Part 6: Salvatore and Mikaelsons : the dinner pt 2

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(A/N - there is a sexy Delijah moment in this chapter as I know I have been so cruel. So enjoy. But you might hate me after.)

Damon POV.

I walked out of the dining room and just walked around the house. It was a large house, I saw a studio room with canvas' and paints, I went inside and started looking at the paintings.
I heard a voice call out, it was Elijah he was looking for me, I didn't respond, I felt him stand outside the studio
He said I didn't answer and he walked into the room and stooped opposite me.
"You're mad at me."
I roll my eyes.
"Well, now can we talk?"
He asks, I shrug.
"I shouldn't have said what I did today afternoon, I shouldn't have called you a manwhore or say you don't care about people's feelings."
I turned to face him
"don't be, everything you said was true."
He came up to me straight away
"No, it is not true at all, I was bring immature and stupid, you said you slept with Katherine so I thought you had feelings for her."
he said. I raised my eyebrows and smirked
"well, I don't like Katherine. But why do you care."
He rolled his eyes but didn't answer.
"So you're talking to me again."
He said
"I was never not talking to you."
His eyes grew wide
"seriously? You ignored me the whole of the dinner. Even after I apologised."
I looked at him
"well, I couldn't make it too easy. Besides, it was cute. You know you're apologising, making those sad faces. Looking at me longingly with those eyes that were practically begging"
I whispered the next part
"I want to take you."
He looked at me shocked
"you must be very observant then"
I nodded, He shook his head
"well then, I guess I got what I deserved."
I nodded
"oh you definitely did."
He laughed.
"I'm glad we're talking again."
He said
I asked him. He turned and looked at me
"well, you know"
he said slowly
"I thought we're friends, I don't like fighting with my friends, I didn't like fighting with you."
He whispered the last part.
"Ooo so now we're friends huh, I'm talking to you again, doesn't mean you're forgiven."
I pointed out. He sighed
"you are skeptical of my intentions, rightfully so, I don't know what to do to make you believe me but I assure you this time, I am on your side."
I scrunch my face
"I want to believe you I do, but Klaus is your brother, he is your family and you care about him-"
he cut me off
"but you're more important in this moment."
I look up at him about to make a snarky comment
"shut up, just enjoy it."
He rolled his eyes, I laughed and did as he said slouching on the wall beside him. He broke the comfortable silence after a while
"so... You and Elena huh?"
I squinted my eyes at him
"whyyyyy, jealous?"
He answered back quickly
"god no."
I nod
"Yh, once Stefan and Elena broke we became closer and started to fall in love, she is so beautiful and caring."
His grip on the curtains metal pole tightened and I sniggered
"yh, she's really fun to be around and sweet and if your grip becomes any tighter you will pull the curtain off. So, not jealous right?"
He shook his head
"no, go be with Elena, why should I care."
He stiffened and got ready to leave the room.
"Elijah, wait"
I laughed quietly, he turned around quickly
He snapped
I whispered in a singsong voice
"well you don't have to admit it, oh and just so you know I don't love Elena."
He froze and smiled
He asks, I rolled my eyes
"Elena needed Stefan to move on because she didn't want to be with him, so I helped her, we're faking it and are just friends."
I told him
he said
"you can't date other people"
"excuse me?!"
I exclaimed
"no, you don't tell me who I can and can't date, I'll date whoever I want."
He looked at me
"that came out wrong"
I rolled my eyes
"I bet it did, indecisive dickhead can't make up his mind."
I mutter loud enough for him to hear, he watches me amused then snorts,instantly covering his mouth, I look at him laughing
"what the hell was that."
He looked at me shocked,
"I don't know, I never do that."
"Of Course you don't, snorting isn't a very sophisticated action."
I laughed, we stared at each other for a while before bursting out laughing, we end up sitting on the floor laughing like teenagers, when we stopped he brought his hand up to my face
"god you have no idea what you do to me Damon"
he muttered staring into my eyes frustrated, I lifted my head to look straight into his
"I think I do."
I whispered, his eyes darkened filled with lust
"what makes you say that?"
he breathed tracing the side of my face with the back of his fingers
"because I saw you checking me out when I came, your eyes tracing up and down my body with a gleam of excitement"
I replied resisting the urge to let my eyes shut.
"Oh yh"
he whispered back
"Maroon is my favourite colour",
he traced the outline of my lips
