Lord Third Hokage

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~Third Hokage's POV

The Kazekage stood behind me with his knife to my throat. "For the sand to betray the Leaf... An alliance is only useful as camouflage to make the enemy relax his guard..." I said.

"The stupid fighting games end here..." He answered. "From now on history will change."

"You want to start a war." I said narrowing my eyes. Out of all people... why does it have to be this way?


"We should avoid solving things through brute force and work out our difference through negotiation... Kazekage-dono, there is still time left." A large purple barrier surrounded us.

"Heh. Do we become peace loving fools when we age... Sarutobi-sensei?" I quickly looked over to see Sasuke Uchiha run after Garra.

"Of course..." I said.

"Your foolishly has caused the left to fall further behind.... I have won." I smirk towards him.

"Its not over till its over..." I said. "I thought that I taught you that. Orochimaru." I turn my head slightly to see his face.

"I told you, you should of picked the fifth Hokage. Your going to die today." Behind my back I could feel Orochimaru tremble.

"Are you happy or..." The knife at my throat moved closer, but before I could try anything Orochimaru's hand was stabbed. Blood splattered on our clothes. "Trying to kill your master yet, you still have the heart to feel some small amount of sadness?"

"I feel better." Out if the corner of my eye, I could see his eye water. Orochimaru lets me go and walks ahead of me.

"Your the same as always..." I said. He takes off the Kazekage's clothes. I took off mine as well. I quickly threw a shuriken at him and waved some hand signs. Shuriken shadow clone justu. As the shurikens multiple and heading towards Orochimaru, a large wooden coffin appears.

"One, two, three!" Orochimaru shouted. Only two of the coffins opened up. The first Holage and the second Hokage... The last coffins didnt reopen, instead it disappeared. Both the 1st and 2nd Hokage took a a step out.

"Its been a long time, Saru." Lord Second said.

"Ooh! Its you!" Lord First said. "Hmmm... you've grown old Sarutobi." I felt sweat drop from my face and then turned serious.

"I would have never thought that I would meet you two brothers again, in this life time." I said. "Please be prepared to be defeated."

"If thats so, then Sarutobi. I assume this is the world of the living." Lord First said.

"Hmm... so I guess this edotensei." Lord Second suggested. He looks over at Orochimaru. "I guess you're our summoner."

"No matter what era it is... they're always fighting."

~Rin's POV

The four of us rushed after Pakkun. He sniffed the air for a moment. "This way!" He yelled, making a sharp turn. "Pick up the pace!" I look behind us and sensed other chalkra figures.

"Huh?" Sakura said.

"People are coming after us." I said. "We need to move quickly if we want to catch up to Sasuke."

"What a drag!" Shikamaru yelled.

"Don't worry!" I said before Pakkun could. "They have a general idea of where we are but not the exact location."

"Jeeze! They are probably all beyond chunin level... if they catch up to us, we could be annihilated!" Shikamaru freaked out.

"If thats the case, then shouldn't we ambush them?" Naruto asked. Sakura blinked in surprise.

"Its no use. They are subordinates to Orochimaru. A former ninja to the hidden lead." Pakkun inserted.

"He not not someone who can just mess with." I quickly inserted. They all looked at me. Pakkun nods in agreement. "Even if we do ambush them, it doesn't change the fact we will be at disadvantage."

"In other words, an idiot, a kunoichi with no talent, a dog, a medical ninja without combat skills." Shikamaru said quickly. The others made faces. When he mentioned me I became annoyed. "And me who's good at running away."

"We just need to do something." I spoke up.

"We need a diversion." Shikamaru said.

"A decoy!" Sakura yelled.

"One person needs to stay behind." Shikamaru spoke up again. "Its the only way to lead them away... even if it means death."

"Then I-" I said, but was quickly cut off.

"I'll do it. After all, I'm the smart one here."


"Be safe!" Naruto yelled. Shikamaru stopped on the last branch.

"Lets go you three." I said. After a few minutes, the chakra of the pursuers stopped. "He stopped them..."

"He did it!" Naruto yelled.

"Not just yet..." I said.

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