Thing's to Come

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~Kaguya's POV

I quickly sprinted towards Naruto and the others. As I drew closer, a large Shukaku appeared. I smiled at the sudden appearance. Across from was the frog summon.  I was going to help fight... but I have no need. I started to pick up the pace and keep track of the fight.

~mini skipy~

By the time I arrived at the location, Rin was healing Naruto and Sasuke was helping Sakura. I observed the scene in silence. "Are you going to help?" Rin asked annoyed. I gave her a small glare. I walked over to Naruto and threw him on my shoulder. 

"Lets go." I said. I started to lead the others back. The five of us and Pakkun, walked through the village gates.  At that moment a bunch of Anbu Black opts members surrounded me.

"Kaguya Otsutsuki, come with us." The leader spoke up. Rin and Sakura started to panic. I remained calm. 

"Very well." I said. I went over to Rin and handed her a sleeping Naruto. "I'll be fine. Let's go." I turn around and walked with the Anbu members.

~Rin's POV

It's been two day's since Kaguya was dragged away.  In those two day's, the Third Hokage's funeral was held. As Naruto gave out the last flower for his grave, the sky started to cry out. At the end of the ceremony, Sensei had a grim look on her face. "Sensei..." Another voice spoke up. We turned to see Tenji. "Are you all right?" He asked.

"Oh...Y-Yeah..." She said un-sure of herself. She blinked a few times.

"Sensei, do you know anything about Kaguya?" I asked her. She flinched when I asked her.

"N-No, nothing." She coughed in between. "I'm sorry, I know nothing. But don't worry about it." She quick finished. Sensei turned and walked away supper fast. Tenji and I watched her leave. We eyed each other, knowing that there is something going on and that Sensei refuses to tell us.

~Third POV

Yummi quickly walked away and heads towards to the Anbu base. Once she arrived she went deep into the base where they held prisoners. She quickly stopped in front of a cell that has a girl with long white hair. She had a seal bandage over her eyes and a straight jacket on. Yummi looked over at her emotionless.

"The funeral was held and now I've gotten word that they will bring a new Hokage in... Until we get a new Kage, you will be force to stay like this until they can decide on your punishment. Do you understand?" Yummi explained. The girl gritted her teeth in anger. One of the Anbu members activated a sign. The girl screamed in pain. After a few seconds she spoke up again. "Do you understand? Kaguya." 

"Y-Yes! I understand..." Kaguya stuttered in pain. "In exchange.. do not tell Rin anything... or else. It's a promise." Yummi gave Kaguya a cold shoulder and walked away with the Anbu behind her.

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