Ravn rushed down the stairs at an insane speed, Seoho following hot on his tail taking two steps at a time. They rushed through the stairway door to see a sight that dropped their hearts to their stomachs. Seoho stood shocked in the doorway while Ravn could only see red.
Xion laid on the ground, obviously having been pushed over, a zombie hovering over him. The creatures teeth dug deep into Xion's arm which was help up originally as a way to defend his face. Tears and blood stained Xion's fear-filled face.
Ravn rushed forwards knife in hand, not thinking twice before shoving the creature off his friend. Instantly he held the zombie against the ground, hovering above it while stabbing it numerous times in the heart, chest, neck, and head. Blood soaked his clothes and arms, physically shaking from anger and adrenaline, his mind consumed with death. Confirming that the zombie was dead, he dropped the knife and spun around and pulled Xion's upper half against his chest.
Seoho approached after coming to realization of what happened, sliding next to his younger friend. Tears came out of each of their eyes, though not a single sob was heard. Xion right arm twitched uncontrollably, the torn skin burning so uncomfortably. Teeth marks surrounded by blood scarred his clear skin, torn so deep it almost revealed bone. Skin peeled back in a horrid way, the worst wound any of them have seen in all their years of life.
"Xion, I'm so sorry." Ravn sobbed, lowering his head to rest it on top on the youngers.
"Ya, don't blame yourself." Xion looked up, his voice sounding frail but not weak, his teary eyes meeting the gaze of his friends. "Please don't blame yourselves for this."
"There has to be something we can do." Seoho sounded desperate, that feeling now corrupting his system. "We can bring you back and-well there has to be some medicine-or something-to help. There has to be something."
The burning feeling didn't spread beyond the bite, in fact Xion felt fine, it was the initial pain that was the worst part. The thought of becoming a man-eating creature didn't pass him, though he has accepted the thought of death. He truly did not want to die yet, he knew his friends would be extremely devastated at his death, yet he still came to terms with this. The muscles in his forearm continued to tense up and release over and over again.
"Let's get back home." Ravn concluded after a few seconds. Rational or not, if this was Xion's last moments, then his other friends deserve to be there with him until his last breath.
Covered in blood, Ravn stood up lifting Xion with him. Seoho assisted by holding Xion up from the other side. The injured boy felt nauseous as they moved outside, his lead lolling forwards slightly, blood loss catching up with him. He looked down at his arm, the nasty would looked worse in direct sunlight, blood staining his entire arm and parts of his clothes. The aura of death loomed around them.
From above, Leedo knew something was wrong even before the trio was seen exiting the building. Multiple curses loudly leave his lips when he saw the heartbreaking sight. Confused, Hwanwoong and Keonhee approached the window, becoming statues staring out of the widow with tear filled eyes.
Ravn and Seoho worked together to get Xion upstairs and safe in minutes time. They laid the youngest on the mattress, blood already seeping onto the surface. He didn't put up any form of fight, falling flat onto the surface, accepting the comfort it provides.
"W-what happened?" Keonhee choked out, falling beside the mattress as his legs could no longer support him.
"A zombie snuck up on me." Xion answered calmly, though his voice cracked multiple times.
Leedo found himself sitting beside Xion as well, his hand cupping the youngers face, wiping away his tears and blood. He couldn't bring himself to say anything, fearing the worst in that moment. Seoho and Hwanwoong both stood back giving Xion some space but still standing close enough to form a small huddle. No one was seen without tearstained cheeks.

Dead or Alive
FanfictionA deadly disease breakout causes people to turn into zombie-like creatures. Without an escape, a group of six boys learn to survive through this apocalypse. With the past in mind, along with cruel conditions, it is difficult to keep the will to live...