The Chunin Exams Part 3

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(A/N: Hi you guys!!!! Its been a little while~ I wanted to say happy Turkey day and I hope you guys like the three chapters. Enjoy!!!)


-Tenji's POV

Kaguya, Rin and I stood at the front of a gate that was labeled as gate 17. Why am I here as Tenji... I though. I particularly don't want to go through everything... and I don't want to die by my so called wife. "We need to find a team with the earthly scroll." Rin stated. Out the corner of my eye, Kaguya smirks. I felt my eye twitch back at her. Don't tell me... she already-

"I  got it already." Kaguya smirks. Rin blinks at her for a few seconds. Kaguya holds her hand out with her palm facing the sky. In a blink of an eye the earthly scroll appears.

"H-How did you get it...?" Rin asked. 

"Its better that you don't know." I spoke up. Kaguya smiles softly at Rin. Her smile... I thought.


"Tenji-sama." A lady's voice called out. I turn around to see Aino standing in the center of the room. "Kaguya-sama is in the garden." She bowed, then turned to leave. 

"Leave me." I said. The others that were with me left. I walked to the back of the house to see Kaguya looking back at the moon. "Kaguya... my dear. What's wrong?" She looks back at me with sad lonely eyes.

"Nothing is wrong..." She said in a soft voice. Then she gave me a smile, a smile that I would never forget.

~end of Flashback~

"I guess we will be taking our time." Kaguya said. The three of started to run towards the tower.

"Wait!" Rin shouted. We quickly stopped. "We need to help team 7!" Kaguya and I looked at each other and then looked at Rin.

"They'll be fine Rin." Kaguya said with cold tone. She shook her head no.

"I'm going to help!" Rin stated. She starts to run towards team seven. 

"Lets go then!" I yelled. I quickly got in front of Rin. "They shouldn't be too far from us. Lets go full speed." In a few minutes, Rin found Naruto unconscious. 

"I'll be going ahead with Tenji." Kaguya quickly said. The two of us shushin in front of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the confusion and shock in their eyes.

"Oh~ look what we got here." The so called female said. I turn around to see Sasuke and Sakura. 

"Are you guys okay?" I asked. Sasuke looked annoyed while Sakura recovered from her shock.

"I'll handle him then." Kaguya stated.

"WAIT!" Sasuke yelled, snapping out of of confusion.

-Rin's POV

I quickly started to heal Naruto. After a few minutes, he started to stir. "Naruto... please hang in there." I said. Naruto quickly sat up.


"Stay." I put my hand is chest to stop him from getting up. "They're in good hands." I continued to heal him. Once I was done healing him, the both of us sprang up and went towards the others.

"We need to hurry..." Naruto yelled.

"They will be fine..." I said. In a couple of seconds I felt three chakra signatures. Tenji, Sakura, and Sasuke... where is Kaguya?

Naruto and I stopped behind the three. They quickly turned around. "Rin?" Sakura said. Sakura was holding Sasuke. Tenji stood on the other side of them.

"Where is he!" Naruto growled. I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Kaguya and Orochimaru went at each other, but then Orochimaru got to Sasuke. After he got a hold of him... they both disappeared." Tenji summarized.

"Why don't I heal you guys before we go after Kaguya." I said. I quickly put my hand out to stop them from protesting. "Besides, Sasuke needs medical attention." Naruto looked at me then to Sasuke.

"Fine.." Naruto grumbled. Sakura nods in agreement.

"Why don't we go fine a safe spot to heal you, Sakura, Sasuke." Tenji said.

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