Part 14 : Confrontation.

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(A/N - DRAAMMMMMAAAAAAAA. This chapter is going to have some dramaaaaaaaa. A plot twist, one you either expected or didn't. But there is DRAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Ahhhhhhh OMG YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO KILL ME. Also the timeline doesn't match the show, just go with it. We will also meet a character now that doesn't come in the show till later. For the purpose of this Damon came to mystic falls 3 years ago. Also what happened in the show in a later season is going to happen prior to meeting Elijah for the purpose of this story.)

3rd person POV.

After a couple of hours Elijah stood up
"Thank you for today, we should really get going. Stay safe. I will assure the coven does not come after you guys anymore, I will handle this unfinished business"
He said in his sexy professional voice he uses when he is being serious, a voice that Damon grew to love so much. His siblings realised Elijah intended for them to leave so they quickly got up. Everyone said their goodbyes and see you laters.
"I'll walk you out"
Damon smirked, he stood up and placed his hand on Elijah's back as they walked out the room behind the other original.
'Good luck'
Bonnie mouthed to Klaus grinning leaning into Enzo's arms. Klaus groaned in disgust
'I hate you'
He mouthed back before walking back out praying he doesn't see the two who are in obvious heat. He walked out the room but saw no one in the hallway, he walked out but didn't see anyone, so he just walked out the house to see his siblings outside but no Elijah, the lovebirds must have snuck away. Elena came rushing out
"You guys are still here, so if you're here... where are Damon and Elijah?"
She was panicking, Rebekah slapped her to calm her down and well just because she wanted to "relax they must be in a room"
She said logically, they spent 30 mins searching the house and rooms calling for them. There was no sign of them anywhere in mystic falls.
"Ok....... now you can panic."
Rebekah looked at them and then at Elena.
"I'll walk you out"
Damon smirked, he stood up and placed his hand on Elijah's back as they walked out the room behind the other original. They walked together. They stopped in the hallway.
"Rebekah leave us please we wish to talk"
Elijah dismissed his sister. She rolled her eyes and left.
"I love the way you speak it is so posh and fancy"
Damon whispered, Elijah rolled his eyes failing to hide his smile he shook his head.
"So what do you want to talk about?"
They heard a small voice but chose to ignore it while staring at each other. He moved backwards till he was leaning against the wall, Elijah walked up to him standing in front of him. Damon lifted his arms resting them on Elijah's shoulder,  Elijah lowered his mouth on his boyfriends neck kissing it lightly sucking and biting, Damon moved his neck to give Elijah better access. Elijah moved his lips to Damon's sweet spot and Damon let out a small quiet moan before biting his lip to make sure no one heard.
"I wanted to speak to you to tell you that you can't call me if you need me tonight. I'm busy"
He said, continuing to work on Damon's neck, his breath fanning his sensitive spot. Damon let out an uncharacteristic moan of pleasure before breathing out
"Someone is taking me out on a date."
He stated simply. Damon smirked
"Well then I hope you have fun"
They broke apart when they heard people's voices.
"They're not there. I can't find them."
They looked at eachother confused before heading to the main room.
"Oh Damon, remember to speak with Alaric"
Elijah pointed out, Damon faked being offended
"You don't trust me!"
Elijah rolled his eyes
"of course I trust you my young raven, just find out"
Damon nodded, the two leaned into kisses when the door flung open, Bonnie stared right past them. Damon looked at her confused
"still can't find them?"
She asked. Damon and Elijah watched Klaus shake his head and walk right past them towards Bonnie. The two boys exchanged confused looks.
"Bonnie what kind of joke is this?"
Damon asked looking at her but Bonnie didn't even acknowledge him.
"Brother is this a stupid prank?"
Elijah asked walking up to Klaus but Klaus didn't do anything almost like they weren't there.
*End of flashback*
"They can't see you."
A voice said, a voice Damon recognised, they both turned around to see a man in a jacket and shorts sitting on a chair eating from a packet. Damon groaned
"No no no this can't be happening."
