Lady Tsunade

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~Rin's POV~

I look across from me to see Naruto face planted into the floor. I shook my head no. I walked over to Naruto and squat down to his eye level. "Try not to make her too mad..." I said in a disappointed expression.

"No! She's wrong!" Naruto said determined. "I'll win this bet and prove her wrong." Naruto got up and dusted himself off. He started to leave with the two of us.

"I guess I'll go see Lady Tsunade real quick..." I said to Lord Jiraiya. He gave a nod and a smile. He turned around and went after Naruto. I decided to go find Lady Tsunade. Before I could make it down the road, Shizune came to face me.

"I take it that you're going to see Lady Tsunade?" She asked with a weak smile. I nod my head. She turns around and starts walking. On our way we walk a few streets down from the restaurant we where at. We stopped in front of a bar. I rub my head with nervousness. I walked in by myself, to see Lady Tsunade sitting by herself at a table with a drink in her hand. I sat down in front of her.

"I'm guess Orochimaru didn't bring you back from the dead?" Lady Tsunade speaks up.

"It truly has been a while..." I said to her. I look at her straight in the eyes. "Lady Tsunade, I believe you should become the 5th Hokage. We all need you right now." She sneers at me with rage.

"You out of all people should know that become a Hokage will cost you the people you care about." I shook my head no in disappointment.

"I know it cost me my own life and others but that will not stop me from moving forward just like them." I narrowed my eyes at her. "No matter what, I would have to learn to get strong and I do believe that peace will one day come." I stood up from my seat. "Ya' know... everything takes time... and right now we don't really have a lot of time."

I took one last look of her then I started to make my way back to the hotel room. I know Minato Sensei became the 4th Hokage and his own situation didn't help... but at the end Kakashi and I stilled believe in him. I giggled to myself.

~Time skippy~

I quickly jolted up. I looked around to feel if anyone was still in the room next to me. Did Naruto and Lord Jiraiya leave without me!!??? I thought. I quickly got up and got ready. This is why I can't have nice things... why do you do this to me Kaguya!

I quickly flug myself out the door. I ran down street and started to jump from house to house to see where they went. Oh wait! I have an idea where! I continued my way until I was at the edge of the village. A large snake was attacking a small figure. When I got closer it was Jiraiya fight Orochimaru. I stopped to see if I could find someone else.

For a moment I could see Naruto standing in front of Lady Tsunade. I felt my eyes sparkle. Its this part of the show! Ahhh!!! No time to fangirl! I quickly slapped myself and ran full speed of ahead.

As I make my way down Naruto starts to fight Kabuto. Then Kabuto didn't let Naruto hit him. Just for a moment I see Kabuto move and try to hit Lady Tsunade, but Naruto quickly caught the knife with his bare hand.

Go Naruto! Almost there! I shouted in my mind. Before I was able to arrive Naruto created shadow clones and took out Kabuto with the rasengan. I stopped a few feet behind Lady Tsunade in awe to Naruto's new technique.

Both Kabuto and Naruto stood up fine, but then Naruto passed out. Kabuto then falls to the ground. I looked over to see Shizune passes out. "Shizune!" I shouted. I ran over to her and started to heal her.

After a few minutes of healing her, she starts to wake up. "R-Rin?" I smile a her.

"Yes?" I said. She quickly sat up. "Wait! Don't move too much." She looked over my shoulder. I turn to see Naruto in Lady Tsunade's lap while Lord Jiraiya holding on to his arm.

"This brat!" He yelled. I giggled along with Shizune.

"Its almost time to head home right?" I asked in excitement. Lady Tsunade smiles fondly and nods her head yes. "Yes!!!" I pumped my arm into the air with a victory ✌ 😎.

~meanwhile in the Village Hidden in the Leaf and Kaguya's POV~

I can't wait for Rin anymore.. I thought. The chains around my wrist fell off like paper. I heard a couple of ninjas scream. I took off my blind fold that was covering my eyes.

"Mother..." A voice said. I turn to my side to see black and white Zetsu. The door opens automatically.

"Lets go..." I said a cold voice. "Its time to meet my little followers." Zetsu reaches out and gives me a cloak to hide my face.

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