Part 17 :Wait wait woah, so elijah is king and somewhere away

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(A/N - TIME JUMP. SORRRRRYYYYY. but the story needs to move forward rather than Damon and Elijah smut. Not that I mind that. But still. Oh btw I high key want to write a collection of one shots with just DELIJAH sex.)
*5 months later*
Elijah POV.
"Hail to thee kind sir, hail to our leader and our king."
I rolled my eyes these people are ridiculous
"Yes, Francesca we have discussed this you have no need to do that everytime you see me"
The woman in front of me nodded
"There is a dual today, for your entertainment your presence is required."
I nodded
"I will be there thank you. Now is there anything else?"
She shook her head
"I will take your leave sir. All hail to thee, to our ki-"
I raised my hand
"No need."
She stood up and left. This coven of witches reside in the french quarter and have made me their king. They actually offered a throne, luckily I convinced them to let me stay in my old house.
"Hail to thee kind sir, hail to our leader and our king."
I heard a mocking voice come. I shook my head smiling
"Marcellus, I will not hesitate to rip your heart out. What news do you bring."
I asked Marcel, he was like a son to Klaus, he was very dear to our family, I was glad to find him in New Orleans. He pretended to be a part of the coven, anyone who didn't join them they killed.
"Well, the killings have stopped ever since you joined them, tomorrow they are planning a linking ceremony where they link you to them. I spoke to Klaus, him and Bonnie, are trying to find a way to get rid of the coven."
I nodded, I don't care about all this, he knows that, why is he telling me this, he knows who I want to hear about.
"Anyone else?"
I asked, he nodded
"The entire coven has come to New Orleans; they are no longer across the world, Elena and Stefan have refound their love. Bonnie and Enzo are still together, ooo fun fact Katherine slept with Rebekah. Alaric is actually finding out more about the coven and why they think you are their leader."
I glared at him
"If that nonsense is all you are going to bring then leave"
Marcellus had the audacity to laugh
"Well then I guess you don't want to hear about a certain Salvatore, I'll take your leave."
He began to walk out.
I called, he laughed and came back to me hands in mock surrender
"He is going around sleeping with everyone, anyone that could give him information. People think he is acting out as you are gone but he is looking for ways to get you back."
I smiled but covered it
"I don't need saving"
Marcel shook his head
"Yh man not getting involved in that, but you need to convince him to stop, unless you want him dead. There is talk about plans to kill a certain Raven."
He informed me
"No one will touch my Raven."
I growled
"Relax Elijah, I am on your side. From the start remember?"
I nodded and sighed before letting him leave. What has my life become? I broke out of thought as my phone rang. Wait... my phone rang? How, they did some magic to make sure I couldn't get any calls. I instantly picked up without checking any caller ID.
I asked.
There was cheering from the other end
"OMG IT WORKED. I am awesome. Tell him I said hi."
It was Bonnie, I smiled at her familiar sweet voice.
It was Klaus. I clutched the phone to my ear.
"Niklaus? How?"
He chuckled
"Bonnie had been working to break the barrier spell, we can call you now. How is it?"
He asked, I sighed
"It is horrible, they've isolated me from the world. They say I'm their king yet I feel like a prisoner."
I hear more familiar voices
"Woah man that is deep,"
"UGH Tyler don't be mean, come back soon Elijah"
Caroline and Tyler's voices make me chuckle.
"Elijah we miss you down here."
Elena speaks
"We're all trying to find ways to bring you back."
Jeremy chirps in
"Brother you are quite popular here as well. We're waiting for you to come back home."
Klaus chuckled, I felt nostalgic hearing all of their voices
"I'll be back soon, I promise."
Bonnie spoke next
"YES ELIJAH YOU NEED TO COME BACK. I am sick of picking up women's clothings off of the floors from the ones Damon brings home."
I laughed heartily at that
"Well I guess that's enough purpose to come back."
We all laughed, I still felt a small surge of disappointment. I hadn't heard the voice of the one person I wanted to.
"Ok so it's the french quarter in New Orleans, the entire coven is there so it will be hard bu- who's on the phone?"
I finally hear his voice. I feel a surge of relief. After 5 months I finally heard his voice.
"My raven."
I whispered
"Damon, we got Elijah, it worked"
Bonnie squealed. I assumed Damon talk the phone because after a few seconds I heard his voice
He whispered, I clutched my phone close to my ear and let my eyes close
I whispered back
He asked
"It's you, it's really you. Is it really you?"
He asked, I laughed
"It's really me"
He laughed
"We have been trying to get to you for 5 months, I can't believe you're ok."
He whispered amused
"I'm ok Damon I'm ok."
I laughed
"I need you to hold on Elijah, We'll get you soon, but can you do that for me?"
Damon asked, I nodded even though he couldn't see me but quickly sighed
"No, Damon. You can't, you have to stop."
I told him, I could imagine his face drop
"What do you mean?"
He asked frustrated
"If you don't stop trying to find me, they'll kill you."
I told him, I heard him sigh
"And that's a risk I'm willing to take Elijah."