"but why do I feel like you knew that?"
I smirked in response.
"Are you hungry, you look pale Elijah."
I asked, he shrugged
I bit into my thumb and put it on his lips, spreading some of my blood across his lips, he opened his mouth slightly shocked I used the opportunity to drag his bottom lip down with my thumb letting blood get on his teeth and inside his lips, I quickly took my thumb off, he was still shocked, watching me wide-eyed open mouth with eyes practically black, I took my thumb grazing the rest of the blood off with my normal teeth as the wound closed.
he groaned
"stop, before I lose all self control."
I smirk
"maybe you should."
I leaned in closer to him and he came closer, we sat just a millimetre away from each other open mouthed staring into eachothers dark eyes. Any movement would cause our lips to touch. "Damon, If you kiss me I'm not letting you leave here with the ability to walk."
He breathed out heavily, I felt my pants tighten.
"That sounds like a challenge, I hate putting down a good challenge." The sides of our noses touched, I looked down and saw that he was also turned on, not just me.
"Is this the way to get your forgiveness?"
He asked
"It is an idea I'm open to."
I smiled.
"Your suit is new."
I said, he nodded causing our lips to lightly brush
"I got it especially for today, for our date, you noticed."
I press my lips together in a thin line
"but I thought it wasn't a date."
He leaned closer and moved to the side of my face
"I lied or exaggerated at most"
he whispered in my ear, I felt a shiver run down my spine. I ran my hand up and down his neck feeling goosebumps rise on his warm skin when my cool cold daylight ring touched him.
"I did notice."
I whispered feeling his uneven warm breath on my neck. I grabbed his hand a guided him to trace his own blazer
"I saw this new suit jacket"
I moved onto his shirt
"and this shirt with the new tie"
I let go of his hands and tugged his tie, he lifted his head back to face me,
"we should go see if our brothers have killed each other."
I groan god I wish Klaus and Stefan weren't here.
"Me too"
he winked, I look at him confused cause 1) what and 2) since when is he flirty
"about our Brothers being here, you said it out loud."
He laughs, I cringe inwardly. He stands up and offers his hand, I take it and stand up, I slip on one of the papers Klaus had lying around, for god sake Klaus, I fall and Elijah lands on top of me. What in the twilight romcom is happening.
"Hi there."
He says hands on either side of me.
I threw him off of me and stood up, helping him up.
"What was that for''
he asked, taking my hand
"eh, just because I wanted to."
I walked out with him following me
"you are literally a child"
"yh but you love it."
I say, quickly regretting it hoping he hadn't noticed, I realised he heard what I said but didn't care when I heard him mutter to himself
"literally anyone Elijah, anyone at all but you had to get mixed up with the most dramatic person on this earth."
I snorted
"I heard that."
He replied
"Good, drama queen."
We go back in the dining room to see everyone still alive, except for the blonde who served us, she was on the floor dead, awh what a shame she was pretty, I kinda liked her, I saw Elijah discreetly smirking at the dead girl, I smiled and mouthed to him
"you were jealous."
He just looked away from me. I walked up to Klaus
"alright, Klaus, it's time for you to put an offer on the table."
He smirked
"fine, I have a proposition, Elena Gilbert will live a long and happy life, fall in love with a human boy, forget the two of you and stay alive. That lovely mystic falls human Matt maybe?"
I look at him
"seriously, Matt Donovan."
I look at Stefan, of course we can't agree with this, he walks up to Klaus and shakes his hand, what is he doing?
"Nice try Klaus but no deal."
I let out a sigh of relief, Klaus growls in anger kicks Stefan at the back of his knees making him fall and pushes his arm into the fire, Stefan lets out a scream, I go to attack Klaus when I find myself pinned to a wall by Elijah, Klaus smirks at his brother and Elijah smirks back, ofcourse, Elijah has betrayed us again, I was a fool to trust him again.
"What are you doing?"
I asked him, he didn't respond, just held me against a wall with an emotionless face.
"Now get me my coffin before I burn him alive"
Klaus threatened. Elijah dropped me, his hand on my chest, I glared at Klaus
"I'll get it"
moving Elijah's hand off of me and barging past him purposely bumping into his shoulder forcefully causing him to move slightly
"go with him Brother, you keep him honest."
Klaus told Elijah, Elijah nodded walking out with me. I walked ahead of him quickly ignoring him, greatly  pissed off.
"Damon, Damon, Damon, just listen to me."
He called out after me. He jumped in front of me forcing me to stop.
"My young Raven just listened to me please"
