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"Look at him. So focused on trying to find the right tune for his new piece he'd call a song,"

Wilbur's door was ajar, allowing for Tubbo and his new friend to peer through and judge his choices in life. They were just strolling down the hallway on the route to Philza's chamber, when a mutter of curses upon strumming the wrong note snatched their attention.

"Check this out," Tubbo lowered his voice. Ranboo watched as the boy's fingers moved in sync to a bouquet of flowers growing out of Wilbur's beloved guitar, it's stem swaddling in between the strings.

Unamused with a brief idea of who was behind the harmless trick, Wilbur glanced at the door, confirming his suspicions as he laid eyes on his little brother. "Very funny, Tubbo." Wilbur said, sarcastically.

Caught, Tubbo was quick to pull Ranboo away with him before Wilbur could protest any further, his giggles plugging his older brother's fading voice behind. They passed by Punz and Sam, who seemed perplexed at the sight of the two running, shrugging it off. They were used to seeing any of the princes running in the hallways of the castle, like children playing tag. It wasn't really new to them.

Moving on from the scene, Tubbo's frisky behaviour would intrigue his new friend. Ranboo had instantly grown on the boy's friendly demeanour, finding himself comfortable in their presence.

They reached the door to Philza's chamber, Ranboo immediately taking notice of the sign that hung and read, do not disturb.

"Uhm, Tubbo, I don't think-" but it was too late, and Tubbo had already made his grand entrance.

Philza sat on his desk, his fabled green and white hat resting on a pile of envelopes. Tubbo's sudden entry caused his wings to stiffen and his wrist to flick, releasing the letter he was reading. "Aghh-" he let out a noise, much similar to a crow's call.

"Phil~" Tubbo sang, immediately getting cut off.

"Jesus, Tubbo! Didn't you read the sign?" Phil said as he quickly snatched his letter, letting out a shaky breath of relief.

Ranboo appeared from behind, "I tried to tell him, Phil. I really did-"

"There was a sign?" Tubbo tilted his head innocently.

Philza could only grunt as he returned his attention to the letter, a smile tugging the side of his lips at the content.

But then he paused once again, feeling someone's breath next to him as his smile disappeared. He turned to face Tubbo, who was attempting to get a glimpse of what was written.

"What the fuck do you want?" Phil said, his tone firm. He just wanted some peace to read his letter. It wasn't too much to ask for, yet his children failed to grant him just that.

Tubbo grinned, sensing a garden of freshly bloomed flowers that reeked of intimacy. "What are you reading?"

"A letter."

"What's in the letter?"

"Nothing that concerns you. Can you please leave-" Philza darted towards his empty hand before finding a vine taking the letter away from him. He eyes Tubbo with a warning look. "Tubbo! Give that back!"

But Tubbo refused to budge. Instead, his vines presented the letter in front of his face, giving him an open sight of what was written. He trailed down to the bottom of the page, uncovering the initials of his father's mysterious pen pal. A curve not less than a smirk plastered onto his face.

"So, when do we get to meet the Lady of Death?" Philza seized the letter from Tubbo's vines, failing to obscure the rosy color slithering onto his cheeks.

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