Elijah looked at Damon confused, the man on the chair grinned
"Sorry it is a simple cloaking spell, the night Athens coven enlisted my help, I give them you they give me what I want."
The guy shrugged grinning.
"Damon do you know him"
Elijah asked, Damon grimaced, the guy leaned into the chair
"OH he KNOWS me, he knows me so well ain't that right Day"
Damon looked annoyed
"Don't call me that."
"Aww embarrassed in front of your new boyfriend, you know you will always love me"
Damon growled in anger and Elijah stood in front of him rubbing circles on his hands calming him down.
"Before I rip your heart out, what are you after? My raven, who is he?"
The 6ft blue eyes short brown haired man just grinned standing up playing with a knife. Damon cringed
"Crazy ex gemini boyfriend"
Elijah couldn't help but make his next comment, he had been around Damon for too long
"Alaric isn't my only competition now I guess"
Damon looked at him amused before laughing, shaking his head. Their moment was ruined shortly.
"Aww that's cute and all but we need to get going. Oh how could I be so rude. Sorry manners I'm Kai, pork rind?"
He asked sweetly, smiling like a sociopath.
"Let us go Kai, you're bleeding, your magic is going to run out soon."
Damon warned, Elijah looked at Damon, was Damon worried about Kai?
'Phasmatos Oculacs"
They heard, the three were revealed and could see their friends,
"Uh oh"
Kai's smirk faded as Bonnie stood there releasing her grip off of Klaus and Rebekah.
Damon hugged her
"Bon you figured it out I thought you would, did you understand my clue?"
Bonnie grinned and nodded.
"We couldn't find you, then I could hear voices but didn't have enough power, then I heard you say ex gemini boyfriend and well figured it out. Because I'm not from the gemini coven I couldn't break the spell. But with Klaus' and Rebekah's magic I did it. Hello Kai, welcome back."
She stiffened
"Hi bonbon"
He grinned at her, Kai walked up to Damon but Elijah wrapped his arm around Damon's waist pulling him into his side tightly. Kai lifted his hands in surrender to show he meant no harm and walked back.
"Damon, there's something off about this guy."
Elijah whispered in Damon's ears, Damon nodded
"I know 'lijah I know."
He replied, rubbing circles on Elijah's hands calming him.
"So, who is going to show me my room or do I have to kill everyone before the fun begins"
Kai grinned, Damon rolled his eyes
"Take the guest room, you know where it is."
Kai grinned before happily skipping to the room like he's not a sociopath.
"He is crazy but he is crazy hot too"
Rebekah commented, Caroline nodded in agreement
"Woah Damon, your taste in men is,"
She whistled, Damon chuckled
"Well don't be fooled he is a sociopath he killed his family."
They looked at him shocked and scared.
"Ok, we should really leave, for real this time"
Klaus said standing up. They nodded and got ready to leave. Damon went with them to walk them out.
"You guys leave, I just want to talk to him before I go"
Elijah told his siblings, they nodded and vamped away.  Elijah leaned against the frame of the car and looked down in serious thought, Damon walked over to him concerned
"Hey what's up?"
Damon went to kiss him but Elijah casually moved away, Damon noticed but didn't say anything. He just stood against the car next to him in silence.
"When did you go out with Kai?"
Elijah asked, Damon sighed. He knew Elijah was insecure. He got that. But he was getting really bored of doing this. How many times does he have to prove to Elijah he loves him. Elijah could see Damon's annoyance but he couldn't help it, this type of passion and danger and this love so strong it is something he has never felt before.
"Forget it"
He mumbled feeling ashamed, Damon didn't want that after a couple moments of silence Damon spoke up
"Two years ago."
Elijah nodded. He wanted to know more but he didn't want to ask scared to find out more.