stopping me with his hand on my chest again. I push it off.
"Don't Nickname me, I have a name. I was am idiot for trusting you again, god how could I be so stupid. Well done Elijah what an actor, you had me fooled, with everything in the drawing room I genuinely believed you. And I don't belong to anyone so don't you dare fucking call me yours, dick."
I exclaimed. He just looked at me amused
"are you done or so you wish to continue."
Is he actually kidding me right now
"no, I'm not done you know what, you called me a manwhore but you can't even handle your own feelings, you send me mixed signals which are infuriating THEN, I find out you are in love with someone else, to top it off someone I know well, who Bonnie? Cause she has Enzo, or is it Katherine, your precious Katerina, if so go be with her, you are both excellent liars, just stop confusing the shit out of me."
He pressed his lips together covering his mouth suppressing his laugh
"is something funny."
I spat out. He shook his head still trying not to laugh
"Ms Bennett is good company but I am definitely not in love with her and Katherine is a no." His phone rang
"one second. DON'T LEAVE YET."
He picked up
"hello Ms Bennett we were just talking about you, is it done?"
Come on Elijah, call me Bonnie, you make me sound like an old lady and yes it is done, also why were you talking about me?"
I hear Bonnie speak on the receiving end, I stand arms crossed glaring at Elijah,
"well Ms ben- Bonnie, Klaus told Damon I am in love with someone he knows very well and he thought it was you."
It was silent for a while before Bonnie burst out laughing, Elijah looked at me suppressing his laugh
"Why of course Elijah we are deeply in love."
Bonnie said, still giggling,
"of course we are Bonnie."
Elijah said back, shaking his head.
"God he really is an idiot."
Bonnie said, I glared at Elijah
"Stop talking about me like I'm not right here."
Elijah nodded
"the biggest one I've met, now I need to go prove my loyalty and intentions, goodbye Bonnie" he said cutting the phone. I start walking out the house
"where are you going"
he asked
"somewhere you are not."
I gave him a fake smile.
"Drama queen."
He muttered.
"I'm going to get the stupid coffin."
I said, we heard a large sigh and I looked at Elijah in confusion
"Damon, I have some people you need to meet."
Just then three people walked in
"these are my siblings Kol, Rebekah and Finn."
"Morning Elijah."
The one he said was Kol said.
"Let's go give that bastard a taste of his own medicine, how long do you reckon it will take for his heart to grow back"
the girl, Rebekah, said.
"So, you are all going to defeat Klaus in your whole family drama thing."
The two younger ones Kol and Rebekah nod grinning, the one he said was Finn came and bowed in front of me. I jumped back looking at him like he was a weirdo.
"Thank you, for your assistance Mr Salvatore."
I nod
"erm... Sure dude."
Elijah spoke up
"Bear with my brother Finn, He is slightly old fashioned."
I look at Elijah
"so... Like you basically."
I laughed, he raised his eyebrows shaking his head, Kol snorted and Rebekah chuckled. Elijah rolled his eyes,
"let's just go''
Rebekah goes out near the entrance waiting for her cue, Kol and Finn wait on the sides of the room. Elijah and I headed back into the room
"I told you, you are more important"
he whispered, I smiled at him and he smiled back, we stepped into the room
"Brother, Damon you are back so soon."
Elijah stepped in front of me all protective and sexy, god the man was gorgeous, he made me want to rip off all his clothes and put that tie to use and - focus, Salvatore, focus.
"Well, Niklaus, I realised you didn't offer dessert how rude."
He took off the lid on the plate to reveal the daggers.
"No, what have you done?"
Klaus growled
"Niklaus I know better than to trust your false promises, come out siblings"
Elijah called and grabbed my arm pulling me back while Kol walked out.
"Long time brother."
He stabbed the dagger through Klaus' hand Klaus screamed, oh that looked harsh. Finn came and Klaus pleaded, Finn stabbed his other hand, he tried to run when Rebekah walked in and stabbed him in the stomach, I grimaced ouch that one had to hurt. Klaus fell and Elijah went and dug his hand in his chest, he was going to rip out Klaus' heart when a voice called out "ENOUGH''
They all turned to face the voice
They asked in unison, Stefan and I looked at each other 'mother?' We mouthed.
"That is enough children. Niklaus do you know why I am here."
She asked
"you're here to kill me."
He said fearfully, this is intense family drama where there is popcorn.
"No my child I am here to forgive you."

(A/N - woooohoooo that was spicy, don't know about you but that shit turned me onnnnnnn. U wish that was you huh. Lmao same girl, bro, me too me too)

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