The One Tail

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~Kaguya POV

After dinner, I decided to walk around the Village. The village reminded me of the Leaf, but the house's were covered in sand.

As I took a look around, I felt large amounts of chakra. The chakra lead me to the training grounds. Once I came closer to the chakra, I saw a boy with red hair. He turns towards me.

"Who are you." He said in a cold voice. I smiled at the boy.

"I'm Kaguya..." I said. At that moment, the chakra inside the boy went wild.

"L-Leave... m-me." The boy said out of breath. DONT LET HER GET CLOSE GAARA! Another voice yelled.

"Calm down..." I said. "I'm not here to attack." I felt my smile fade away. ATTACK HER GAARA! The sand around Garra, started to rise around him.

I quickly jumped back, irritated. Gaara moves his had forward. The sand follows him as he moves. I raised my arms to block my face. The sand pushes me back. My hair started to grow out long and wraps around Gaara.

As my hair wrapped around him, the sand finally drops to the ground. I look up to see Gaara wrapped in my hair. The bakugan within my eyes activated. The one tails chakra started to spread through out Gaara's body.

I quickly slammed him into a tree. Once he hit the tree, Gaara fell over and passed out. A moment later a group of Anbu members appeared.

"You!" One of the Anbu members shouted. "Who are you." I held my arms up.

"I'm Kaguya... Kaguya Ootsuksuki of the Hidden Leaf." I stated. A couple of Anbu members grabbed Gaara and disappeared. I frowned at them. The two Anbu members grunted and disappeared.

~time skip~

I looked up at the Kazekage tower. "Why were you summoned..." a voice asked. I turned around to see Rin.

"Shukaku." I simply stated.

"K-Kaguya-!" Rin shouted. I walked away from her before she could say more. I went inside to see the Kazekage. As I entered his office, he looked up from his paper work. I starred at him for a solid minute.

"Tell me..." the Kazekage finally spoke up. "How were you able to defeat Gaara?"

"Very easily." I stated. He narrowed his eyes.

"Let me ask the right question then. How did you communicate with the one tails? One my Anbu's is usually with Gaara." I thought back to the Anbu that was hidden in the trees.

"I happen to have an ability to talk to jinchuriki's. How did you know that I was able to communicate with Shukaku?" I gave him a small, hidden glare.

"You gave it away when you told Gaara to stand down. Did the Hokage send you here for a reason?" He asked quietly. I scowled at him.

"Of course not." I stated. "The Hokage knows nothing of this ability. I don't plan to share it with any one else."

"Say no more than." The Kazekage said. "Your team leave when the sun rises." He throws me a sealed scroll. I put the scroll away and walked away.

"And Kaguya!" The Kazekage called out before I left. I turn my head to face him. "No one will know..." I walked out of his office quickly. I head straight back to the hotel room.

"Kaguya!" Rin shouted. Sensei, Tenji and Rin were sitting down. I grabbed the scroll and tossed it to Sensei.

"We leave at dawn." I said. She looked very confused. I walked away from the others.

(A/N: Thank you guys for liking my story. It really means a lot to me. I'm going to try to push through. That's going to be my goal!)

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