I pinched the bridge of my nose, I was glad to hear his voice but I had to convince him to stop
"It's fine Damon, I swear they treat me well here."
I tried to convince him
"What was all that bullshit about feeling like a prisoner then? We are going to get you back to mystic falls Elijah."
He stated, I sighed
"Why? I thought you hate me?"
I could picture him rolling his eyes
"You and I both know that was bullshit. Now give me a clue about anything to help you."
He demanded
"Uh uh, no way. I'm not telling you anything to help you, I'm not going to let you risk your life.
I gripped the phone.
"Oh I'm sorry Elijah, I don't remember asking you what you want me to do. You don't have a choice Elijah."
I couldn't help but chuckle
"What's so funny?"
He asked
"It's just, I can't believe we haven't spoken for 5 months and when we do the first thing we do is argue."
I said amused
"Yeah well because you are an idiot on a martyr mission."
He retorted, I raised my eyebrows
"Need I remind you who you are talking to?"
I ask him mockingly
"Oh get over yourself you don't scare me."
He replied instantly, I laughed
"I know I don't, it's my favourite thing about you."
I whispered quietly, unaware whether he heard or not.
"We have to go, Bonnie can't hold the barrier down any longer. Don't get yourself killed. Please."
He said.
"Bye guys. Bye Damon."
I heard a chorus of replies back saying bye.
"I'll see you soon Elijah."
Damon said, I heard another voice come
"Damon I think I found someth-"
But the connection cut off so I couldn't hear what the person had to say. I tossed the phone down and sighed. Hearing his voice felt so nice, I miss everything about him so much. And the others but mainly him.
"Hail to thee kind sir, hail to our leader and our king."
A figure appeared in my room, I inwardly groaned if I have to hear that again I will take a white oak stake and shove it in my own heart. I wonder what Damon would have to say about these worshippers, probably a stupid joke to mock them. I felt a smile on my lips
"Our king, our master, our saviour, kind sir hail to our lea-"
I snapped back to reality and gestured for them to get to the point.
"They are prepared for the duel you may come."
I nodded at him before standing to leave. He fell at my feet and I moved back
"Seriously, no need."
He quickly straightened up and walked me out to the main hall. I sat down with the other audience present and the room fell silent on my arrival, yup this will never not be weird.
"Hail to thee-"
Oh God, someone give me a stake, anyone now please.
"Please, you don't have to. Thank you everyone."
I gave a fake smile.
"Today, before the linking party this evening, we shall view a duel for the purpose of ELIJAH MIKAELSON."
There was whooping and cheering and my eyes met Marcels in a panicked state, tonight? No that's too soon. Marcellus gestured for me to relax so I sat back and watched. The fight began, it was boring, two men attacked each other with swords, fighting till death, then women followed, then winners fought, losers fought, stupidity to please me. I let my mind drift.
"I want ice cream"
Bonnie demanded
"I don't care"
Damon replied. I looked at both of them and shook my head at them.
"Damon, I have helped you so many times you can't even get me icecream"
She pouted, he rolled his eyes
"Don't even try that."
She turned and faced me with a large grin on her face
"Elijahhhhhhhhhhhh, can we go to the shops please?"
She asked, Damon glared at me
"Don't you dare say yes to the cunning little witch or-"
I raised my eyebrows
"Or what?"
He thought for a while before smiling smugly
"I'll break up with you."
I rolled my eyes at him
"Drama queen. Fine, Bonnie let's go get ice cream." 
Bonnie grinned and his mouth dropped in shock. I shrugged
"Her puppy dog eyes are almost as good as yours"
I told him, he shook his head at me
"Weak. No spine at all."
He told me, I laughed at him, Bonnie stuck her tongue out at him, he flipped her off.
"Why are you even here, don't you have your own boyfriend, why are you third wheeling?"
I smacked him lightly on his arm
"Be nice"
Bonnie rolled her eyes
"Enzo is out, everyone else is busy, you are the only person I don't really care if you are busy or not. Just if you want to do adult things I'll cover my eyes and ears, not like I haven't walked in before, you guys do it ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE."
We were all sitting on the couch she was sprawled across with her legs on top of Damon and he was comfortably snuggled into me, I was surprised he was willing to show affection in front of other people, I guess Bonnie is an exception. He moved out of my arms and threw a pillow at her and she cackled
"Jeez we get you are a witch no need for the whole evil laugh."
He smirked teasing her, her face fell before she grabbed the pillow and threw it back at him. Children. They are literally children. She got up,
"Come on then ice cream time"
She got up excited and walked to the door, Damon reluctantly got up eventually, I placed my hand on his back and lightly pushed him to walk out, he shuffled.
"Car or vampire speed?"
Bonnie asked, Damon checked the time and bit his lip in thought.
