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~Kaguya's POV/time skippy

The first match started. I decided to sit down on the floor behind our Sensei. "Sensei." I called out. She turned around to see me. "Did you bring my book?" I asked. Tenji and Rin blinked several times before they could realize what I asking about.

"Here you go..." Sensei said. She grabbed something from the back of her pouch. She tossed a book to me. I grabbed and started to flip though the pages.

"Sasuke Uchiha wins!" Hayate yelled, interrupting me. Then he coughed. I looked to see who would be fight next. On the screen it showed Abumi Zaku vs. Shino Aburame. I looked back at the book.

After reading half of the book... I seems to know nothing about the history before the shinobi world and how it became to be... I thought. I rubbed my head in annoyance.

"Shino wins." They announced. I put my head down, to think some more. So far, this book has been useless. I thought that recovered all my memories of the past, but the only missing gap in the beginning. The Otsutsuki that came by proves that there are more than... I still have a lot to learn.

The other matches continued to proceed very quick. Misumi Tsurugi vs. Kankuro, with Kankuro being the winner. Ino Yamanaka vs. Sakura Haruno, a tie for both.

"Rin Nohara vs. Sojuro Kita." Hayate coughed. I stopped reading and I looked up. An average boy with spike brown hair stood in front of Rin. I don't remember seeing him. I thought. Rin got out her kunai knife and got into a fighting position.

"You can do it!" Naruto cheered. Sakura and Ino joined Naruto. "Rin!" The three shouted. I focused my attention back to Rin and Sojuro.

"Began!" Hayate shouted. Sojuro smirked for a second then went head on with Rin. The sounds of kunai knifes clashed. Everything stayed still for a second until they continued to clash. Then Rin started to throw some punches. The first punch landed on Sojuro's face. He then flew across the arena. The only thing I could see was a bunch dirt.

"He survived." Tenji said next to me.

"He's done for." I said with a straight face. Sensei nervously chuckled at us. The dust finally cleared and Sojuro's face hurt. He stood up and dusted himself off. He looks at Rin and attacks her from all sides. Rin started to struggle of keeping up with him. After a couple of minutes she readjusted herself with his speed.

"Cool..." I heard from the other side of the arena. I looked to see the reaction of Kakashi. Now he knows not to piss Rin off. Her training is finally paying off.

"The winner is Rin." Sojuro face was kissing the floor. He keep twitching while Rin skips in victory. The next match was Tenten vs. Temari. I decided to to sit down and continue reading. "Tenji vs. Saito Karubo."

Boring... I thought.

~time skip bc I'm lazy~

"Kaguya vs. Kabuto." Hayate announced. I observed the remaining people. The fight that Tenji won... maybe I can fight him later. Shikamaru vs. Tsuchi. Shikamaru beat her by out smarting her. Impressive. Naruto vs. Kiba. Naruto won by not giving up. Lame. Hinata vs. Neji. Could care less about the branches. Gaara vs. Rock Lee... an okay match, but the only thing I was interested was the Ichibi. Gaara still won. Then the next match was Choji vs. the sound guy that's wrapped in bandages. He won by a large land slide.

"Kaguya." Kabuto called out. I raised my eyes brow at him. "Let's have a good match, shall we?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Go Kaguya!" Rin called out. I felt my eyes activate the bakugan unconsciously.

"Began!" Hayate yelled. Kabuto quickly jumped backwards and threw needles. In the palm of my hand, my chakra made a field of air. Kabuto then threw a few more, but none of them went past me. He quickly ran towards with his hands curled at each side. I need to push him. I thought.

I ran straight towards him and mirrored him. We threw a punch at each other but with opposite arms. I was able to block his last minute. At that moment my fist collided with his face. Kabuto flew back into the wall. After a few minutes he was sitting on the floor. Kabuto throws his hands in surrender.

"I forfit!" Kabuto yelled. I glared at him. Hayate continued his coughing fit for a few minutes.

"Very well...(cough)." He said. "Kaguya is the winner. This concluded the preliminary round before the finals. Congratulations." I looked down on Kabuto.

"A pathetic nobody." I said to him. I could see the hidden anger in his eyes. The medics came around to help Kabuto out. The rest of the participants that won, came down. All of were a straight line.

"Before I could dismiss you, I need you guys to pick a number." The Third Hokage said. Anko went around with a box. She went down the line and each person got a number.

Kaguya (Leaf)-12

Kinuta Dosu (Sound)-8

Rin Nohara (Leaf)-10

Kankuro (Sand)-5

Naruto (Leaf)-1

Temari (Sand)-7

Tenji (Leaf)-6

Neji (Leaf)-2

Shino (Leaf)-11

Shikamaru (Leaf)-9

Gaara (Sand)-3

Sasuke (Leaf)-4

"The numbers you all pulled out determine the final exam." The Third Hokage announced. Ibiki then walked in front of us and showed us the matches.

Naruto vs. Neji

Gaara vs. Sasuke

Kankuro vs. Tenji

Temari vs. Dosu

Shikamaru vs. Rin

Shino vs. Kaguya

"Very well... we will give you a month to prepare for the finals." The Third smiles at us. "You are all dismissed." Once everyone walked out the building, we call went our separate ways. I decided to walk back to the Huguya compound. I really need to get my own place. I thought. Besides that, I need to find someone who I can fight against... someone that was in the anbu unit. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man with short brown hair and round eyes. He was wearing anbu uniform without the mask. He can train me!

"Exuse me!" I yelled at the guy. He turned to face me.

"Did you need something?" He answered.

"Yes." I said. "Can you train me?" He blinks several times to understand what I was asking for.

"W-Why me?" He asked. I smiled at him.

"You look very strong." I said. The anbu didn't look convinced. "Mainly beacuse you're in anbu, Tenzo-san." He narrows his eyes at me. Then he sighs for a moment. "I also happened to be Yumi Yamamoto's student." I felt my fingers cross.

"Oh..." He said. "Very well... we start at 8 at the 1st training grounds." He turns around and shivers. I blink for several minutes and then do a metal victory.

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