Part 1: Make a decision.

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(A/N - we are doing a slight time jump but obviously I will go back into the past to explain. Don't panic, only six weeks.)

Damon POV.

The past 6 weeks have been weird and complicated, a lot has happened since the sacrifice and everyone has been through a lot together. It has been six weeks since Elijah left. Well since he was supposed to leave. I find myself in the place where Eliah and his siblings' coffins are, I flung them open, till I saw Elijah's face, dead and desicated. Right now I am standing in front of him, he lays in a coffin daggered, a dagger I am about to pull out of him. I can hear footsteps, Stefan, he is about to come down, I have to make a decision to wake Elijah or not. My hand hovers over the dagger unsure whether I should take it out or not. I take a deep breath, I have made a decision. How did everything become so messy?

(A/N - and we are going to go back to see how it all came to this in the first place.)

[6 weeks ago]

The night Damon healed from the wolf bite.
I hear shuffling before I feel someone come and sit next to me on the bed. I feel fingers brush my face, I stir lightly and open my eyes,
I turn to see him. He smiles lightly
I try to sit up but can't, he lifts my head gently onto his lap, I lay still for a while feeling comfortable and safe.
"What are you doing here, you betrayed us, you betrayed me."
I remember and say hurt, hurt by his betrayal. He takes some time before reply
"I know"
he sighs
"and for what it's worth I am sorry, I got Klaus' blood, here drink this."
He takes out a vial of blood and feeds it to me. I refuse the blood.
"How? What deal did you make with him."
I ask him forgetting any anger I had towards him knowing he must have made a deal with his brother
"It does not matter."
He ran my fingers through my hair and brought the vial to my mouth, I parted my mouth for him to feed me the blood.
"Are you going to leave?"
I ask Elijah, upset at the thought of him having to go.
"I'm sorry you know I have to. We can't be together"
he tells me, nodding. He stays with me for a while with my head resting in his lap. After a while he gets up to leave, he lifts my head and lies me back down on my pillow, his face just a few inches away from mine. He leans down further and places his lips gently onto mine. I press back gently before he parts them and leaves. The kiss was a short kiss, a goodbye kiss. This was it I guess.
I remained still on my bed for a while until my wound healed up. Once the scar was gone and I no longer felt like dying I went downstairs where everyone was seated drinking bourbon, it was quite late and they all looked knackered.
"You guys haven't gone home yet?"
I walk downstairs and pour a drink for myself too.
Bonnie exclaims jumping to come hug me, I hug her back.
"You guys should go home and get some sleep. You have a well earned day off tomorrow, we all do, finally the Klaus drama is over."
I tell them. One by one they slowly start to leave, they all tell me to stay safe and rest. I tell them to do the same. Once everyone is gone it's only Stefan and I left in the house. Until they all walked back in.
Caroline exclaimed. I roll my eyes.
"What do you guys want."
They all sit on the couches and lay on the carpet on some pillows and duvets.
"Well we decided to spend the night here together, as a family."
Caroline says before laying out 2 blow up air mattresses. Where the hell did she get them from, wait it's Caroline. I shake my head at them and tell them to sleep. It's getting late. Stefan and I head upstairs
"Glad to have you back Brother."
He toasts his glass to me.
"Happy to be alive."
I toast mine to him. He nods at me before we both head to our rooms. Not thinking of anything else I lay on my bed and shut my eyes. Worries, questions and issues can be dealt with tomorrow but for now, I close my eyes and fall asleep.