"Don't bite your lip like that,"
I whispered loud enough for only him to hear, he grinned
He asked smug, I narrowed my eyes at him. I walked closer to him and pulled him towards me, he smirked and his arms flung around my neck, I dipped my head and rested my mouth on his neck, breathing on his sweet spot
He moaned out breathily
"Bite your lip again, I dare you"
I spoke against his neck, goosebumps and the hair on his neck raised and he shivered, I brought my head back up
"Bonnie's back"
I smiled. He stared around open mouthed till Bonnie appeared a couple of seconds later
"We'll use vamp speed"
He grabbed her arm and they were off, I followed behind them and we stopped outside a shop. Bonnie went inside and we waited for her. He looked at me smirking, I knew he was planning something. He started using his hands to fan himself
"It is so hot out here"
He took his jumper off over his head, purposefully slow, revealing his v-line as his shirt lifted slightly. My breath hitched and I clenched my jaw. He flung the jumper to me smirking and began walking towards me
"What's wrong baby you look a little flushed"
He had a face of mock concern and checked for a fever. I grabbed his hands and walked him back to the store door, he was grinning. He freed his wrists and held the back of my head, he pulled the strands lightly and lifted my head. He peppered short sweet kisses on my neck, jaw, chin, sides of my mouth, avoiding my lips. He brought his mouth to the side of mine, kissing the side of my lips, I pushed him firmly against the wall next to the door. I placed my hands on either side of his head. He smirked and looked down playing with my tie. He bit his lip again before looking up at me, he leaned forward and I leaned in our lips where about to meet
"Oh my god, Damon there's something you need to see-"
Damon came off of the wall and I let go of him moving next to him
Bonnie shook her head in disgust, Damon smirked at her and put his arms around her shoulder
"I'm sorry you have a boring sex life Bon"
She groaned in displeasure
"My sex life is perfectly fun thank you very much."
They both laughed and we went into the store. She took us to the kids section and I looked at them confused. Damon gasped
"No way"
Bonnie nodded in excitement
He exclaimed like a kid, she grinned nodding, I watched them confused and disturbed. He picked up 2 and gave one to Bonnie
"I challenge you, to a duel"
He spoke in a horrible British accent, she pretended to think about it before saying
"Challenge ACCEPTED"
They began to fight around the store, Damon using his vamp abilities and Bonnie using magic, I watched them amused. Eventually the two of them got kicked out of the store. They ran out laughing, they had tears in their eyes from laughter. Before they left Damon grabbed my face and spoke in an extremely serious tone
"Upon the exile of me and Ms Bennett, we enlist you with a serious mission. You must get the ice cream. Our lives are in your hands."
Bonnie fake pleaded, the two ran out before security could come, everyone's eyes in the store was on me, I nodded my head at them
"Um, that's my boyfriend and his best friend."
I said simply before grabbing ice cream, paying for it and leaving. I got home and they were already there
I asked, they looked at me and burst out laughing, I shook my head and we sat and ate the ice cream and watched a movie. The whole time he stared at me with big doe eyes, swirling the spoon in his mouth, pulling the ice cream off of it with his teeth licking it clean, he let out small moans only I could hear. I felt myself grow hard. He stopped eating and snuggled into me, kissing me lightly on the lips. He waited for Bonnie to become completely engrossed and once she was he started sucking my neck, I bit my lip to make no sound. He moved up to my jaw,
"Damon, don't"
He laughed quietly and brought the blanket on us. He ran his hand down my body and resched my thighs. He traced patterns dangerously low and inwards. I threw my head back, he undone the buckle and slid in hand in my trousers. He grabbed my dick while my boxers were still on and rubbed circles, I clenched my fists and felt the muscles in my stomach tense. He finally slid his hand into my boxers and brushed my dick with his fingers, my body shivered from the sensitive touch. I buried my head in his shoulder muffling any noise. He continued palming me in his hand and I knew I was close, I was just about to come when Bonnie announced
"Enzo is here, I will leave, goodnight guys, love you."
I felt the rush of my climax die down,
"Night bon stay safe"
Damon said, I took a hand out of the blanket and waved bye. Bonnie collected her things and left.
"Concentrate on the movie"
He nibbled on my ear, he moved the blanket and let go of my dick, I groaned from the loss of contact, he went on his knees in front of me and spread my legs. He took my dick and pumped it in his hand first, before taking it in his mouth. He looked up at me and slowly moved up and down my dick. I threw my head back and fisted his hair in my hands, he was teasing. I forced him to speed up and he did, he bobbed his head up and down, he massaged my balls in his hands. After a while I came and he swallowed most of it with a little on the side of his mouth. He came up and took off his jeans and boxers, he pulled my trousers and boxers down to my knees, he sat on my lap and kissed me, I could taste myself on him. I grabbed his shirt and kissed him back. He lined himself with my dick and slowly pushed himself down onto it. He started riding and I held his hips. He threw his head back and moaned, I thrusted up into him, he wrapped his arms around my neck and I brought him down to kiss me. His cock was on my stomach and I started pumping. We both came with each other calling each other's names. He slowly climbed off of me and we cuddled on the couch and fell asleep.
*end of flashback*
"Elijah, ELIJAH"
I snapped back to reality and felt Marcel shaking me.
"You have to make your decision of the ultimate winner."
I nodded and pointed at one of the girls randomly
"You, congratulations you have one. You are all dismissed. I'll see you in the evening."
I got up and walked out. I sighed and lied on my bed in deep thought.

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