Chapter sixteen: Planning ahead

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It's now six o'clock,  and everyone is gathered at the local café,  liked it said on the text from before. I ran my hand down my face and thought, man I'm exhausted!. Michael and Kevin are running late as per usual, they couldn't 'leave a man behind' as they put it. If one was late so was the other. Typical I thought.
The girls were discussing how excited they were about the holiday, ordering their drinks at the counter and shortly returning to the rest of the group.

"You alright mate?" Paul asked warmly .
"Yeah, are you?" I mumbled.
He nodded in response, " Did I tell you about the other night?" He asked me curiously. I raised my eyebrows and shook my head, slightly uninterested.
" I went out with Akesha" he stated proudly. I sat up slightly and leaned on the table looking at him dead in the eye, " you both went out on a date? What happened?".
He winked at me, " what do you think happened?  It was a good night. I like her, she's real nice. Real nice in fact. I'm taking her out again after this weekend".
I raised my chin slightly, my mind lost in thought on the matter. " That's.. that's great. I hope you're both happy together" I tried to say warmly but my voice was honeyed. He didn't seem to notice as his smile broadened widely, "Thanks man! I like her, will have to see how it goes though". I just nodded in response. I didn't like the idea of him dating her, I thought she would get back with me after all this time. Clearly miss read the situation I thought to myself. I pursed my lips in thought before grabbing my hot chocolate and drank it in one.

After ten minutes of mindless chatting, Michael and Kevin came rushing through the door. "Sorry we're late!" Kevin exclaimed,  trying to pardon their behaviour as Michael held up a bag and stated in triumph, "I bought Mcdonalds! " as he waggled his eyebrows.  I chuckle to myself knowing it was so typical of them to turn up late for something because of daft things. Everyone followed suit with me in amusement at their tardiness.

"So, going back to the old cabin ey?" I say giving them an all an amused smile. The Quin and Amy squealed in excitement. Jake cut in from them and asked,  "where's this so call holiday taking place then?".

" It's only an hour or so from here, our families use to go to the lake at Burnwoods cabins every year, that's how someone of us met" I explained my voice quite fruity.

Jake nodded,  taking in the information.

Paul coughed and spoke up, " where should we all meet?".

Akesha responded first, " I think we should meet near.. umm Shane's house?  The guys could take your jeep and the rest of us can take my car and meet up at my house. That is if it's ok with you Shane of course" Akesha stuttered the last part.

Shane scratched his head and replied,  "of course it's alright with me, the more the merrier I say". He then sent a wink in Ava's direction and she winked right back.

"Yeah, and then we can drive to Akesha's and meet up and follow behind on the way their so we're all together" I suggested.

Quin informed, " Me and Amy will go together, it's just that I need to sort some stuff out before I go, plus Amy can keep me company on the journey there. We'll catch up with you guys later" . Amy nodded in agreement,  understanding that she wouldn't like to be on her own either."So what time ?" I ask .

Kevin was the first to suggest , " I say we get an early head start to avoid any traffic on the way there, around ten in the morning? We could have the girls meet up at Akesha's at about nine am so they can get their stuff together,  as for us guys do the same but at Shane's house and then meet at Akesha's house at ten am and set off".

Ava stated, " so we're all agreement then? Thursday at ten".

We all smile at  each other and started to talk about all the things we use to do at the lake and told Jake and everyone about all the stuff we could do and maybe have a little party of our own. Besides it's probably going to be one of our last just for a little while as we get our community service out of the way.

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I couldn’t believe they were eating this up! I didn’t even need to do much they all planned it out themselves. All they needed was a little nudge. The disembodied voice purred in my ear, “Are you just going to be playing with them? Or are you going to take action yet? We haven’t done anything! I’m bored, we need to spice things up!”.  I ignored the voice and avoided the temptation to reply to it out loud. I thought she was in charge? Maybe I shouldn’t be in control. I just like to mess with them, she knows how to properly deal with this. Maybe I should listen to her more, I thought in wonder.

“You ok?” Michael asks from the side of me. I smiled warmly at him and replied “of course”. 

I’ll take better action after I toy with them all this weekend. I want to test them all out, to see how much it takes to turn them against each other quickly when it comes to the end game.
To trap them all together. I shouldn’t have to do much to push them over the edge, it will only take a nudge here and there. They will do it all themselves. I would have to disguise my actions of course though. Ugh, I thought in disgust.

I can’t stand them. I have to fight the urge to talk civilly to them all. Heck, the little boys big boss will need to pay too of course. It will be difficult to get a hold of them, he never listened to me anyway. He never once helped me. Not once. I will have to mess up his business as well as destroying his life in the process. I never knew how big all of this was until now. I smiled at myself, yes I thought. I will bring them all down to their knees. I just want to have a little fun first I thought to myself as I sipped my milkshake and listened to these mongrels talk on and on and on. Unware that they wont be talking very much soon.

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