Part 3 :If only we could return to simplicity

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(A/N - I don't know if I want Klefan in this particular story so I'm not sure about the detail for Klaus and Stefan's summer yk)

3rd person POV.

Damon went up to Stefan outside the house, after Elena died and came back to life the deed to the house was no longer in her house, to stop unwelcome guests, Jeremy had control, Stefan couldn't get it.
"Stefan, where have you ever been?"
"Well you heard what Katherine said."
Damon looked at Stefan
"you were with Klaus?"
Stefan nodded
"his plan to make hybrids failed he awoke his sister Rebekah before daggering her again when she proved to be useless. He knows Elena is alive, he is here to kill her and I'm meant to help him."
Damon rolled his eyes
"your humanity is off, why? Whatever the reason you will not kill Elena, you still love her." "Loved."
Stefan cut him off,
"I loved her, he compelled me to turn it off so that I would kill her, I hate him for that, yes I will not kill her but no because I love her but because she is assurance Klaus will not kill me, you wish to defeat him I will help you, I have his family."
Damon looked at his brother shocked
"you stole his family."
"Yup, there were four coffins with four siblings including Elijah, his sister Rebekah and two we have not met. There was a fifth coffin which didn't help them. They are in the old witches' compound hidden, I need Bonnie to seal them away from the sight of anyone but us."
Damon nods,
"ok let me ask her if she is willing to do so."
Damon goes inside and explains everything Stefan just told him. Bonnie agrees to do it and they go to leave the boarding house. Before they can leave the rest of the group come. Caroline walks in as bubbly as usual and introduces herself to Enzo.
pulling Enzo into a hug, Enzo looks amused and scared and also shocked. Tyler laughs and peels Caroline off of Enzo and Enzo thanks him. He introduces himself
"tyler lockwood, boyfriend of crazy."
They all chuckle.
Caroline exclaims.
"Thank you, Caroline"
Enzo says
"Also I have seen pictures of you all thanks to the square block Bonnie seems to have, no need to introduce yourselves individually, I am Lorenzo st John."
The group settle down with Enzo and make conversation, he has to make up how he and Damon met. Bonnie, Damon and Stefan leave to go to the witches. Stefan, Bonnie and Damon go inside. The minute Damon goes in his daylight ring stops working and he burns. He screams and goes back out. He kicks the door and the door slams in his face.
"Screw you too emily."
Bonnie snickers and Stefan and her go in. Bonnie seals the coffins so only some people could see them. Bonnie said that she'll try to find out how to open the sealed coffin. They walk back out and Damon is standing pissed off. Bonnie walks over to him and ruffles his hair,
"aww is big bad vampire upset that the witches don't like him."
He swats her hand away and growls before they start chasing each other, they fall on the floor cackling. Stefan watches them curiously, he felt happy Damon was happy, he believed Damon would bring his humanity back. They got back to the house and saw everyone chatting, Damon had Stefan call klaus, Damon told Stefan to put Klaus on speaker and to let Damon talk to him, Stefan was confused but obliged.
"Stefan, Hello miss me already, I can't seem to find the doppleganger, no one seems to be at the Gilbert or Lockwood house, that is where you all gather normally."
Klaus speaks on the receiving end of the call.
"Klaus, the best nightmare, hi this is Damon, you know amazing style, beautiful eyes, awesome hair, so you know how I love annoying you, well, Now you're not going to like this but you know you're weird obsession with keeping your family in coffins, I have them."
He smiled and the others rolled their eyes.
Klaus growled.
Damon smirked.
"I will kill you and everyone you have ever met."
Damon smirks
"I'll be waiting."
Klaus smiled
"you know we should have this conversation face to face."
"My thoughts exactly."
Damon replied. Elena hissed at Damon
"what the hell are you doing you will get yourself killed"
Damon hushed her. Klaus instructed Damon to open the door, uh oh, maybe Damon has gone too far. He went to open the door and saw Klaus standing, Klaus cut the phone.
Damon exclaimed,
"I am so delighted to see you, I would hug you but you don't seem like an affectionate person." He says sarcastically. Klaus is amused by Damon.
"Au contraire."
He replies Damon raises his eyebrows he sniggers when he hears Katherine, Bonnie and Enzo explain that well Damon is Damon.
"You know Mr Salvatore this brave act you do humour to mask your fear, it is see through, invite me in we can have a chat."
Damon still didn't break, yes he was scared he was face to face with an original who can rip him apart.
"You know we still have white oak stake, an old friend Mikael gave it, I'm just thinking how to do it, which sibling to stab, maybe a russian roulette."
Damon smiled sadistically, Klaus almost broke before remembering something
"you won't do it."
He says Damon scoffs
"why wouldn't I?"
Klaus smirks
