Part 7 : We are still family

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(A/N For goodness sake Elijah just admit it, admit you are in love with him)

Elijah POV.

I stepped in front of Damon, to protect him from Klaus' attack.
"Well, Niklaus, I realised you didn't offer dessert how rude."
I took off the lid on the plate to reveal the daggers.
"No, what have you done?"
Klaus growled
"Well Niklaus I know better than to trust your false promises, come out siblings"
I called and grabbed Damon's arm pulling him back while Kol walked out.
"Long time brother."
He stabbed the dagger through Klaus' hand Klaus screamed. Finn came and Klaus pleaded, Finn stabbed his other hand, he tried to run when Rebekah walked in and stabbed him in the stomach. Klaus fell and I went and dug my hand in his chest, I was going to rip out Klaus' heart when a voice called out
we all turned to face the voice
we asked in unison,
"That is enough children. Niklaus do you know why I am here."
She asked
"you're here to kill me."
He said fearfully.
"No my child I am here to forgive you."
She walked up to Damon and Stefan
"who are you?"
I went back up to Damon standing next to him, I'm not letting her hurt him. Mother looked at me curiously, Damon placed his hand on my arm and told me it's fine. He offered his hand "Damon Salvatore and you are, oh I know crazy mama witch who lives in a coffin."
I facepalm he's going to get himself killed. Mother told them to leave.
"You are free to go, this is family business."
Damon looks at Stefan skeptically and gestures for him to leave, I go up to Damon
"go, it's fine, I'll find you tomorrow."
He nods then leaves.
"Well mother dearest, let's have a chat, as a family."
I tell her. She explains how she wants us all to be a family again, I don't believe her but it is better to indulge in her actions for now.
"Good, we are staying here, we will have a ball tomorrow, invitation only, invite whoever you please, I will begin preparing. Goodnight children."
We all murmured
"Guys, I know we all hate each other right now but can we please sleep together, like we did when we were kids?"
Rebekah asked.
"Well we only hate Klaus."
Finn said.
"Of Course we can Bex"
Kol said. Klaus looked down ashamed and upset, he was still my brother. I felt bad.
"What are you waiting for then Nik get over here you bastard and help us set up."
Rebekah said.
"Of Course we aren't doing this ourselves, come on Niklaus"
Finn added.
"Only helpers get to sleep Klaus gret yourself here with us"
Kol said. Klaus smiled before quickly covering up his happiness.
"Despite everything we are family, we have a vow to fulfil for each other, Always and Forever. The plotting stops, Now ok?Including from myself"
I said. They all nodded,
"ok then let's get to bed."
We all lied down on the duvets, blankets and mattresses.
"So... Elijah and the Salvatore brother."
Finn asked.
"Aah yes what what his name... Damon right."
Kol joined in. I turned away from them.
"Ooo Elijah has a crush."
Kol teased.
"No I don't"
I replied too quickly.
"Oh come on you guys if Elijah says he doesn't like him he doesn't"
Rebekah says
"also if he does who can blame him Damon is hot. And Elijah if you don't have dibs, I don't mind trying my own shot with him, of course because you don't like him."
I turned and faced her. Klaus laughed
"Actually, Rebekah, I think you should, he's good for you, I approve of him for you."
Klaus joined in.
"Hey, Let's send him an invitation to the ball tomorrow, I'm sure he'll have a date, plenty would go crazy for him."
Kol chipped him.
I said,
"none of you are inviting him. I will send him an invite. Also Rebekah, no."
I tell them and they snicker.
"Elijah's in loveeeee."
Finn said singsongy. I roll my eyes
"go to sleep."
I turn back around and shut my eyes.
Mothers voice boomed in the morning and the curtains flung open. We all groan and wake up. "I have the invites ready for the ball, and set up will begin soon, go give out your invites."
I took the invitations and wrote some names, everyone can bring a plus one, I get in the car and drive to the salvatore house, that is probably where they all are. Before I leave my siblings get in the car, I look at them annoyed. Rebekah shrugged
"what we might as well get to know them, don't worry Elijah we will not interrupt you or your loverboy."
I glared at her and Klaus snorted, I sigh and pulled up to the house. I hear them talking inside, Damon and Elena Gilbert are sniggering, I roll my eyes, I hear Kol laugh
"ooo someone  jealous."
I don't respond
"hmm well, Damon and Elena are really close, who knows maybe they have a thing."
Klaus teased.
"Well Elijah has always loved a bit of competition besides we all know Damon is not going to be easy for Elijah to handle."
Rebekah added on.
"Nope, he definitely will not give in easily, but it's good, that is what Elijah needs, Damon is outspoken , honest, challenging, a partier and extremely strong."
Klaus said. I looked at him shocked. Kol spoke up
"what, wow did Klaus just admit someone is strong."
Klaus rolled his eyes
"He is brave, powerful for a vampire who is only 174 years old. He stood up to me and he lives. He speaks to me as if he can take me on and I won't just kill him. He is an interesting character. But never tell him I said that, don't need to feed his ego anymore."
I laughed at that bit, it was true, so was everything else Klaus said, unknowingly it makes me fall for my young raven more and more everyday. Before they could say anything more I vamped and rang the bell with my giggling siblings behind me.
"Wolfboy go get it."
I hear Damon say
".. damon you are literally standing near the door. Get it  yourself."
Tyler replies
"well I am getting Bourbon for me and the nice doppelganger, just get it or leave it who cares." Damon replied, I rolled my eyes smiling at Damon being Damon, Klaus looked at me, almost as if he was happy for me. I rang the bell again.
"I'll get the door."
Elena said.
"Ugh seriously, who the hell is so impatient COMING."
Caroline calls out.
