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-Kaguya's POV

A week passed by, Hiashi Hyuga has been testing me again other ninjas. Most of the time, I held back and made sure not to look like I was playing with them. It was late afternoon; I was fighting another Hyuga. He was in a stance, while I just stood there. He smirks at me and moves towards me. It took me a while to learn more about the byakugan. Too bad I can't show off... The man was 'pushing' me to my limit. I quickly fell and made it seem like I was out of chakra. I took a peat at Hiashi who was standing next to Hinata and Hanabi.

"You did well..." Hiashi said. The man walked over to me and reached out. I grabbed his hand and stood up. Another clan member was standing behind Hiashi and whispered something in his ear.

"Thank you." I said. I bowed to Hiashi in respect. Neji stood behind them and frowned.

"Come with me." Hiashi said. Hanabi, Hinata, Neji and followed him to a small room. It had a long table with cushions seats. Hiashi sat at the head of the table. "Kaguya, I reported to Lord Third about your skills... He insisted that you stay with Rin and go to the academy and graduate with the current class."

"Hn." I said, not surprised. The other three looked surprised.

"You start tomorrow." Hiashi said. He got up and left the room.

"Huh?" Hinata said. Neji smirked at him like he won something.

"You get to go to the academy with nee-chan!" Hanabi said. I nod my head in agreement.

"Besides why not?" I said. "Why don't we walk tomorrow to the academy?" I looked over to Hinata and ignored Neji.

"Yes!" Hinata said. Neji left without a word. Hinata, Hanabi and I got up went to the courtyard.

~time skip~

The next morning came by quickly. Hinata and I woke up at the same time. We ate breakfast together. When we were ready, we left the Hyuga compound. When we arrived there, other students were coming in. I saw a certain brown hair girl. I ran up from behind and tapped her shoulder. She stops and turns around to smile at me.

"Kaguya!" Rin hugs me. I twitched in annoyance and push her off of me. Hinata runs to catch up with me.

"K-Kaguya?" Hinata stuttered behind me.

"This is Rin. Rin, this is Hinata Hyuga." I said. "She's also in the academy." Rin smiles at the shy girl.

"It's nice to meet you Hinata!" Rin yelled. She grabbed her hand and shakes it. "Shall we walk together?" Hinata nods her head. When we arrived at the academy entrance, Rin and I found a teacher to talk to. Hinata went ahead of us. The teacher guided us to the teacher's room. To see a man with a ponytail up with a scar across his nose.

"This is Iruka-sensei. He will be your teacher for the time being." The teacher said. Rin and I turned to Iruka-sensei.

"It's nice to meet you girls." He said. "Follow me." Rin and I followed Iruka-sensei to the classroom. We waited outside until we were instructed to come in. He gestured for me to go first.

"My name is Kaguya... Kaguya Otsutsuki." I said. Out of the corner of my eye, Rin frowned for a moment, then it went back into a big smile.

"My name is Rin Nohara... hope we get along!" She said with a smile. Iruka blinked in surprised but said nothing.

"Please find a seat." Iruka-sensei said. I went to the back corner, next to a sleeping Naruto. I smiled at him. I felt Asura's chakra in Naruto. My grandchild...

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