In Between

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~Rin's POV

Naruto, Sakura, Pakkun and I continued moving forward. I took a peak back. "Rin..." Pakkun spoke up. I felt a different chakra signature up ahead.

"I feel it as well..." I said. I started to push myself go faster. The other three started to fall behind. Just for a moment I saw Naruto beside me. Naruto quickly went paste to kick Garra. The other two and I stopped in front of Sasuke.

"Sasuke!" Sakura yelled. I looked at Gaara in realization.

"Who's that?" Naruto suddenly said. I chuckled a nervous laugh.

"Its Garra..." I said nervously. "He's not in a good.. state." I quickly prepared myself mentally. Physically, I grabbed a couple of kunai knifes. Naruto jumped in surprise. I heard a s moan behind me. I quickly turned around to see Sakura holding on to Sasuke. I need to help him... Damn it. I thought.

I put my knifes away instead. "He's all your Naruto!" I yelled out. Sakura looked surprised. "Can you help me move him Sakura?" Before she could answer me Naruto quickly turned around.

"Get away you guy's!" I quickly grabbed Sasuke like a sack of potatoes and moved away. Sakura stood there stupidly, not knowing what's going on.

"Die! Sasuke Uchiha!" Garra yelled. He slammed Sakura's body into the trunk of the tree.

"Sakura!" Naruto yelled. Garra looks over to me. I start to think about my next move. Garra then looks back at Naruto.

"What do they mean to you?" Garra asked.

"T-They are my friends! So... Leave them alone or else!" Naruto answered back. "I'll kick your ass!"

"Its Gaara..." I said nervously. "He's not in a good state. I quickly prepared myself. Oh no... I thought. We are dead...
























I continue to heal Sasuke. It seems that he's still in pain. I guess there is only one way to help you. I'm sorry Sasuke. I quickly knocked him out cold. I looked up to see how Naruto was doing. He was being thrown left and right. At that moment I remembered a boy with goggles being thrown around like Naruto and boy with silver hair yelling at him to get up.

I quickly snapped back to reality. "Naruto Uzumaki! Fight! If you don't, your teammates will die!" I yelled. Naruto stood up after a realization.

"Thanks Rin!" He yelled back. I sighed at him. I looked over at Temari. Her face was full of shock. Her eyes went briefly towards me. I gave her a innocent smile. She glared back at me. Before we could engage in our own battle, a large smoke screen appeared. We looked up to see the one-tails, Shukaku. 

~Kaguya's POV

I stood a few feet away from Orochimaru and the Third. The feeling I had made me feel numb, knowing that the Third would die any second. Watching the Third with the reaper seal and taking away Orochimaru's chakra was something I did not expect while watching it in person.

"When there is something important to protect... A shinobi's true strength emerges." He truly is something... "I'll completely take all your justu's!" At that moment, the Third devours some of his chakra, but quickly cuts it off before he can be left dead. The two separate and Orochimaru's arms fall to the side. The Third looks satisficed before he completely dropped dead.

I quicky disappeared before the barrier could come down.

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