25: Moving On

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A week, they've been walking for a week.

The van ran out of gas right as Leedo called, outside of a small town filled with zombies. They checked every gas station possible that was within a few blocks, finding basically nothing of value.

In the end, they carried all of the useful supplies in duffel bags, rotating who carried what. They obviously didn't leave any piece of food nor bottle of water, which took up most of the room. They all had a change of clothes, but that was the extent of that, they brought only one or two blankets but couldn't spare anymore room. Whatever ammunition remained was kept in personal backpacks, along with medical supplies. They didn't want to be carrying a lot as they needed their strength elsewhere.

Everyone carried their weapons at hand, ready to defend themselves if anything were to attack. They relied on stealth kills, but there are times where shots needed to be fired, the zombies overwhelmed them quickly.

"This new mutation is definitely kicking butt." Leedo commented as he stabbed a running zombie in the head. "The sun has zero effect on them."

"At least they are easier to kill, at least with a knife." Keonhee pushed away a dead zombie while making the remark.

The small hoard was picked off one by one, allowing the group to continue their journey.

"Can we stop somewhere?" Seoho pleaded, holding his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "I'm going to faint."

Keonhee ran over and caught Seoho before hit head hit the ground. The unconscious older looked lifeless in his arms, this was the fourth time since the sun rose that Seoho fainted. It looked to be around noon from where the sun shone through the thin clouds.

"That building looks stable." Dongmyeong pointed off in a building further ahead, approaching to help Keonhee to the best of his ability.

"Guys!" Hwanwoong's cry caught all of their attention, causing those walking ahead or previously occupied to look in the shortests direction.

Ravn pushed himself to a jog and crouched besides Hwanwoong, cursing at the sight.

"You guys go ahead, we'll meet you there." Ravn turned around to tell the others what to do.

"We aren't—"

"Please, just go." Ravn sounded desperate as he cut Leedo off. "We'll be fine and catch up."

The twins, Leedo, Keonhee all made their way towards the building with some hesitancy. Leaving behind something that was better for them to not see.

"I got careless." Yeosang threw his head back to look up at Ravn, and to see Mingi standing behind him.

Yeosang moved his arm to reveal a zombie bite marking in his skin. It looked worse than both Xion's and Dongmyeong's.

"God damn it!" Mingi turned on his heels and his a nearby light post with his fist.

Hwanwoong cried silently, quite literally watching the life leave Yeosang's body.

"I-I'm sorry this happened." Ravn muttered, almost in shock, he didn't know how to respond.

Yeosang shook his head, a small smile planted on his lips.

"Don't be, this—this would of happened at some point." The dying boy sounded happy, carefree. "I've accepted it, just shoot me before I turn, please."

Mingi spun back around and got on the ground besides Yeosang, his remaining friend. The boys body began shaking profusely, and coughed up blood. His eyes turned to a shade of grey in seconds.

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