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~ Kaguya's POV

I start walking out of the hidden prison. Once I stepped out into light my eyes glared at the sun. "Mother... I made a secret path leading outside the village." A voice spoke up. I moved my head to face the ground to see Black and White Zetsu. I nod my head in agreement.

"Lets hurry before the new Hokage arrives." I said. Zetsu disappears into the ground. I start to move forward and start running full speed ahead. I quitly try to weave my way through the village following Zestu's chakra.

A minute out of the prison felt like a few minutes and within that time frame I could feel the ANBU'S chakra following me in secret and not wanting to alert the other ninjas. I cursed in my head quietly. We need to move quickly so I can take these bastards out and make it in time to come into contact with the other members...

As we moved through the village, I decided to pick up the pace. They're lucky that they can keep up with me... and I'm not even at the pace I wanna be at... idiot's... I feeling like Kaguya had more of a good reason to turn them into a sacrifice...

Before I can hit the village gates, the ANBU started to wave hand signs. Shit! I quickly pushed myself to destroy the two gates in front of me but both of the Jonin that where guarding the front stood in front of me wanting to fight. I quickly stopped in between.

"Stop!" Izumo yelled. The Anbu members launched their attacks on me. Before I could dodge them, two people appeared before me and took the hit. They had the Akatsuki clouds on their jackets. I look to my left to see Kisame Hoshigaki and to my right Itachi Uchiha. I blinked in surprised.

Kisame went forward killing the Anbu and Itachi knocking out the two guards. "Lets go." Itachi said. The three of us flew out of the village with civilians running away from us. After a few minutes of running away and making sure no one followed us, we stopped to take a break.

Zetsu appeared before the three of us. "Look what we have here..." Kisame said with a whistle. Black Zestu glared at him. "Made the two of us go back for a child? Huh? What a waste of time." Zestu growled at Kisame.

Before Itachi could chime in, I quickly spoke up. "Unfortunately for you, this so called child got accused of murdering their precious Hokage and is now on the run with the most dangerous organization called the Akatsuki... so, are you idiots going to take responsibility?"

Itachi and Kisame looked at each other surprised. Then Kisame started to laugh like crazy. I grunted in annoyance. I would rather deal with Rin once in my life... Zetsu coughed to try to break up his laughter.

"A-Accually Leader wanted to invite you to join the Akatsuki..." Black Zestu said. Kisame stops laughing and looks at Zetsu.

"You're being serious?" He said.

"Of course!" White Zetsu said like a proud boy.

"Are you crazy!?!?" Kisame raged. Itachi nods in agreement. "We ALL know that the snake took out the 3rd Hokage. And instead blamed it on some random girl who happened to be close the him at the time!"

"Yes... but I have seen her before and she had potential to TREMENDOUSLY help the Akatsuki out. Especially of what we have in store in the future..." Black Zetsu spoke up. Kisame rubbs his head with stress.

"What if we tested to see if she has the potential to be beneficial to us?" Itachi spoke up.

"Like a test run." I say after him. They look at me interested. "Give me 3 1/2 years to prove myself that I can be part of the organization. Of not... give it your all and kill me..." If you guys can... but spoiler alert!! You can't~ I thought happily. I gave them a smirk.

"Very well then..." Another voice said. We all looked up at the trees to see the masked man, the one they call Madara Uchiha. "We'll give you that much time to prove yourself... of not we will kill you." I smiled at them.

"Its nice to meet you all." I said. "Let me properly introduce myself.... my name is Kaguya... Kaguya Otsutsuki."

~ Rin's POV

The four of us made it finally back home. As we walked through the village gates I noticed that there where two different ninjas guarding the gate entrance. I looked at them confused. Lady Tsunade and Lord Jiraiya stopped beside me. Shizune almost bumped into Lady Tsunade and Naruto did bump into Jiraiya.

"Hey! What's the big deal!?!" Naruto yelled. The two random nin come up to us and bowed to the two Sannin.

"Lady Tsunade. Lord Jiraiya... its good to see you both back." The one on the left said.

"What happened while we where away?" Jiraiya asked. They looked at each other nervously. The one on the right decided to speak up.

"Well... a ninja from the prison got helped from the Akatsuki and escaped..." Lord Jiraiya's face turned pale.

"W-What!?" Lady Tsunade yelled. "How could you guys let them escape!"

"Tell me..." Jiraiya asked quietly. "Who was it that escaped?" For some reason when he asked this, my stomach started to turn.

"Kaguya Otsutsuki..." the one on the left said. I felt nauseous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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