"We met a year after I came to Mystic Falls, it was when I was trying to get Katherine from the tomb, obviously then I didn't know she was never actually in there and I was still in love with her.  John locked all the vampires in the Gilbert Building Basement and set it on fire, Bonnie came to get me out, she hated me at that time but she did it for Elena. We got out and she collapsed from inhaling all that smoke, I fed her blood but I was too weak myself, the building collapsed on us and well we, we thought we died. Turns out we didn't exactly die. We just ended up in another place, it was called a prison world, we were trapped in 1994 on the same day May 10th reliving that one day for 6 months. That is where I met Kai. God he was insufferable, annoying and a total dickhead but he was just as broken as the rest of us. He has done some horrible things to people, to Bonnie and to Elena. I knew I shouldn't have but I guess I couldn't help it. Bonnie still hasn't forgiven him, we never expected her to, but now they can sit in a room without wanting to kill each other. We kissed in the prison world but then when we escaped we didn't do anything about it for a really long time. Eventually, surprisingly, Bonnie forced us to go out on a date and then well yeah after that we dated for a year and a half, 6 months before you came to Mystic falls we broke up."
Damon said almost reading Elijah's mind answering every question he had.
"Why did you break up?"
Elijah asked, curious now, he was genuinely interested now
"Oh, well after he already tried to kill his entire family, he tried to kill the remaining one, his father being the leader of the gemini coven was more powerful then Kai, so Papa Kai banished him into another prison world when I went to save him he said he didn't want to be saved, ended things between us and forced me out of the prison world which well, clearly he got out of."
By the end of the story Elijah was shocked and speechless. Both of them knew what the next question was going to be, neither wanted to ask nor answer it. Elijah moved his hand towards Damon's and held onto it. Damon looked down at their hands and Elijah linked their fingers. The two just stood in silence knowing what was coming. After a while Elijah asked the question, there was no point avoiding the elephant in the room
"Do you still love him?"
Damon replied quickly
"Elijah I love you, I told you Elijah I am in love with you."
Elijah used his other hand to caress his face and Damon relaxed into the touch.
"I know raven and I am deeply in love with you but that's not what I'm asking you, no matter what your answer is I am here for you and with you, just tell me please, do you still love him?"
Damon looked down, ashamed, the thing is he knew Elijah was the man he loves but there was a time when he did love Kai and when Kai and him broke up it wasn't because something bad happened to them two or because they stopped loving each other, Kai coming back obviously meant something to him, love? No, it couldn't be, of course not. All Elijah wanted to hear was a no, obviously that wasn't the answer he was going to get.
"I don't know"
He replied after thinking about it, everything in his body was screaming at him to say no but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Elijah nodded, he didn't let go of Damon's hand; he was telling the truth when he promised to be there for him.
"Elijah I am so sorry that was stupid of me to say, I love you, god I love you so much Elijah."
Damon realised his answer was stupid. Elijah stood up straight and Damon followed, he grabbed both of Damon's hands
"And I love you, in a way I have never loved in my thousand years of existence, when I'm with you I feel human again, I know you love me, you have shown me many times and I believe you but I can't expect you to not feel anything for him, especially since you had to separate because of terrible circumstances."
Elijah said, slowly letting go of his hands to go home.
Damon whispered
"Don't leave"
He pleaded, taking his hands.
Elijah sighed and held the back of his neck pressing their foreheads together,
"What we have is beautiful Damon but just like all beauty it is doomed. In the long term looking at us, we would've never worked, there is more damage in our lives that causes us to be unworthy then there are good wishes for us to be happy."
Elijah spoke, Damon nodded,
"I know but I need you, I can't let you go, I don't care if we are doomed. This can't be the end."
Elijah shook his head
"It's not. It is just the beginning but I think we should pause it, here for now, at least whilst Kai is here, till you know what you feel"
Damon shook his head rapidly
"What the hell, No Elijah, I already know how I feel, I love you, I don't feel anything for Kai. seriously don't do this, I'm not a stupid doppleganger who doesn't understand their feelings, it's you Elijah, I know it."
Elijah chuckled at that, amused how he could find humour in a situation like this. He used his thumb to wipe off a tear off of Damon''s face and they stared into each others eyes,
"You know when I first asked you the question that was all I wanted to hear from you but you hesitated, you deserve the chance to either say goodbye to him or figure out where you want him in your life. Let me give you that chance."
