Chapter 10

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"Hey." You said softly. He came over to you and smiled. "Don't get too close I don't want you to get what I have."

"I'll go back to court for a day if I do." He laughs and you look at him. "I've had my flu vaccine." You laugh and instantly regret it. Your world spins as you try to balance yourself Keir takes the opportunity to put his arm around you. "I've got you, baby." He whispered softly.

Did he just... no surely not... he didn't just. No. He didn't. Did he?
You chose to ignore it. Resting your head into his chest, you realised that being with him right now felt perfect. "Keir." You said you pushed off him a second and then you just managed to go over to the bin before the vomit made it's self known again. He held your hair back and you were grateful to have him there.

"Are you okay?" He said after a few moments. You smiled.

"I'm okay, sorry I'm not much company." You said with a small smile. He didn't say anything.

"Have you taken anything?" He asked and you smiled and shook your head.

"I need to do a shop." You confessed and he smiled.

"Brought you some bread, my mum said that if you see someone and they are ill you should bring them bread or something they can eat simply." He said with a smile. His eyes sparkled as he spoke about his mother. You smiled thinking about your mum and he could see the emotions hitting you. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." He wrapped is arm around you and tucked you into his side. For a politician, he was more of a  golden retriever than a bulldog. You rested your head on him and he instantly made you feel safe, secure, calm, cared for. Keir made you feel like there was nobody else he would rather spend time with, that was the same for you too. He understood what it meant lose someone you are very close too. Keir made it easier. He made being around your house look effortless.

"I miss mum. She would be looking after me now or at least being able to call her, considering she was still in Manchester, would be great right now." You said and he  pressed a small kiss to the top of your head.

"Well... I won't claim to be as good as your mother, but I will try and look after you." He said. His grip got a little tighter and you smiled.  "If you want me to that is."

You lifted off him once more and smiled. "I'd love nothing more, Sir Keir." You smiled as you said it and he rested a hand on your face. He placed a small kiss to your still forhead.

"I'll make you some toast then. Go get back into bed, I'll come see you in a bit." Keir smiled and you followed his instruction.

"I don't like my toast..." You trailed off as he began to speak.

"Too well done, I know. More warm bread than toast, with lots of butter. I've heard you say it a couple of times to the waitress at the office cafe." He called to you. You chuckled softly, this man has never stayed the night and still knew your breakfast. "Now go get into bed." He said and you laughed once more before opening the bedroom door.

When Keir opened your bedroom door you opened your eyes and smiled. "A sight I could get used to." You mumbled. You thought you said it in your head but nope you had confessed it out loud to the man himself.

Sir Keir didn't seem to mind he smiled. "Brought you some toast, a cup of water. I didn't want to overwhelm your stomach with tea and a couple of painkillers."

"Thank you." You smiled. He placed the food beside you and went to leave. "Keir." You said quietly.

"Yeah." He turned back and looked at you.

"Can you stay?" You said quietly, your voice cutting out mid sentence.

"I just have to make a call, but when you are done. I'll come back and we can talk." He said and you smiled.

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