Part 2:Augustine

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(A/N - so Enzo is gonna be in this story and him and Bonnie are gonna get together like Straight away coz you know my queen Bonbon deserves the world)

3rd person POV.

Damon stood at the door staring in shock before grinning.
"Lorenzo st John."
He welcomes him inside and the two men hug. Bonnie reappears
"Hey, Elena is back home and Katherine is freed from Klaus. She came to my house and told me what she heard of Klaus' plan, and - who the hell are you"
she freezes as she looks up at Enzo in confusion. Enzo whooshes over to her and bows dramatically catching her hand and kissing it,
"Lorenzo st John, milady, this fools long lost best friend and you are."
Bonnie looks at him quizzically and pulls her hand away,
"not interested."
She states. Enzo places his hands on his heart,
he smirks and a vague almost unmissable smile appears on Bonnie's face as she quickly masks it.
"Who is he?"
She asks him. Damon sighs.
"BonBon I am about to tell you something about me no one knows. And you can't tell anyone. In 1953 I was captured by a group called Augustine. I was there for Five years, tortured, cut open and experimented on every single day. They gave us little blood only enough to not dessicate, we had no strength. Enzo was in the cell next to me, he showed me how to escape, how to gain strength. We became close friends until eventually it was time to leave. There was a fire in which I escaped."
By now Enzo was looking down at the ground trying not to remember his torture, Bonnie had wide eyes and felt herself crying to hear her bestfriend went through so much. Damon had tears in his eyes and continued.
"I tried to break Enzo out of the cell but I couldn't do it without being caught. So I betrayed him. All that time he helped me, convinced me to live, made sure I kept going and I just left him. Like I always do, I betrayed the one person who properly cared for me. I turned it off. I didn't want to leave him behind when I heard him pleading and calling my name, so I turned off my humanity. Lorenzo I am so sorry, I know you can't forgive me but I am truly sorry. If I knew you were alive I would have come back for you when I turned it back on. I only turned it back on in '94."
Damon had tears falling down his face and was shaking with fear. Bonnie went up to Damon and just hugged him holding him close. He expected Bonnie to be disgusted or angry that he left Enzo and he thought Bonnie would call him selfish, heartless and cruel but she didn't. She just held her best friend till he calmed down. Enzo finally spoke,
"Damon, I get why you did what you did, it doesn't matter it is all in the past. I am here now I am free and I am with you my best friend, so what say ready to have me back in your life."
He raises his eyebrows. Damon smirks
"hell yeah."
Bonnie stands up and walks over to Enzo. She lifts her hand and places it out infront of her "Bonnie. Bonnie Bennett."
She smiles and he shakes her hand.
Enzo asked.
"Wow, well I am in great debt to your family, a lady named Lucy Bennett helped me get out. Now anyone wants to fill me in on what is happening."
He plonks down onto the couch and Bonnie sits opposite him. Damon goes to the cellar
and comes back with a stash of blood bags, then proceeds to sit next to Enzo. Bonnie pulls out her phone and begins to show Enzo photos of who everyone is. She shows a photo of Caroline.
"Ok so this is Caroline. She is 17 and a newly turned Vampire. She was in hospital and her condition worsened so we agreed Damon should heal her. Katherine killed her with a pillow so she became a vampire because she died with Damon's blood in her system. She is the queen B of the group. It's always best to do exactly as she says. She has the kindest and biggest heart so I am sure you will get along with her just fine."
Enzo nods still trying to figure out what the device in Bonnie's hand is. Damon snorts at him trying to keep up with technology. Bonnie finds a picture with Matt Tyler and Elena. She points at Matt.
"This is Matt. He is a human and hates Damon, used to hate him but Damon grew on him. He is the only one who cares about the whole town."
She points at Tyler,
"he is a werewolf, he found out recently but Damon killed the one person who could help him. Caroline and him are dating, she helped him transition so they fell in love. Tyler bit Damon and Damon nearly died, the idiot finally realised everyone loves him, you know he was going to die alone without telling anyone."
She scoffs, Damon shrugs sheepishly and Enzo rolls his eyes.
"Who's this?"
He asks pointing at Elena.
"That's Elena. She is a human doppelganger and recently Klaus Mikaelson came to get her to break a curse. Well that's what we thought, in reality he came to unlock his hybrid side, we tried to stop him but we failed, he is the world's first hybrid but we did stop Elena from dying and got really close to killing him."
Bonnie tells Enzo. Enzo looks at Bonnie and asks,
"Why couldn't you don't mind me asking?"
Damon scoffed and rolled his eyes and Bonnie looked at him with sympathy, she sighed and scrolled to the picture Caroline took of Elijah and Damon dancing at the decade dance.
"That's Elijah, Klaus' brother."
Enzo looks at the picture and raises his eyebrows towards Damon. Damon looks at it and feels himself smiling but rolls his eyes and drinks his alcohol, clenching his fists his anger for Elijah was still stronger than any feelings he had for him.