Damon had tears falling rapidly down his face he didn't care who could see him but luckily it was just them two outside.
"Elijah, we can make it work, you and me, forget him he'll leave. Please after everything we did and the time it took for us to finally get together don't end it on this. I know Elijah, I know I am not perfect. I screw things up and do the wrong things but you always see past that Elijah please."
Elijah had tears streaming down his face
"No, you are perfect. I can't let this go any longer, I knew this would happen, it isn't your fault, and no I'm not saying it in the it's not you it's me way, it genuinely is my fault, my family is cursed we don't deserve love. I don't deserve the love that you give me."
Damon knew Elijah was right, they were bound to fail, they have lived too long to be this delusional and think their love could last.
"I'm so sorry."
Damon whispered, Damon pressed his lips to Elijah's and Elijah kissed him back, they could taste the salt on each others lips from the tears, eventually they pulled away, tears still falling down
"I love you 'lijah with all of my narcissistic, horrible, evil and arrogant soul."
They chuckled through their tears which came out more like a struggling breath.
"My self-righteous, self-entitled posh heart will always belong to you, this isn't over forever, it's just a see you later."
Elijah told him, Damon nodded.
"So I guess no dinner date tonight"
Damon joked through his tears.
"goodbye Damon"
Elijah pressed a chaste kiss on his cheeks and vamped away.
Damon whispered, wiping his tears. He went into the house acting like everything is fine. He saw everyone on the couch laughing and playing and talking he put on a fake smile and joined them. But Bonnie saw through it straight away
"Damon what's wrong what happened?"
Damon felt his eyes swelling up again
"Nothing Bon, have you seen Kai?"
Bonnie looked at him unsure
"He left saying he needs to see what the night at Athens coven wants. Also I spoke to him. He is willing to help us so he is kind of  a double agent now."
Damon nodded
"I'm going to head up to my room."
He left, they looked at him skeptically.
"I'll go see what's up."
Bonnie said to them, they nodded and she went after him. His door was shut. She knocked on the door
"Hey Damon, it's me Bon, can I come in?"
Bonnie asked gently, Damon called yes back out. She slowly opened the door and went inside. He was sitting on the bed. She sat down next to him.
"We broke up."
He whispered, Bonnie's face fell in shock. She couldn't say anything. Damon stood up and walked over to a wall.
She whispered, she could see the pain in her bestfriends face. "What happened?"
She asked
Damon slid down the wall and just stared straight ahead.
"Why Bon, why does everyone keep leaving me. Am I that bad. I know i have done horrible things and I don't deserve to feel love but I can't take it, I can't let someone else leave me. I have been so strong for so long, I just want someone to always choose me no matter what, I want to be someone's first choice."
His head fell and his body shook as he cried silent tears. Bonnie sat next to him and hugged him rubbing soothing circles on his back. He looked up
"I don't deserve to have you as a friend Bonnie"
She hushed him
"I'm right here Damon and I'm not leaving. You and Elijah will find your way back to each other I promise, if you don't... his loss."
Bonnie got Damon into his bed and went and lied down next to him. She put on a movie. He groaned
"Seriously I'm not a teenage girl experiencing her first heartbreak."
Bonnie rolled her eyes
"We are doing this, it's the go to break up guide, I can call Caroline if you want."
She suggested, damon eyes widened
"No absolutely not. Play the movie"
She laughed and got back in the bed next to him. Eventually they both fell asleep.

Elijah POV.

"goodbye Damon"
I pressed a kiss on his cheek and vamped home. I had tears still falling. I couldn't stop them. I tried to. I tried so hard but I couldn't so I let them fall. I rang the bell and Rebekah opened the door. Her eyes widened at my state
"OMG Elijah what's wrong what happened."
I shook my head and pushed past her to go inside. I went to the bathroom and washed my face, it was no use the tears kept falling. I came out and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Rebekah was following me around, not in the annoying way in the way I was glad she was there. I drank water and sat down on the ground.
"Are you ready to talk about it now?"
She asked, and I shook my head.
"Did our Mikaelson curse come true, did it happen to you two?"
