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~Kaguya POV (Two days prior)

I walked away with the rest of the anbu members. We stopped inside the Hokages tower. "Kaguya, close your eyes and put your hands on your back." The leader of the Anbu asked. I followed their instructions.

"Are you ever going to tell me what's going on?" I asked annoyed. I felt a cloth covering my eyes and something binding my hands together. After a few minutes, they started to pull me with them.

If they don't tell me what the hell is going on... im going to make sure that this place gets destroyed. Well... everyone but Rin... I guess. I felt my self shrug.

After a few minutes of being dragged around, I heared a loud push. Where am I? I thought to myself. I felt myself come to a halt. The cloth that was around my eyes where lifted up. I blinked a few times to re-adjust to the the light.

In front of me was a large table. On my left where clan members with a couple of civilians that I recognized. On the other side was the council and an empty chair for the Hokage. "Welcome." The man ahead of the table said. The Fire Lord.. I guess.

"May I ask why I'm here." I demanded. The head of the Nara clan coughed and spoke up.

"We've gotten word that you where with the Hokage before his death." Shikaku spoke up. I didn't give a reaction. "Not only that... Some of the Anbu members saw you disappeared because the Hokage was announced dead."

"So..." I said getting irritated. "Are you idiots blaming me for your Kage with the help of Orochimaru." I bluntly stated.

"Of course you did!" A villager yelled. "If not the Third would be alive!" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. "You... bi-"

"Enough!" The famous Danzo yelled. "Not only that... we've gotten word that the Third placed you on watch the whole time."

"In other words... the Third considered you a threat to the Village." The old hag next to Danzo stated. I started to growl in frustration.

"Sorry to disappoint you idiots!" I yelled. I felt my chakra started to increase. The whole building started to shake. "I did not kill the old man!"

Everything started to happen really quickly. The Anbu started to activate a seal on me while the rest of the room start to bicker.

"Enough." The Lord yelled. Everyone stopped. We all looked at him. "We will continue this discussion later..." I sighed along with Shikaku. "We will resume when the next Hokage is elected." Danzo looked very unhappy. I gave him a smirk to piss him off more.

"For now, we have to lock you up... as a percussion..." the Lord continued. I frown while Danzo smirked in victory. When I get my hands on this old fu- "Do you have anything else to say?"

"Yes." I said. I looked into his eyes with a straight face. "During this time, in exchange for being falsely accustomed... I don't want word of this to get out, especially to my teammates."

"Agreed." Danzo took charged. The others started to nod and say yes in agreement.

"Very..." the Lord said. "We will resume once the new Hokage arrive. Dismissed." The Anbu members placed the cloth back over my eyes and started to move me away from this place. If the Hokage doesn't hurry up and come, I will have to fine away to leave....

~Two days later

I felt a a familiar chakra ahead of me. I felt a little irritated, but I left the irritation leave me.

"The funeral was held and now I've gotten word that they will bring a new Hokage in... Until we get a new Kage, you will be force to stay like this until they can decide on your punishment. Do you understand?" A certain voice explained. I gritted my teeth in anger. I felt the seal on my back get hot

Damn it.. I started to screamed in pain. After a few seconds she spoke up again. "Do you understand? Kaguya."

"Y-Yes! I understand..." I stuttered in pain. "In exchange.. do not tell Rin anything... or else. It's a promise." I felt the person in front of me stay quiet for a few seconds. They turned to the side and the Anbu hidden in the side, turned and followed them out. I'm sorry Rin... I'm running out of time...

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