Chapter 20

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You woke up with a headache and the feeling of vomit coating your throat. Once you had spent 15 long minutes with your head against the toilet seat something dawned on you.

You were late for your period.

Surely you weren't pregnant, right? You and Sir Keir hadn't been using protection and he's the only man you've slept with in recent memory so if you are pregnant, it's his. The newspaper headlines ran through your head and you couldn't help but think about what Keir would be like. The tears rolled down your cheek as you got up, a mix of emotions ran through your head. If you were pregnant you had to tell Sir Keir. You were so nervous that you were shaking taking off your clothes to get changed and go to work. You had to see Keir, you had to tell him about this chance.

"Hannah my office." Keir said as soon as you walked through the doors. You sighed, well... At least there was a chance for you to tell him. It's going to be a long day, you thought as you sat in his office. You heard the door shut behind you. "You're late. No phone call. No text." He said.

"I know, I'm sorry Sir." You said and Keir placed his hand to your shoulder as you looked up. You watched his disappointed look change to concern.

"Hannah... You've been crying." He said and you just looked away. "Talk to me." He said.

"I woke up with a massive headache and urge to vomit... I spent 15 with my head stuffed in the toilet before I realised something." You said and he ran his fingers through your hair as you spoke. "Keir... There's a possibility that I'm pregnant." You said looking at him.

Keir took his time answering that and you thought about telling the other thoughts you've had about him, you and him, everything. It dawned on you, as you sat in Keir's office with him looking at you, something that you hadn't realised... You loved Keir.

Your eyes widened as the thought floated unexpectedly through your mind, tempted to roll off the tip of your tongue. You'd never thought about it before made sense, didn't it? There was a reason why every fiber of your being was preoccupied with this one man and this one man only.

You love Sir Keir Starmer.

"Hannah..." He said and your mind focused back on him. "You okay?" He asked and you nodded, scared to say anything until he tells you how he feels about the chance you are pregnant. "Have you taken a test?" He asked and you shook your head. "Okay... Take the morning off. Go get yourself some food and a coffee and then go get yourself a test. Come back with it and do it here then come back with the results." He said. Your hand and his connected and you looked at Keir.

"How are you so calm?" You asked and his other hand ran over face.

"I..." He stopped talking and took out his phone. "Starmer." You moved away so you couldn't hear his conversation but you saw his his smile fade and he turned a pale colour. "It's me and Hannah in here." He said and you looked at him confused. He put his hand over the microphone and looked at you. "Put the building on lockdown." He said and you started the process. "Why does he want me?" Starmer asked and he turned white. "I never thought I'd hear that name. Get me armed police here."

Meanwhile you did what you were instructed and walked back into the office. "It's done."

"Hannah... This might not end well." Keir said, the office was in complete darkness but you still could feel the fear radiating from Sir Keir.

"Where's Starmer?" The man yelled. "Come out Keir or people will be shot."

"Keir... Keir please you can't." You said. He gave you a long kiss.

"Stay hidden. If you hear gunshots... Don't move. Just stay there." He said before getting up and unlocking the door.

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