Part 15 : Did you ever love me? No.

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(A/N - the title.... I swear I can explain it. So basically... ,don't kill me, the pain will be over soon I promise. ALSO Bamon is strictly platonic, nothing romantic, they're like brother and sister in this story. Although, I did ship them in the show. Especially the s2 decade dance where she goes "careful Damon you're starting to sound like you actually care" and he goes "wouldn't want that now would we" and wait - wtf I just sidetracked and went completely off point. What I am trying to say is Bamon is just a friendship in this fic)

Damon POV.

I want to stake myself. Wow. I did not think Elijah leaving me would make me this upset. What the hell I'm Damon Salvatore, eternal stud, I do not cry over anyone, let alone a guy. Suck it up Damon, come on let's go. I woke up and saw Bon was still asleep next to me. She is the best friend a guy could have, don't tell her that. I get out of bed shower and put on different clothes. I take out Bonnie's clothes that I have, what she comes over for sleepovers, she stays here more than she stays at home, I put them on the bed for her. She wakes up a while later.
I chirped combing, not grooming - I'm not Stefan, my hair. She sat up and stretched
"Morning , you seem... good"
I look at her and laugh, I know she is being cautious
"I'm fine Bon, seriously, clean up, I'll wait for you then let's go downstairs."
She looked at me skeptical but quickly showered and got dressed. We went downstairs and everyone's head turned to face us. Instantly I got sympathetic looks from everyone, I groaned "Don't. How do you even know? And yes I'm fine."
They realised I don't want their pity and continued with what they were doing.
"We overheard a bit of your conversation with Bonnie, we stopped listening straight away though I swear"
Stefan told me, I rolled my eyes and told him that it is fine. Suddenly caroline's eyes-widened
"Shit, erm Damon, Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah are going to come today... are you going to be ok, if not we can cancel and then change it or we can go meet them and then -"
"Caroline! It's fine, don't worry, we'll do what it takes to protect the town."
I cut her off from her rambling, she looked at me for a while before nodding. Just then the bell rang, I sighed and looked over at Bonnie
"I learnt a spell to stop hearts and burst cells, just saying. I can practise on Elijah if you want"
She came and casually told me, I shudder, witches are creepy, Bonnie is scary, I shake my head "I don't think you need to do that."
She shrugs, I shake my head smiling. Caroline opens the door and they come in. I immediately stiffen, oh god, I can't do this. Ok. We started dating for a while then also just broke up, it's ok. It happens. Moving on. He walked into the room and our eyes instantly met.

Bonnie POV.

My heart broke for them both, they saw each other and their faces fell. They looked like they wanted to say so much to each other but couldn't. I looked at Klaus and Rebekah who were giving Damon dirts, oh hell no absolutely not. It wasn't Damon's fault. Ok maybe a little bit but they were both to blame. Caroline and Alaric were giving Elijah dirts, great everyone is divided. I sigh really loudly. Damon looks over at me curiously, I shake my head.
"So ... what's up?"
I asked.
"The night at Athens coven attacked us yesterday, after we tried to sleep. They came in and pinned up to chairs, staked up multiple times and burned us with their witch powers. Nothing happened to Elijah as they believe he is their master. We found out what they want. They want Elijah to return with them and be their King."
Klaus said. The rest of them looked confused
"So what are you going to do?"
Elena asked
"Give them what they want."
Elijah said simply.
I sputtered. He looked up at me
"I'm going to leave with them and go back to New Orleans. That way they'll stop hurting people here in mystic falls."
I was shocked. Damon was more shocked than me, he just looked down and didn't say anything.
"Elijah you can't leave."
Enzo told him
"That's what we said, but he's hell bent set on going"
Rebekah replied glaring at her brother
"I have no reason to stay."
Elijah said. Damon was angry now, I could see it on his face. Wait where the hell is Kai. A loud crash came and someone landed in the middle of the room. I spoke too soon.
"OK. I'm sorry. I lied to you guys. I'm helping the mystic falls people, not your coven."
He spoke up at a group of figures crowding over him, this must be the night Athens coven.
"You lied to us. You got in our way. You stopped us from getting to our master."
They twisted their hands reciting spells that cracked his bones. He groaned and stood up
"Well technically your master is right there and he already said he is coming with you"
Falling on the ground again. I whispered to Damon
"She is channelling power from her talisman, get me the witches talisman, once I destroy it she will have no magic"
He nodded.
"Hey witchy-woos what is your actual plan, just out of curiosity."
He asked grinning, why does he always do it in the way to get himself killed. I facepalm. The witches look up confused and stop hurting Kai for a second, that's enough for him to get up siphon the witches magic and kill 4 out of 5 of the witches. 1 one of them the one with the talisman was too powerful.
"Kai uses your magic to pin her to a wall."
Damon told him
"I won't be able to hold her there"
Kai responded
"It's fine, trust me. Do it Kai."
Kai was confused but did it. Damon vamped to her and pulled the talisman as quick as he could and brought it back to Bonnie. Bonnie held it and recited her incantation
"Universa Ruina In Tenebras Ra Damis Infinitum. De Lon Dem Ex Nahal da Six."
The witch broke off from Kai but the talisman destroyed and the witch disintegrated into ashes before she could do anything. Everyone let out a sigh of relief before one of the dead ones grabbed me with black vacant eyes and said
"quaerere unum sumus unus non est super nos adepto. quod est ad finem, non ex nobis, magis nos venit. valenti ora sunt. quos nos non tam facile superavit."
Then her eyes convulsed and fell back down dead. Everyone looked at me confused and concerned.
"She said 'the one we seek is the one that we shall get. this is not the end of us, more of us will come. more powerful ones. ones that will not be defeated as easily as us.' in latin"
I told them. They nodded.
"This is what I mean. I have to leave. If they want me they will keep coming"
Elijah said annoyed now. I was going to protest when Kai started coughing up blood. He was bleeding from the nose. We rushed over to him
"What the hell is going on?"
Elena asked.
"The coven. They hexed me. I'm dying. I'm going to die, it's my punishment."
He fell on the ground. I didn't like Kai but I felt terrible for Damon, he lost Elijah and now he is going to lose Kai.
"Kai shut up, this isn't funny."
Damon told him.
"Damon, I'm sorry, I wish it was a joke, I guess this is my fate right"
He replied. Damon looked down at him with sad eyes
"Kai, I - no, you can't die not like this."
"No you know, I'm ok dying like this. I led a long life, isolated for a lot of it. Till I met you. You made me feel like I belong. I have done some terrible things so if I get to die knowing I saved you and the people you care about, I feel like I would be at peace."
Kai said coughing continuously, Damon looked devastated but he tried to avoid any tears.
"Let's get you into a room."
Damon picked him up and took him upstairs vamping away.
"I'll see if I can find a cure."
Elijah said, I looked at him in admiration, the love Damon and Elijah have is something else. Elijah left the house. Hours passed and nothing. Finally Elijah returned
"There is no cure, he is going to have to kill him"
My eyes widened
"Like he did with Rose? No. Elijah he won't be able to take it."
I said, he nodded
"I know, there's no other choice"
Damon came walking downstairs
"What, I have to kill him, what makes you think I can't take it, I'm a vampire, people die, it happens. I'll do it."
He said emotionlessly.
"Damon you don't have to pretend it's ok."
Elijah said, he shouldn't have, Damon needed Elijah to comfort him but not like this. I shook my head at him telling him to stop.
"Why? Because now all of a sudden you know what I want and what I need."
He remarked bitterly, Elijah puckered his lips and looked down.
"Damon ..."
I began to talk he cut me off
"Let me go tell him."
He vamped back up.

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