"Ooo Ric is here, hey Ric be an amazing friend and get the door."
Damon says, I growl and my sibling snicker, seriously Alaric.
"Screw this, I'll get it"
the wolf spoke. Finally the door opened, Tyler Lockwood was there with Ms Forbes.
He says
"who is it?"
Damon speaks from inside, I try to look past him to find Damon but the two are in the way. Tyler begins smirking
"the guy who has a crush on you and the rest of his cooky family I think."
I hear a whooshing and Damon appears
"you know Lockwood, you have to be specific, loads of people have a crush on me."
He said smugly. Tyler rolled his eyes
"still made you come."
Damon actually didn't have a response to that.
"Whatever, now shoo."
He gestured for them to go, they left, then after what felt like hours he finally noticed and acknowledged me. He leant against the door frame and trailed his eyes up and down my body, purposefully, he smirked while looking at my shirt and tie, I felt heated at the time and moved on my spot, he let his eyes come back up to my face and said
Biting his bottom lip lightly and subtly licking his lower lip. I stood staring at him, dazed from his actions looking at him with my lips parted.
I stuttered, I coughed to cover up my distraction
I said back, lightly out of breath. Rebekah and Klaus laughed in the background and Finn said "oh thank god I thought he would never say anything."
I shot them a glare that shut them up
"So Elijah what is it that I can do for you?"
He asked, flashing his charming smile. I can't do this anymore, controlling myself around him is so difficult when I want nothing more than to throw him into a wall and kiss him hard. I stare silently at him for a while before blurting out
"I don't."
He looked at me confused .
"I don't have a crush on you."
I clear my throat. Kol and Klaus slap their own faces and Rebekah cringes. He nods his head "okaaay?"
He drags the word the way I want to drag my tongue across his neck - and NO. I groan, just loud enough for supernaturals to hear and if they did I wouldn't have known except the sniggering from Kol.
"Why does your friend think I like you."
I ask, he snorts
"Tyler is not my friend. I only tolerate him and he thinks everyone has a crush on me because he is in love with me but dating the blondie."
He says loudly for his friends to hear.
"Screw you Damon."
Tyler called back
"I know you want to"
Damon was quick to reply
"Damon, you do know that I know your secret and I know who you have a crush on just saying."
Damon stops. Which means the wolf is right. wait. Who does Damon have a crush on? I look up at Damon and glare, he just stares back confused, I pinch the bridge of my nose and look down. I hear a sigh and I am pushed away.
"Hello Damon."
Klaus said, smirking.
"Good afternoon Klaus, why are You here?"
He asked my brother.
"We are all here to give you invitations for our family ball, we decided to settle in mystic falls with our mother, get to know each other and the town."
Klaus shook me to get the invitations
"stop staring at him like you wanna fuck him right here."
He whispered
I hissed back.
"Yes you are."
Kol chimed in.
"Your face is literally begging 'damon please lets have sex I love you' all puppy dog eyes." Rebekah chimed in. Klaus hands my young raven the envelopes which he takes skeptically. "You literally wanted us dead up until yesterday."
He questioned.
"Consider this a peace offering."
Klaus replied.
"So... You're not going to kill Elena..."
Damon asked. I laugh slightly at Klaus' exasperated sigh.
"As long as she gives me blood when I need it no, I won't. Just come tonight all of you." Damon sighs but nods.
A voice I had grown used to came. It was Bonnie Bennett
"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED AN- oh hi Elijah. Klaus... what the hell is he doing here, who are these people, Phesmatos moventir tribum sequita sagu-"
Damon quickly stepped out
"woah woah woah, murder witch, calm down, Klaus came to invite us to a ball. They are staying in mystic falls; this is the rest of their crazy family."
Bonnie quickly stopped trying to kill Klaus and I smirked unaffected as the rest of my siblings recovered from the aneurysm.
"What the hell. Why did nothing happen to Elijah?"
Kol groaned.
"The Bennett witch is friends with him. Have I mentioned you are terrifying"
Klaus said. Bonnie grinned before pointing at Elijah
"You know I'll hurt you if I have to and you hurt mr jacket"
Elijah nodded smiling, knowing who she meant and the rest looked confused. Elijah knew Bonnie was serious, even if Bonnie and him are really good friends she would choose Damon but Elijah didn't mind that he loved that someone other then himself would put his raven first. "You know what, at this point I'm not even surprised, why do I bother."
She walked in Enzo following her and Damon behind them.
"I'd invite you in but little Gilbert owns the house now."
Damon says directing it to me, almost suggestively, I avoid his eyes and stare down at the ground.
"Why is your brother being so weird?"
I hear him ask in a whisper. Klaus laughs
"I'm hoping you will find out soon."
I hear Rebekah sigh
"oh Bloody hell you two really are oblivious."
"As much as I would love to stand here and talk all day we really should go give more invites. Besides I can't watch anymore Elijah and Damon eyesex and Elijah pining."
Kol said adding the last bit loud enough for me and my family to hear. I shot him a glare.
"We will see you tonight I guess."
Damon said
"oh and bring a date."
Rebekah shouted out on purpose. I glared at her, now he will bring some annoying girl or boy as his date, hes Damon how long does it take him to get a date.
"Yes, sure."
I rolled my eyes.
"Bring a date I am sure there are already lines of brainless bimbos jumping for the opportunity to get in your bed,"
I said snappily,staring hard at the ground. I hear my siblings giggle and murmurs of
from my siblings. Damon looked at me confused.
"You know what ... See you at the ball. Goodbye"
I said turning quickly ready to leave, I walk away and my siblings follow.