"Caroline took this picture at the decade dance. Elijah was helping us kill Klaus but Klaus offered Elijah their family so he -"
Bonnie began explaining before Damon cut her off
"he betrayed us."
Bonnie and Enzo both look at him but he stared vacantly directly into the fireplace. Bonnie said nothing further about Elijah and showed Enzo a photo of Jeremy and Alaric. She was trying to find a picture of Stefan when Enzo came across a picture of Katherine and Bonnie, laughing and drinking milkshakes
"Elena right?"
Bonnie laughed and shook her head
"no that's Katherine, Elena's evil doppelganger, she is a vampire and Klaus was also after her, he had her kidnapped but released her before leaving town."
Damon laughed at the picture he was the one who took it.
"So she tricked you and acted like Elena as she is evil I presume."
Enzo asked.
"Actually, no. Well they did to Stefan to break the two up but I hate to say this we kinda have become friends, she's a female Damon you can't help it they -''
Enzo finished for her
"grow on you."
Bonnie nodded and they looked at each other and smiled, Bonnie tucked her hair behind her ears. Damon watched his two friends smirking at their exchange. He faked a cough,
"what did you come to say,"
Bonnie looked away from Enzo
"right Klaus' plan."
They groan when they are interrupted again with a knock on the door. Bonnie goes to open it. "I'm back."
Katherine stood at the door smirking she walked in and settled down on the couch,
"what'd I miss?"
She looks at Enzo and offers her hand
"Katherine Pierce. Pleasure I'm sure"
Enzo raises his eyebrows before accepting and placing a kiss on her hand,
"Lorenzo st John, charmed Miss Pierce."
Bonnie rolls her eyes
"If you two are done can we get down to the important stuff."
Damon sniggers he is going to tease her about this later. They all sit back on the couch talking about Klaus.
"So, his plan is to make more hybrids, now that Elena is 'dead' according to him but he is planning on taking Stefan to accompany him because he saved your life, that's what Katherine heard so Klaus should be out of our lives, as for Stefan well it is upto him to decide but if Stefan doesn't go Klaus will take someone."
Bonnie told them, Damon nods.
"Has Niklaus left town yet."
Katherine shook her head,
"he is preparing his family... Klaus is a weird guy he keeps his family in coffins daggered, Elijah is also daggered, it was the price he paid to save your life Damon."
Bonnie looked creeped out at the revelation.
"How kind of him however shall I repay him, I remain in his debt."
Damon said, rolling his eyes sarcastically and annoyed.
"Damon he-"
"he what Bonnie, saved my life, stopped me from leaving, ki-"
he stops himself and sighs
"it was the bare minimum Bon. Anything that happened, was going to happen is done. Ok?" Bonnie nods at him sadly. Katherine asked what they're going to do.
"I think we should pay Klaus' family a visit."
Damon says casually.
"Do you need help."
A voice came, they all turned to see Stefan had drained the blood out of a body, ripped off her head and dropped the limp body. Bonnie stared at him in disgust.
"Ripper Stefan is back"
Katherine and Damon say at the same time looking at each other.
"Wait, Damon how long has it been since you got bitten?"
Katherine asked. Damon looked at her confused.
"It's been four weeks, it's been a month."
Katherine gasped and looked pale Bonnie quickly went up to her with a blood bag and fed her blood.
"Kat are you ok."
Katherine started to panic, she gripped the blood bags then Bonnie's hands.
"Bonnie. Bonnie please. Help me. Stop it. Stop them. Don't let him. Bonnie aaghh. I can't. I don't know what is happening."
Bonnie held her hands trying to soothe her
"Hey hey, hey Kat it's         me Bon you're ok, relax. shh calm down, I need you to tell me what happened so I can help you ok Kat."
Katherine started breathing normally again, until eventually she calmed, Damon threw a blanket to Bonnie for her to put around Katherine, of course Damon cared, he wasn't going to show it. "Klaus, when he compelled me he messed with my head, I thought right now, today was the day after the sacrifice, I've been trapped for a month, the last thing I remember is seeing him dagger Elijah and go after Stefan."
Bonnie nods
"Katherine I can try to fix your mind, I need some more strength."
Enzo offered to be used as a channel Damon refused to let Bonnie use Enzo as he was still not at full strength. Bonnie used Damon, while Enzo went up to Stefan.
"So, you are Stefan Salvatore the supposed good brother."
He asks. Stefan snorts
"I was the good brother when I was in love but she didn't want me so it wasn't worth it, Besides the feeding has been so much more fun. Who are you even?"
"Aah yes. Elena Gilbert, doppelganger of the evil one in there, she broke your heart I heard. Im Lorenzo, my friends call me Enzo, I'd suggest you stick to Lorenzo. I'm Damon's best friend." Enzo replied. Stefan gasped
"Damon has uncompelled and genuine friends."
Enzo was pissed
"you have no clue what your brother has been through, watch yourself."
The two had a stare down, the tension was cut by Bonnie telling Katherine
"It's done. I've undone whatever he did to you. You're ok."

(A/N - omg I am loving the bonnie and Katherine friendship and it is defo something we were robbed off in the show, just imagine, damon, katherine and bonnie trio)

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