Chapter 3

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You was right. It was a nice night. One of those beautiful summer evenings when the sun was just strong enough during the day to keep it warm without being unbearable at night. It wasn't long before you found yourself strolling side-by-side with him, slowly, neither one of you in a rush to get anywhere.
He walked close to you. You'd tried to keep a little distance, but he kept drifting diagonally and gravitating toward you until finally you gave up - you didn't really want to fight it, anyway - and let him walk so close to you that your shoulders, sometimes arms brushed with every few steps. So close that the breeze blew his aftershave dangerously close, that smell alone was the one that made him nearly irresistible. You shoved your hands in your jacket pockets and balled them into fists so you wouldn't reach for him and link your arm with his. It was tough. But you knew what you had to do.

You were less than halfway to your house when he smiled and opened his arm so that you was able to slip your arm through his, clasping your own fingers together and leaning a little weight on him while he walked.

To an observer, you would have seemed like very close friends. Or lovers.

He was doing it because you looked tired though, right? You had to think like that or you would melt. The thought of Keir starmer wanting you drove you crazy.

He's your boss, Hannah remember that.

You walked like that, slowly, in a calm, amicable silence, all the way to the door of her building. You had to let go then to dig around in your purse for your keys, and he watched as your hair fell in waves around your face while she searched.

You found the keys, stuck them in the door, and turned to him  before she opened it. "Thanks for walking me home, Sir." You said softly, a small, tired smile gracing your lips.

"Anytime, Hannah, you know that. You also know it's Keir away from people."

You did know that. You just couldn't bring yourself to stutter saying his name. For him to know. You had to be strong. You had to not have him let on how you felt.

You didn't go inside yet. Instead, you stood just there. Stupidly, stood there wondering if he would... no he wouldn't. Deep down you knew that. Your hazy brown eyes locked with Sir Keir's for what was certainly not the first time that evening, but this time his glowed with some kind of stormy emotion (you hoped was just caused by his whiskey because you couldn't deal with being like a melted snowman around him) and you could almost hear your own heart beating as Keir took a small, imperceptible step closer to you. Your faces were mere inches apart. Sure the height difference was still there but you were still only inches apart.

He exhaled a quiet, almost inaudible sigh, and he was close enough that you could smell the whiskey on his breath, and for a moment you could have sworn he was going to…

It would be so easy for you to lean in and...

But he didn't.

You didn't.

You wished you did. You wanted to. You wished more that he did.

But you still didn't.

"Goodnight, Hannah," he finally said, his eyes never leaving yours. You knew it was dangerous, but you brought your right hand up to run it through his hair and move the hair that had managed to fall from the perfection that the rest stood as. Your hand ran down his face and rested on his cheek. Neither of you had ever touched each other's face before. Keir still hadn't. He broke eye contact to close her eyes and lean into your touch. A small smile ran across his face before you let go.

"Goodnight, Keir," you whispered. Keir hesitated for a moment, then took a step back. You smiled at him, unlocked the door, and disappeared silently into the appartment, leaving Keir behind on her doorstep. You found yourself with questionable thoughts, feverish skin, and a racing heart.

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