Part 11: It can be just us.

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(A/N - this story has no plot now... I don't know where it is going ok?)

Elijah POV.

I woke up in the morning with Damon. That made me smile. He was still asleep with his head on my shoulder, I couldn't contain my smile and sighed in content when he buried himself closer to me, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. He is truly gorgeous. It was the first time I got to see him so vulnerable yet comfortable and no resistance. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he stirred, I kissed his forehead and he smiled. He opened his eyes, lifted his head and kissed me open mouthed long and deep, my eyes were still shut from pleasure when he pulled away
"good morning."
He whispered. I leaned in again towards him kissing him deeply and softly,
I pulled back.
"I had fun last night."
He smirked at me. I pressed my lips into a thin smile remembering last night
"me too"
we sat up in the bed still resting together, I intertwined our hands he laughed
"god you are so mushy."
I raise my eyebrows
"I can stop if you want."
He shook his head
"No, It's cute, very you, it makes you who you are ''
I smile at him, I'm in love.
he began playing with our hands
"When did Elijah Mikaelson fall in love with I, THE Damon Salvatore."
I rolled my eyes.
"Well, you were always attractive, I wouldn't deny that, when we first met I was intrigued by you. I didn't realise when I started liking you, I think I was beginning to care for you in a way more than an alliance or a friendship when I took your ring that morning. Then the morning you stood shamelessly in front of me naked, I knew I was attracted to you. I admitted to myself that I liked you when I became extremely jealous of the way you and Katherine flirted and the fact you came to mystic falls together. I don't remember the exact moment I fell in love with you but I acknowledged it when you heard you nearly died, when Bonnie told me I felt my heart drop so I knew I loved you."
I told him, he was grinning.
"What about you?"
I asked, he shrugged
"honestly I have no clue. I mean I enjoyed constantly teasing you, dancing at the decade dance, the constant flirting. It happened and I didn't even realise."
He ran his finger up and down my chest
"I also really really enjoyed having your hands around my neck, every time you held me against the wall, it was so so hot."
He whispered seductively, I felt him grow hard, I clenched my jaw raising my eyebrows, he pressed open mouth wet kisses on my collarbone, my breath hitched and I grew hard myself. He started grinding against me, I moan in pleasure. He kisses me and I kiss back, I roll us over so I'm on top of him, I start kissing him and we make out, slowly passionately, it is gentle and caring not like yesterdays greedy and needy sex. I start leaving hickeys on his neck which disappear. I pull the sheets off of us and kiss down his body. I get to his chest and stop, I start rubbing his left nipple with my thumb and swirl my tongue round his right nipple, I start to suck it gently, lightly biting it in between my teeth, he lets out a moan when I swap sides and start grinding against his hips. I kiss him again and he flips us over, he sits on top of me grinning, I look at him curious. He sticks his middle finger in his mouth slowly and pulls it back out, he repeats and I watch him mouth hanging open, he adds his ring finger grinding on me while sucking his fingers, I prop myself on to my elbows
I groan sexually tortured
"mmm Elijah"
he teases. I clench my eyes shut but open them again when I feel him move off of me. He spreads my legs and rubs his wet fingers near my hole, so that's what he was doing, he rubs circles pushing but not entering,
I fall back, he pushes his finger in slowly, my eyes roll back, he takes it slowly adding the other finger, he pushes in and out leaving me a moaning mess, chanting his name, praying no one is home, he takes my dick into his mouth slowly sucking all of it. today was different. It was slow and passionate. I felt myself coming close to release, he went faster, I came in his mouth and he quickly swallowed and cleaned up. I brought him up to me and kissed him, I touched my own cock waiting for it to harden while kissing him.
"get on top."
I instruct, he lifts his eyebrow but does so, I help him line himself with my cock, I slowly lower him and he moans, I sit up to hold him close and he starts riding slowly while kissing me, "Damon''
I breathe out.
He hums.
"I love you"
I moan out really loudly. He Keeps moving
