Part 4: Emotions... they're complicated.

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(A/N - ok I swear Elijah will be awake and in this chapter, listen yeah I dont mind scrapping it and just making them have sex but SOMEBODY *glares intensely*  (you know who you are) isn't letting me. Hint - they'll have sex after they defeat Esther and like every five minutes after that.)

Damon POV.

My hand hovers over the dagger unsure whether I should take it out or not. I take a deep breath, I have made a decision. How did everything become so messy? I grab the dagger considering to shove it deeper into his heart, I sigh before pulling it out, I leave a blood bag for him, why do I care, he can go out and get his own. I can hear Stefan and Klaus approaching, I leave the dagger next to him, he begins to reanimate. He sees me smirk and shuts the coffin closed before grabbing the sealed coffin and vamping out, leaving an awake Elijah and three other coffins for Klaus. I throw the coffin in the back of the jeep where Bonnie was waiting for me and Katherine steps on the acceleration and speeds off just as I sit so we don't get caught. She pulls up at the Gilbert house in the garage and we all sigh a breath of relief. The three of us look at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter.
"Christ sake Kath you two can't die but I am still very much human, looked like you were about to kill us."
Bonnie said.
"Oh come on Bon you know I wouldn't let you die, It was Damon I was trying to kill." Katherine replies, I roll my eyes
"as charming as ever aren't you."
She fake pouts
"aww don't be sad Damon you know I'm only joking."
and we laugh. Bonnie goes inside to where Elena and Ric are, Bonnie has finally found her mother, she thinks that her mum can help unseal the coffin so while they do that Katherine and I head back to the Salvatore Boarding house.  We both go in and slump on the couch, I throw my legs on top of hers and she lies back
"So what now?"
Katherine asks, I shrug.
"We need to find a way to get rid of Klaus once and for all, we can't kill him but we need him out of our lives."
I say, she nods and we both sit in silence.
"Hey Damon, do you know what's going on with Bonnie and Enzo?"
I looked at her, Enzo told me he planned to ask Bonnie on a date but I don't know what Katherine knows.
"Why, what do you know?"
She looks back at me,
"should I know something, do you know something, what do you know, I know nothing."
I squint my eyes at her, she squints back, neither one of us breaking, then finally
"Bonnie likes Enzo"
she said just as I said
"Enzo likes Bonnie."
We both gasp.
"Ok so enough about them two, I wanna know Damon, what is up with you and mr suit and tie."
She asks, I roll my eyes
"absolutely nothing Katherine." She comes closer to me
"oh come on Damon I've known you for over a century, I can tell when you're lying."
She's smirking. I sigh
"No Katherine, nothing is going on between me and Elijah."
She shrugs
"I mean, I wouldn't blame you, he's hot. I loved him once you know, as I had loved you."
I turn and look at her
"So you didn't?"
She rolls her eyes "
I did love you Damon, I like you better now that you are mean, but the sweet Damon, I did love him. But you're meaner now, sexier it's attractive. So ... Elijah means nothing to you right?"
She ran her fingers down my shirt. I raised my eyebrows
"prove it."
She began kissing my jawline. I lifted my head to give her more space and I could feel her smirk against my neck, she continued to mark my neck and unbuttoned my shirt. Oh whatever Elijah wants nothing to do with me, Katherine is desperate win, win. I throw her off of me and flip us so I'm on top of her,
"no strings."
I tell her smirking she looks back up eyes gleaming with excitement
"no strings."
I attached my lips to hers kissing Katherine roughly she wrapped her hands in my hair and pulled strands of it. I begin undressing her quickly, discarding her clothes while she fiddles around to unbutton my shirt and throw off my shirt, lips still attached. I ran my hands across her body, kissing down her neck sucking on her sweet spot, digging my fingers into her waist just how she likes it. She moans out my name and I smirk against her neck. She pulls me up to kiss me again lying down onto the couch, wrapping her bare legs around my hips and pulling me closer to her, she let out a moan of pleasure when she felt me against her. She flipped up both over again, rubbing my dick through the jeans and sucking on my neck, she sank her fangs in and began feeding, my eyes roll back in pleasure, she stands up and guides us over to the nearest wall she slips out of her lingerie unbuckled my Jeans belt and slides them and my boxers off before I flip us over again.
"I am not like your other boy toys Katherine you can't control me got it?"
She smirked in reply
"crystal clear. Now fuck me."
I press myself against her core
"beg me."
She starts grinding against me
"so pathetic and needy."
I tut. She growls and whispers groggily in my ears
"you need me as much as I want you."
The sex wasn't passionate and romantic, it was just rough and hateful.
"God you are such a bore, I always loved Stefan more than you."
She gasped while pulling my hair.
"God Katherine, you are a manipulative Bitch I hate you." I breathed out as I thrusted in her, she moaned in pleasure
She panted
she moaned
"God, you're being so cruel, you're so hot when you're being mean."
Grabbing my shoulders digging her nails in. We continued insulting each other, I stabilised myself with my hand on the wall on either side of her. While Katherine and I were ... engaged in activities we didn't hear Bonnie walk in.
"Ew gross. Get a room and put on some clothes."
We quickly pulled away from each other.
"Why are you acting so calm about what you just saw."
Katherine asked Bonnie confused while getting redressed quickly.
"Oh no, I am definitely scarred and grossed out and wish I hadn't seen it but we all knew it was gonna happen eventually. Anyways I came to say we need more time, we figured out how to unseal the coffin we just need help doing it. Also Stefan came, Klaus is going crazy over the coffin and is looking for it everywhere. Oh and one more thing a certain original seems to be awake."
Bonnie says. Damon rolls his eyes and finishes getting dressed
"aah yes Mr Elijah Mikaelson, I have to go I have a meeting with the Orignal."
Ths girls look at each other with raised eyebrows.
"Oh hold your horses you two, it's to see if he still wishes to kill Klaus, also I don't even know if he will show."
Bonnie rolled her eyes and Katherine pretended to zip her mouth. I don't know if he will turn up. I left him a note telling him to meet me but he probably won't show up. I get in the car and drive to the location. My phone rings.
"Hello Ric."
I pick up the call
"Damon where the hell are you."
He asks me, I can't tell him I'm meeting Elijah
"In mystic falls."
I try, I can feel him roll his eyes
"No shit. We found Bonnie's mother and we think we can open the coffin."
Now, we just need to stall Klaus.
"Great. Do it, I'll come over in a while."
I tell him
"Why not now, what are you doing."
He questions, I sigh
"Listen Ric I'll explain everything later I have to go now."
I cut the phone looking out infront of me.

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