I nodded
"Loving any of us is a curse, it is worse than a death sentence."
I looked up at Rebekah, she nodded
"You and Damon are a beautiful couple, a couple everyone loves and roots for, you will find eachother again, I'm sure of it."
She tried to comfort me.
I stood up,
"I hope so, sister."
She sighed
"Come on let's go."
I look up at her confused, where is she taking me
"We are going to follow the traditional breakup guide. Step 1: MOVIE NIGHT"
I shook my head, she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the living room forcing me to sit. I sighed and complied. She put on "van helsing" and I felt myself smiling before growing upset again.
We were together on the couch having a date day.
"For goodness sake Damon just put on a movie."
I groaned frustrated.
"Relax Elijah I am trying to put one on. I'm not the one who hates every single movie."
He pointed out
"Don't be so sassy."
I told him
"Or what?"
He smirks looking at me. I roll my eyes
"Just put on a movie. And don't pout."
He sighed, pouting and was about to argue before he got distracted. I watched him and shook my head at him smiling. He kept browsing till he found one.
"Van helsing"
I groaned and shook my head no, he shook his head yes.
"Absolutely not. This is terrible representation of our species"
I cringed, he grinned
"Exactly why. It is hilarious.
"Damon I will get up and leave."
I threatened. He ran his hand up and down my chest through my unbuttoned shirt, I shivered under his cold fingers
"Oh come onnnnn, please"
He asked, slowly leaving open mouth kisses on my neck. I shook my head
But we both knew I was going to crack. He kept kissing my jaw and sucking my neck.
"Please, please, please."
I shook my head. He came and pressed himself right into my side, kissing the side of my mouth "let's just watch van helsing"
He said, I still said
Wow this is serious self restraint. He ran his finger on my lip and pulled my bottom lip down. He lightly bit my bottom lip and then kissed me. I pushed him off me.
"Fine, we will watch the stupid movie"
I groaned. He smirked and played the movie. Of Course I didn't let him get away with it. I kept annoying him throughout the movie. At one point I placed my hand on his leg near his thighs and squeezed lightly, he looked at me but I looked straight ahead. I went higher and rested my hand on his jeans near his cock.
He warned. I simply sat as though nothing happened. I started rubbing that area and felt him grow hard. He clenched his jaw and grinded against my hand, I pulled away and continued watching the movie
"What the hell."
He glared, I shrugged. I did the same thing again this time unzipping his jeans and rubbing his dick through his boxers, he was grinding against my hand moaning in pleasure, I gave him short sweet praises in his ears, I could tell he was close so I pulled back. His eyes flung open
"Damon, where is your attention we are watching a movie."
I tutted in fake disappointment. He growled
I turn and look at him
He groaned
"I hate you."
I laugh
"No you don't you love me"
"I hate you."
"you love me"
"I hate you."
"you love me"
"I hate you."
"you love me"
"I hate you."
"you love me"
"I hate you."
"you love me"
"I hate you."
"you love me"
"I hate you"
"You hate me"
"I love yo- wait. YOU TRICKED ME"
He shouted
"Aww thanks I love you too"
I laughed, he grumbled something before getting up and walking to my room, I got up and followed him. Lets just say I was so glad we have no neighbours and we were alone that day because I swear the volume that he screamed at that night, everyone in mystic falls would've known my name ... all because he saw a cockroach. Why else...
*end of flashback*
I felt a tear fall down my face and quickly wiped it away.
"Thanks for this Rebekah but I think I will head to bed"
I told her, she nodded and I went to bed. After being lost in thought for a while I managed to sleep.

(A/N - WOAHHHHHHHHHHH I - I - I - WHAT WAS THAT. ok firstly we love a bit of KAIMON NO? I DID NOT THINK KAI WOULD COME IN THIS STORY BUT HE DID IG. NOW DID WE EXPECT THAT??? Also delijah breaks up. I AM SO SORRY FOR THAT. THE HURT THE PAIN. I did it because I couldn't say goodbye to the story. So we have MORE PARTS.)

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