"Elijah, I love you too"
he pants. I thrust in sync. We moaned and called each other's names, throwing our heads back as I jerked his cock and he came onto my stomach and we reached our orgasms together. we lie back on to the bed.
"best way to wake up ever."
he grins. I roll over and grab my phone. 23 miss calls and way too many text messages. I saw the latest one from Klaus 'something is wrong where are you? call me.' I sigh
"Damon, where is your phone?"
he moves around looking for it.
he says after he tries to turn it on. I sigh, my phone rings, it's Bonnie.
I pick up.
"Omgg Elijah Finally, where the hell have you been, why haven't you picked up."
I look at the very naked and very smug man next to me and try to come up with a lame excuse, "erm, I have been at home, I couldn't find a charger sorry."
Damon snorts from next to me and I shrug. Bonnie sighs
"of course you were home."
I heard her talk to someone
"how was I supposed to know, the door was locked we couldn't get in,"
Klaus said, I pressed my lips together, Damon had sealed the door, with a lot of things.
"Hey Elijah have you heard from Damon?"
She asked, I looked at him and he shook his head
"not yet"
he mouthed. I nod,
"No why?"
she sighs
"he was with you last and now we can't find him. after you gave him the cure what happened." "he went home saying he is exhausted, let me call him, I'll call you back."
she calls out to Enzo telling him I'll handle it
"ok Elijah, If you can't find him we will do a locator spell."
I smirk
"I don't think that will be necessary I will get him."
We cut the phone and I turned back to face him
"so, wherever will you find Damon Salvatore?"
he asks, I laugh and place a small kiss on his pouty lips
"hmm I don't know, I will have to call him and hope he picks up."
"Well if it is a certain original he might pick up"
I start smiling at him
"yeah he has a soft spot for Klaus Mikaelson"
Damon grins, I look up at him and he starts laughing. I shake my head and punch him in the shoulder playfully
"go shower, I'll put a fresh pair of clothes out here for you."
he sighs but gets off and walks to the ensuite bathroom completely nude.
I called after him, he kept walking to the bathroom and turned when he got inside
"nothing you haven't seen before Elijah."
I shake my head at him
"you are shameless"
he nods
"ooo but you love it."
I look down and smile before looking back up
I point
"Hurry and shower, towels are in there"
he closes the door before opening it and poking his head out
"join me"
he waggled his eyebrows.
"Hell no"
I say.
"why not"
he teases
"because if you have forgotten there is a problem. one which will not be sorted by shower sex." I roll my eyes. he fake gasps
"who said anything about sex, here I thought YOU wanted something more than sexual."
I raise my eyebrows
"we all know where it would have led"
he sighs.
"don't say I didn't offer. oh well maybe next TIME"
he locked the door. I shake my head smiling. I change the bedsheets because you know. Then I take a black jumper and pair of jeans out for my young raven, they should fit. I take a shower in Klaus' room then put on a suit, a new one. I go back into my room and sit on the bed with a book. Finally the water turned off, he took his time. He walks out whistling a tune with a towel wrapped low around his hips, water dripping down his chest and his hair wet. I looked up through the book, he was moving around drying his hair.
"take a picture Elijah it will last longer."
he laughed. I quickly looked back down staring hard at the book pages. wait why was I acting like this, we literally said I love you to each other. I sigh
"well you took your time."
I say there we go.
"yup, I liked your shower. I was thinking of all the times you must have been in there, naked. then I thought of you naked and the things I want to do."
I stand up quickly.
"clothes are there, get ready quickly and go to wherever they are I will arrive after you."
I walk out and he laughs behind me. I walk back in before I leave the house, thankfully he is dressed.
"you are flirty, all the time. and it is really annoying but really sexy. So I'm going to do this and then leave before it gets further''
I walk up to him and kiss him, grabbing the back of his neck, I lick the bottom of his lip and he opened his mouth, we continued kissing and I pulled him closer into me, he let out a moan and we finally pulled away
"I want you to keep thinking about that''
I whispered
"especially after all your teasing and flirting."
I vamped out.

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