Recap :

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(Just last chapter)

I made my way to the cemetery Elena was there with Bonnie and Caroline, they tried to comfort her, Alaric was trying to be brave, brave for Jeremy and Stefan was getting the funeral started.
(A/N - The sacrifice happened and Jenna died.)
"No" he shakes his head "I can't let Elena lose anyone else." "A bit too late to make that promise brother",I sigh "Tyler Lockwood bit me" revealing the bite.
"We will find something Damon, A cure, anything. You won't die to this."
I nod but I doubt it, there is no way I will make it.
(A/N - tyler lockwood bit Damon)
I grabbed the stake from next to me and placed it on my chest. I'm about to drive it through my heart when it is thrown from my hand. "You didn't think we wouldn't find out did you?" And standing in the doorway of my room was Elena and the rest of the mystic gang.
"Leave. At least let me die in peace."I struggle to sit up on my bed.
"You're not going to die, Stefan is searching for something, don't worry he will find a cure. We are staying, we will be with you throughout every step of the way. You are not alone." Elena tells me. They all come in my room and sit on my bed and on the chairs. I let them, despite everything these guys are my family. We sit in silence for a while, it is tense, everyone is worried, anxious and nervous. Elena is next to me with a cool towel wiping my face, getting rid of the heat.
(A/N - Damon was going to kill himself but his whole family came to sew him, they reminisce stories of the epic Damon Salvatore and give him a toast till Stefan announces news of the cure)
"Elijah, something happened, something really bad." She sobs. "Bonnie, are you ok, you are scaring me." What has happened? She clears her throat "Elijah, it's not me, it's Damon. Tyler bit him." It felt like my heart dropped out of my chest and I could feel tears build and a lump in my throat. "Tell me you're lying. tell me it is a silly revenge prank. Please Bonnie TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE. Please tell me Damon is okay." "I'm sorry Elijah I wish I was lying. I know you care about him and feel something for him."I felt tears escape from my eyes. "Elijah, you can help, there is a cure." She tells me "Klaus' blood." I looked up at Klaus, he was smirking, he knew this whole time he knew his blood could save him. Of Course he did. "I'll get it,"
(A/N - we find out there is a cure, Klaus' blood is the cure. Klaus makes Elijah pick between Damon or Family. Elijah makes a tough decision, he chooses Damon and goes to save him. Bonnie and Caroline tell the group to let Elijah meet Damon. Elijah goes to see Damon.)
"Elijah?" "Hey." I lift his head onto my lap to make him more comfortable. "What are you doing here, you betrayed us, you betrayed me." "I know and I am sorry, I got Klaus' blood, here drink this." I take out the vial and feed him the blood. "How? What deal did you make with him." "It does not matter." I ran my fingers through his hair. "Are you going to leave?" He asks me in pain. "I'm sorry you know I have to. We can't be together" he nods. I get up and begin to leave, I lie him back down on his pillow, our faces inches away, I lean down further and place my lips on his, a short kiss, a goodbye kiss.
(A/N - Once again Elijah leaves but this time he gives Damon a goodbye kiss, the couple Kiss briefly. Elijah tells the group he should be fine. He is escorted out by Bonnie and they say goodbye properly as friends. He returns home to Klaus and sees coffins)
"Very well, you've made your decision." "Niklaus, wait. Don't." He picked up a dagger and stabbed it through my heart. My body starts to dessicate, I hold on to his shoulders, I manage to gasp out a few words before my face dessicated and Klaus dropped me in to a coffin his eyes growing wide the last thing I see as I whisper my final words
"I love him."
(A/N - Elijah and Damon say goodbye, Klaus daggers Elijah before realising his brother is in love with Damon now he lies in a box, Klaus is too guilty to release him. Damon is unaware thinking he is gone. That sums up the last chapter and everything that happened. Now that we are all caught up on the chain of events let's dive back into the story shall we?)

Sorry for any errors in the story

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