I wake up in the morning and can't hear any noise, I can hear light breathing and snoring so everyone still must be asleep. I decide to take a shower. I set the water temperature while I take off my clothes. When it reaches the perfect temperature I step inside and let the water fall through my hair onto my body. Elijah. He was all I could think about, I mean I didn't want to but I couldn't help it. Every moment we fought, every time he saved my life. He is such a sophisticated class A jerk. When he first came at an event Carol lockwood introduced us unaware of our Alliance, I still didn't trust him, he asked to talk in private so I led him into a room. I pissed him off, it's what we do, we talk, we stare, we smile, I piss him off and he holds me against a wall. It was different this time, he stabbed me with a pencil in the neck. God the way he moves. The thing about Elijah is he keeps a serious face or a light smile, you never know what he is thinking, his charming exterior covers the monster he is, no one would suspect he is a vampire. He was mad at me for not showing respect so he stabbed the pencil in my neck, I called him a long string of curse words to which he simply stared at me amused and offered his handkerchief. I snatched it from him and stopped the blood flow. He smiled and walked out. I was pissed obviously but more pissed at the fact that the situation turned me on. Aggravated that he had the effect on me. Though later I discovered I wasn't the only one. The day he saved me from the wolves, he got really close to me to take off the collar around my neck and when I smirked at him he said nothing but his breathing was uneven and loud and I could even hear his heart pumping. The teasing, the fighting and the flirting, I did not realise when I began to care for him or when I started to like him. The thing is when he is with me he doesn't need to be a fake good vampire, he can embrace who he truly is. I smile at the memories while the water runs down my body. Caroline snaps me out of my trance when I hear her shout from outside.
"Damon, how long will you be the rest of us need to use the showers, your house is the only vervain and wolfsbane free, Tyler is using Stefan's I need to use yours."
I sigh before turning off the water, drying off and getting dressed. I walk out and tell her the showers all hers to use. She rolls her eyes and goes inside. When I go downstairs Bonnie tells me to stay quiet and beckons me over to her. I look at her curiously and walk over to her.
"Everyone else is gone Tyler is waiting for Caroline in Stefan's room then they'll leave."
She tells me. What is she getting at I don't understand.
"Look over there, at Elena and your brother. Stefan asked her to be his girlfriend again."
I look at the two Stefan holding her hands looking at her and Elena shaking her head and apologising. My eyes grew wide in realisation, I turned and looked at Bonnie
"she said no."
Stefan's eyes grew darker and he was angry. He dropped her hands and spat out to Elena "leave."
She looked upset
"Stefan I- please."
He stood up and turned away from her
"you have no reason to be here, leave Elena before I do something I regret."
Bonnie and I were eating popcorn from a bag, what it is free entertainment. She turned and looked at us and we both looked at each other caught red handed and shrugged at her sheepishly, it lightened up her mood she laughed and walked over to us.
"Why did you say no?"
Bonnie asked her. Elena sighed
"I do love him and I care about him but if this whole thing taught me anything it is that I need something more and he deserves better then what I can give him. We both want different things from life I guess. Maybe one day we'll find each other again but for now it's over."
Damn, I look between them
"maybe you guys should go home, I'll talk to Stefan."
I tell them, Bonnie nods and her and Elena head out. I go upstairs to Stefan's room with two glasses and a bottle of bourbon.
"Go away Damon I don't want to hear you gloat about it."
I roll my eyes ignoring him and walk in. I pour us both a glass and go sit next to him on the bed without saying anything just in silence. A single tear fell from his face. I get up and leave knowing he doesn't wish to cry in front of me.
"It'll get better Stef, it will."
He looks up at me and nods. I go back into my room when the bell rings. Who the hell is here. I go downstairs picking up a stake on my way I open the front door fully wide
"Damon fucking Salvatore."
A british Accent speaks. The man at the door has a serious face. I drop the stake and my mouth drops open. I stare in shock for a while.
"No. Way."
A smirk grows on his face and I can't stop myself from grinning. We both stand at the door grinning like cheshire cats and I welcome him inside my house.
'Lorenzo st John."

(A/N - OMGGGGGGGGGG HEHEHEHEHE YASSS ENZO OOOOO. I KNOW enzo comes in s5 but what's the harm in having him come EARLIER. Also that is the end of Stelena for now.)

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