Damon POV.

"Yes, sure."
He rolled his eyes
"bring a date I am sure there are already lines of brainless bimbos jumping for the opportunity to get in your bed"
Elijah stated snappily, still avoiding eye contact and staring hard at the ground. I hear his siblings giggle and murmur something. I stared and looked at him confused.
"You know what ... See you at the ball. Goodbye"
he said turning quickly ready to leave, he walks away and his siblings follow.
"Why was Elijah acting so weird around Damon?"
Ric asked, I shrugged.
"Not a clue."
Bonnie said, pressing her lips together, trying not to laugh I look at her curiously.
"That was weird, he's normally fine, why was he being so awkward with me today?"
I say leaving the question open to the group, Caroline and Tyler look at each other before shaking their heads. I sigh whatever, he's probably in one of his moods again.
"Specific invites."
I say. I hand Caroline one that says
'Ms Forbes and Mr Lockwood'
Caroline giggles at the fanciness. I gave Bon her one addressed simply 'Bonnie Bennett', she'll probably bring Enzo. There was one for Stefan and one for Elena. Elena's asked her to meet Esther at the ball, we looked at each other, she shrugged, none of us trusted Esther or her intentions but there was no point telling Elijah and angering him when he and his family were genuinely happy.
"Last invite"
Bonnie said looking at my hands.
"I guess it is yours."
I nod and look at it 'MY young raven ;)' I smile and roll my eyes from the reference after our last argument.
"What does it say?"
Caroline asked.
"Nothing. Just my name. Damon Salvatore."
Lowering the card.
"There's something on the other side as well Damon."
Tyler pointed out, I turned it over. It was a message.
'Dearest Raven, you said not to call you mine when we last met, yet I feel as though it is something you don't seem to mind. Know this, I don't let people tell me what to do, I'll call you as I please. I'll see you tonight, save me a dance. Yours Elijah.'
I gasp slightly shocked at the bluntness.

(A/N - we all love and need a bit of Delijah open flirting. It is seggsy and beautiful.)

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