A Maid, huh?

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"Uh I think this is the place?" Y/N says looking at the paper with Sir Reginald's address. "Whoa big house..!"

Sir Reginald walks outs of the academy "Ah. Y/N Y/L, finally good to met you. Come in, come in. I need you to meet the rest of the kids."

You both walk in and you stare in aw of the beautiful furniture. You finally look straight forward and see the kids

"Children, I'd like you to meet Y/N, the maid" Sir Reginald says while pushes you to them.

You pull out your hand to shake hands "Hi I'm Y/N, your- wait the MAID?"
"Yes the maid! Since you have no powers your basically useless to me" He says with no shame

Luther walks in to break the tension "Hi I'm Luther, Also known as No. 1"
Diego fake coughs "ahem brag ahem, Hi I'm Diego!" "Asshole" says Luther.

You shake both of their hands "Lovely too meet you two!"
Allison's walk up to you and hug you "Finally! Another girl to hang with, to much boys in this house!"
Vanya behind Allison's and waves at you "Nice to meet you..." "You too!"

Klaus walks up to you and wraps his hand around you shoulder "And I'm the pretty on of the group, Klaus!" You laugh "I can see that!"

"Where's No.5?! I told every single one of you to meet us at 12pm sharp!!"
Says Sir Reginald.
"I don't know! I told him to come down 3 minutes ago!" Diego says.

Five blinks into the living room "Yeah" Five says annoyed. "'Yeah'?  I told you, young man to meet us at 12pm today!"
"Yeah well, didn't I-" He notices you "Woah..! Hey uh who's this lovely lady?" Five grabs your hand and kisses your hand. You blush.

Sir Reginald steps between you two "Anyways, This is Y/N L/N and she will be staying with us since her parents have unfortunately passed and she will be helping Mother Grace around the house, in other words, she will be a maid for you kids"

Five smirks at you "A maid, huh?" He looks at you up and down.

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