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I fell in the back of a garbage truck. It smelled horrible. I had to get out of this thing. All I saw was the sky. But then we came to a stop. They opened the back. And starred at me.

"Who are you?", they asked. "Ehh don't worry about that. "Just help me out of here.", I commanded. The guy grabbed my hand and lifted me out. "Okay, thanks bye!", I lifted.

Every second I wasn't with Daniel all I could say is IM FREE!!!!!!!! I am free but I have no idea where I am. I started to walk out of the gate to find an opened street way.

I walked about 2 minutes then saw one. I started to walk along the side of the rode and started waving my hand to see if anyone would see me.

No one payed me any attention. I tried running along the cars begging. But they were ignoring me. I gave up and walked more and more till I realized my surroundings.

I was in front of my school. I walked to the door and tugged and pulled. Then it popped open. I walked inside and went to the main office. Looks like there was a meeting. A lot of kids from my school in there but I tried to hide my face.

I used to the phone and I called Shante.

"Hello?", I said. "Hello, Who is this?", Shante asked. "This is Kaloni , can you pick me up please?", I pleated. "Sure, where are you?, asked Shante. "I'm at the school.", I said guilty. "Okay, go outside I'm on my way.", she said.

I hung up the phone and waited by the school door patiently. 1,000 thoughts began to run through my mind as I waited. I haven't forgot about Clyde. I miss him a lot. I'm afraid I might never see him again. Where is he? What is he doing? I need to get to a hospital immediately.


"DANIEL!!!", I yelled at the top of my lungs. "What? I'm on the phone trying to track down Kaloni. ", He screamed back. "I found her.", I grunted. As soon as I said that all I heard was big foot steps jogging up the stairs. "YOU WHAT!?", he rejoiced.

"Yep, she called & said she was at the school. She wanted me to pick her up.", I commented. "I have no remarks but I have a plan." , Daniel said.


This chick think she got away. This is crazy. She just need to be thinking about how she got away. Bet that won't happen anymore. She got another thing coming. And I can't wait to see her suffer.


I feel bad doing all this stuff but at the end of the day. I don't care because she treats me wrong sometimes so what goes around comes around.


I jumped out of my thoughts and saw Shante pull up. I went outside and got in the front seat. I slammed the door shut and look over to her. "Hey, Thanks for the ride.", I thanked. "No problem.", she said. "So where are you trying to go? ", she asked. "7363 holment drive. My grandmother's house.", I said.

She started to drive and made a comment "Oh but first I need to drop something off to my friend." I ain't care. Just get me to granny's house. She drove around and finally we came to the block of Daniel. She turned the corner and I was hoping Daniel wasn't her "friend".

But it was. My stomach fell. I started to breathe heavy. She pulled into his driveway and said "I am being forced." She opened the car door and got out. Then she went over to my side and choked me. After that, she dragged me all the way to Daniel's door.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head. I couldnt stay awake any longer.

My woke up to a loud radio. I peeked open one eye because I didn't want Daniel to see me if he was around. Then he saw me. DANG!!! I JUST CANT SNEAK FOR NOTHING.

After I realized he saw me I opened both of my eyes and he got into my face and said.


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