Nightly Training

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Another day with no motives from Monokuma nor murders. While some languished in boredom, Kaito, Maki, and Shuichi were glad to have enough free time to hang out and train together.
One night, Shuichi and Maki went outside for their typical nightly trainings and were greeted with a contemplative Kaito....


"Uh, Kaito? Are you ok?" Shuichi asked

"Ah, never better, young sidekick! Just thinking about tonight's exercise!"

"What is there to think about? We do the same pushups and sit-ups every night." Maki scolded.

"Well, that's the problem!" Kaito began, "we've been doing the same thing every single day! That's no way to grow-I can tell our energy is stifled. And we can NEVER waste our energy!!"

"So, you thought of a new exercise?" Shuichi pondered

"Yes. It's probably my best idea yet. It combines our physical stamina and our energy bond!"

"...what are you talking about?" Maki said with a dark look on her face.

"Drumroll, please?!" Kaito excitedly looked to both Maki and Shuichi to provide the drums-they obliged by patting their thighs:


"KEEP your voice down, idiot!" Maki whisper-yelled, "Someone's going to hear your stupid joke and think you're serious."

"I am serious." Kaito asserted, noticing the confused looks on both Maki and Shuichi's faces, "Sex is a great test of our cardiovascular endurance, and it'll bring us all closer together."

"B-but, none of us like each other. I mean, like that...Like, I like you both but NOT like that, really." Shuichi stammered, his face growing redder with every word. "I mean, I...haven't even had my first kiss yet. I know, it's lame, but, no way we're ready for something like this."

Kaito sighed. He knew he would face some resistance, but he was still upset to watch his beloved sidekick act like a wimp.

"First of all, Shuichi, I see how you look at me. And how you look at Maki. And how Maki looks at me and you, separately. And how I...well, you get the point. There's CLEARLY romantic energy that's just going to waste! Energy can never be wasted! And second..."

Kaito grabbed Shuichi's face and kissed him. Not for long, but long enough for Shuichi to feel the butterflies fly around his stomach-he had certainly never felt this way before, not even when he thought about Kaito and that. Kaito pulled back from the kiss, with a twinkle in his eye, and said

"See how easy that was?! Boom, you've got your first kiss, can we proceed now?"

Shuichi was in too much shock to answer, he swayed back and forth in a dreamlike state, not even noticing the erection swelling his pants.

"Hey, Shuichi looks ready!" Kaito cheered, pointing at Shuichi's boner, "Let's head inside-"

Kaito's gloating was cut short by a fierce screech from Maki.

"Are you insane, or just egocentric? This is the worst ideas you've ever had, I can't believe you would even suggest that we all should-"
Maki's argument was cut short by another one of Kaito's kisses. Shuichi blissfully watched as Maki reeled back and slapped Kaito across the face.


Until Kaito stood up, smirked in Maki's face and in a low voice said

"Maki roll, can you slap me again like that when we get to the bedroom?"

"W-what?" Maki stuttered, now embarrassed that Kaito had actually liked her slap.

"Yeah," he continued, in an even deeper, quieter voice, "I'm honestly about to bust right here, right now, and it looks like Shuichi is, too. So either he and I shout for all the others to hurry over here and watch us cum loudly for you, or, we go to my room, and do our nightly training."

Even if Maki wasn't turned on right now, she still would have accepted his threat.

"Do you wanna die?" She persisted,

"By your hands, of course." Kaito retorted. He knew she couldn't resist them anymore. She maintained eye contact with Kaito while trying not to let it show, though.

"Well?" Kaito continued-

As Maki turned her back and began walking back toward the school. Kaito and Shuichi took that as their cue to follow.

Noticing his shaky footsteps, Kaito put his hand on the small of Shuichi's back and pulled him close, whispering

"Don't worry, Shuichi! The luminary of the stars will take great care of you. As for Maki...I'll keep her in check."

Like that would calm Saihara's nerves...

| Three's A Crowd ~ Training Trio ~ Saimomoharu |Where stories live. Discover now