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Dedication goes to hollycruz for all of her kind words over the loss of a very important person in my life and for encouraging me that family is first... and I agree. Family is life to me and we've been through the ringer...

On the side is a picture of the ring I saw and was perfect for Melissa.... Isn't it gorgeous???
I absolutely LOVE this ring and would love it....


Chapter 20

The week following our engagement and everyone wasn’t kidding. There was hardly a time some paparazzi who hounds Jason all at his matches, was always at the house. People on Facebook and Twitter who followed Jay, was leaving all kinds of messages regarding me, I found all of it funny but when there was a brick thrown into our living room window, that was taking things a little to far.

When we found out who it was, it turned out to be one of the girls that Jason was involved with a long time before I came back. She told the police that Jason promised her everything and that he had asked her to marry him. She did a few days in jail and we slapped her with a restraining order. Jason kept reassuring me that there was and has been nothing going on with her for five years. I told him that I believed him and I found the whole thing quite funny.

I did admit that I couldn’t hardly open the door before cameras were flashing and people hollering at me to answer questions. The kids couldn’t even go outside to leave for school. Jason finally started to park the truck in the attached garage and when it was time for school, he would take them. I always hated being the center of attention but I guess I needed tog et use to it since I was engaged to one of the biggest MMA fighters there is.

    “What are you thinking?” Jason asked, wrapping his around around me from behind while at the gym.

    “Just thankful they didn’t follow us here. I can’t stand keeping to shades closed and keeping the house dark.”

    “I’m trying to get them out but then it seems like as hard as I try, ten more come in.”

    “Maybe we could go stay at my parents for a little while?”

    “No can do. They’ll just follow us over there. How about I call in a security team, we gather some things and after picking the kids up from school, we go to a hotel and stay there for a little while.”

    “It wouldn’t feel like home. What if I just go out there and answer questions? You right by my side and we’ll face it together.”

    “Best plan you’ve ever made,” he said, kissing my cheek. “And you can show off your ring and make everyone jealous over this massive rock.”

    “We can do that,” I laughed. “Should we do it now or wait?” I asked.

    “Let’s go baby,” he smiled, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the front of the gym.

When we got to the front, we could see that there were already people starting to surround the area. I guess I spoke to soon when I said that I was happy they hadn’t followed us. The doors were tinted so it was harder for them to see in. I looked over at Jason and made a face.

    “Now or never?” I questioned.

    “I’ll be by your side,” he said and together we stepped outside into the cold winter Ohio air.

The questions were so overwhelming and they were being thrown at me from every direction.

    “What’s your name?”

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