A Bit of Power

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~Kaguya's POV

I stood quietly for a moment. With a touch of my finger, I could see a small light expanding right in front of me. Thought the light was Orochimaru standing behind the First and Second Hokage. He pulled out a kunai knife and placed it inside of them. "Tch... what a pain..." I said out loud. Then the two brothers started to attack the Third Hokage.

I stepped out the darkness and into the light. As the Third battles them, he quickly summons a monkey. The monkey turns into a staff. I better help him. I thought. I quickly appeared in front of him. I reached my hand out and a large gust of wind took hold of the three of them. They where all sent flying.

"W-who are you?" Orochimaru asked. I looked at the Third and ignored the snake.

"Are you all right?" I asked. He blinks in surprise.


"Rin wanted me to come and make sure that you're ok." I said cutting him off. He blinked for a couple of minutes and then smiles.

"I see.... shall we than?" Lord Third said. I stood next to him.

"Hmmm..." Orochimaru said. At the same time both the Third and Orochimaru started to wave hand signs at the same time. The First and Second Hokage dashed towards me. I put my hand in front of me.

Without a second thought my chakra went straight into my hand to pushed the two back again. I quickly rushed towards them and pushed my fist in front of me. I tried striking the two of, but I landed in front of them instead.

"Interesting..." I said. The First and Second Hokage started to strike back at me with hand to hand combat. I quick jumped away. This is going to take a portion of my chakra.... all well. Temporary Paralysis Technique. Chains appeared on the First and Second Hokage. They stopped in place. After a couple of minutes the two where struggling to get out. I guess they are not known to be weak for a reason. I need to push a tad bit more. As I finished my thought the two of them broke out.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I quickly went behind the Second Hokage. The moment I focused some of my chakra, my hair wraps around him. The First Hokage quickly waved hand signs. Damn it!

The moment he finished, a bunch of branches extended throughout the inside of the barrier. I quickly threw the Second Hokage at his brother. I could feel the two get up and run after me. As I looked around I could feel the Third Hokage's chalkra.

I better hurry before that bastard gets to the Third. The Third Hokage's chakra starts to increase. "Fuuin Justu, Shiki Fuujin*!" The moment I appeared, Lord Third was in front of the First Hokage. I blinked a few time to see if it was real.

With the hand that went through the Third, it grabbed Hashirama's chalkra and devoured it. Then he quickly moved to the Second Hokage.

"I'm sorry... Sarutobi..." Lord Second said. Both the First and Second Hokage turned into dust.

Before Orochimaru could run after his sensei, I quick jumped behind. I put two of my fingers up. Hair Strangling Technique... My hair quickly moves forward and grabs Orochimaru from behind. I could feel his body struggling to get out. By the minute I could feel my chakra draining tremendously.

Then the Third moves forward and grabs a hold onto Orochimaru's chakra. He continues to struggle and yell.

*Dead demon imprisonment*

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