"well maybe you might but the option will only be between two of my siblings because you are Elijah's special friend."
Damon stiffened and Klaus grew smug.
"Yes Damon of course you wouldn't kill Elijah you two have oh wait correction Had something, now if you kill Rebekah, Finn or Kol, Elijah would never forgive you."
Damon nearly cracked, Katherine came up to him and whispered
"Damon, mentally you are stronger than him, you can't defeat him in Strength use your brain." Before moving away.
"Wow, Klaus oh no you got me. Nah I'm just kidding. As u said. In the past nothing is there now. I would've considered not using the dagger but the thing is I don't care what Elijah thinks, I don't need his forgiveness."
Damon smirked and Klaus backed away from the house,
"You know what, maybe I will make a video and take a selfie with the burning originals, I'll send it to you."
Klaus screamed
Damon tries not to laugh
"Woah down wolfie, I am sure we can come to an agreement."
Klaus compelled Bonnie to walk towards him, Bonnie walked forward robotically to face Klaus "tell me why I can't make hybrids''
Bonnie spoke robotically, she had not enough strength to resist
"they lied to you. The witches hate you. Elena's blood is the key to make more hybrids, they screwed you over."
Klaus smirked. 'Shit' they thought. Also why wasn't Bonnie on vervain? Tyler was just coming back with beer and he left the house. Damon groaned
"seriously Lockwood did you not read my message."
Tyler pulled out his phone and read
" 'don't come over Klaus is here, go to the coffins' oh oops sorry."
Damon rolled his eyes, Tyler was going to run when Klaus dragged him back and kicked him at the back of his knees causing him to fall
"Tyler I think you are about to become a hybrid or die."
Caroline chimed in scared. Klaus grinned, bit into his wrist and fed Tyler his blood before snapping his neck before anyone can react. The group screamed.
"Oh relax he will wake up, we are going to test out a theory, I have, Elena feed Tyler your blood when he awakes if you don't he will die."
Klaus stood smug and Damon was pissed, after a while Tyler awoke. Klaus shoved him in the house, Elena ran up to Tyler and gave him her blood, after Tyler drank it, he quickly felt canines come out of his mouth, Klaus cheered
"My first hybrid."
Damon deflated in defeat,
"dearest Tyler and Stefan please bring Elena to me, no matter what cost."
Damon told Elena to run and lock herself in a room.
"Tyler, Tyler please why are you helping him, it's me. Care , we are in love, Elena is our friend,'' Caroline pleaded. Damon and Bonnie, Enzo and Katherine ready to fight, Bonnie started hitting Klaus with spells and Katherine threw knives into him.
"I'm sorry Care, I love you I do but I have to help Klaus I don't know why, And yes I know Elena is our friend but I can't help it."
Tyler screams.
"Damon, I am so sorry but I have to do this,"
Stefan told his brother as he snapped his neck. Damon fell and collapsed onto the floor. Stefan ran upstairs to where Elena is.
"Elena, please it's me Stefan, let me in."
He begged, Elena cried
"but Stefan, you, you're a ripper, Klaus, the whole month."
She cried
"Elena please."
Stefan pleaded
"trust me, listen to me."
Elena opened the door to let him in.
"Elena, I have no choice but to give you to Klaus, so I have to, But I swear I will save you, I will not leave you to him completely, do you trust me?"
She nodded.
"Good, because I need you to go and confront Klaus, go with him before Damon wakes up I can handle him."
Elena runs downstairs
She says all her friends look at her
"I will come with you but you leave everyone else alone."
Klaus shrugged, he vamped away the minute Elena stepped out, Katherine, Bonnie, Caroline and Enzo tried to stop her, it was of no use. Damon awoke hungry and annoyed.
"Where is Elena?"
Stefan walked up to him
"Damon she went with Klaus''
Damon stopped him
"no stefan, you gave her to Klaus to save your own Skin there's a difference. I don't care if you flipped the switch, leave. Get the hell out of my house."
The next weeks went by like this, Stefan worked for Klaus, Damon protected Elena and kept her alive. They became even closer, Stefan was jealous of their relationship but both Damon and Elena knew they had no feelings for each other, Klaus had his brother, Stefan was gone but Damon couldn't give up because he knew Stef hates Niklaus. Niklaus kept asking for the location of the coffins till eventually the morning after six weeks since Elijah 'left', Stefan told him. He gave up all four coffins but Damon took the sealed coffin.

Present time

Damon had to make a choice, pull the dagger out or not, he could hear Stefan and Klaus coming, if he got caught he would be in trouble and get killed. He sighed, he pulled out the Dagger from Elijah's chest and placed a blood bag in the coffin before shutting it and vamping out. He just about escaped, close call.

(A/N - ugh this is so boring we need Elijah. I KNOW I KNOW I AM SORRY OK. I swear I will give you Delijah
moments. you won't like them tho, or you might, they gonna 'hate' each other again for a while, IM SORRY THEY HAVE TO, TO MAKE IT INTERESTING.)

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