Chapter 9

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You woke up with a bad headache. A migraine. You woke up to your eyes hurting. Your mind racing. Your face burning to the touch. You turned the blue light filter on your phone so you could see the screen without wincing. You scrolled to Keir's number and hit call. You saw a couple of texts on your phone but you couldn't be bothered reading them.

"Hannah... where are you?" You turned the volume down as it made your head hurt even more.

"I'm not sure I'm going to be able to come in." You got up as you felt the feeling of vomit hit the bottom of your throat. "Can I call you back?" You ask and he says something but you ended it before you could hear what he had to say. You managed to stagger over to the bin before the vomit you felt in your throat decided to make a run for it. You vommited for several moments before walking back to the bed for your phone. You called Keir again.

"Hannah. It's nearly 10. Where are you?"

"Keir." Your voice barely audible. "I can't come in." You coughed away from the mic.

"Do you need me to one over?" He asked and you looked around your bedroom. He can't see this mess. "Don't worry I won't judge the mess."

"Is that a good idea?" You asked.

"I'm sure we will be fine." He said softly. "I'll come over once I'm done with this paperwork and Andy Burnham has rang me."

"See you next week then, you know what he's like." You teased. It was true though, the Mayor of Manchester could talk for England.

"Not this time. I have a meeting I need to attend outside of the office." He said and you blushed.

"Meeting?" You said in a sort of questioning voice.

"I'll text you when I'm on the way. Unlock your door so you don't have to leave your bed." He said.

"Maybe. Just knock just in case." You said.

"Sure. I'll see you soon." He smiled and you said goodbye to him.

As much as Keir said he didn't mind the mess and you felt like utter crap you also didn't want him to see the mess of your bedroom, so you made an effort to tidy up a little. You decided you would get a shower too but after taking off your clothes and turning on the water you vommited a lot and decided against it. Instead you washed your face. Combed your hair and cleaned your teeth, using extra mouthwash to mask the smell of vomit although you were sure you would be vomitting again. You got some comfortable pjamas on, which felt weird considering the Leader of the Labour party, who you have had a crush on for almost a year now and over the last few months have been... well you didn't know what to call it, was coming over to see you. To maybe even take care of you, maybe.

You unlocked the door and went back to your bedroom. You smiled as you heard the bell and texted him. 10:48am door is unlocked.

"Hannah." Keir shouted.

You opened the door wrapping your dressing gown around you. He came over to you, taking off his jacket and resting it on the coat stand.

It seemed so... normal. Him being at your place. It seemed like he had done it for years.

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