say goodbye

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What is wrong with her? Why can't she get the hint to just drop it? Stop trying to leave. Its pointless for her to keep running because she's never going to get away. Like girl no stop.

But girls now adays try they hardest for stuff like your doing the most. That how i feel about Kaloni. You're doing the most trying to get away.

" Come here.", I insisted to the nurse. "Yes, sir?", she responded. "When will she be out?", I trembled. "Well im sorry to tell your this but it seems your girlfriend will be transferred to a mental facility. Basically she will be in a Psychiatric hospital and you will not be able to visit her. There are many names for that. Psychiatric hospital is the most accepted right now I would think. You can also call it a mental hospital and insane asylum. "Penny bank" is a slang term and is negative. A sanitorium is a hospital or medical facility that keeps patients for long periods of time because of illnesses, like tuberculosis. But we think she is now kinda messedp uo in the mind because of her many injuries.", the nurse empathized.

"Alright. This is bull crap she's not hurt, what the heck.", I mummbled. "Well, im sorry but it is what it is.", the nurse accepted. "Okay, whatever im out. Can i see her one more time woman?", i beseeched. "Run along.", she bossed.

I walked inside of the room Kaloni was in. I tiptoed by her bed to her. She was peacefully watching television. She looked up at me. I tightly put my hand around her throat and choked her. "I will be back for you." I emitted and walked out as if everything was alright.

"Goodbye Nurse Hillman"

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