knew that it would happen.

Looking back, he was relatively able to connect the dots. He was out of it the same night he found Karl in the badlands, just as he was when he did the thing with the lantern, resulting in Sapnap rising from the flames as a fire bird, a phoenix. Surely, Sapnap must know something. He'd remember to ask later.

Out of the many questions lingering in that place, they all would wish to be enlightened on how Sapnap turned into what he was, or perhaps that has always been who he was.

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