Yeah I Think It Is a Yes

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When we got home, you gave everyone there order then Five threw you your phone and teleport to his room. You feel so bad for yelling at him like that, you decide to go up and apologize to him.

You knocked on his door softly "May I come in, Five?" there was a long silence until he finally said "Yeah, you can come in..."

You walk in with your hands behind your back and looking down. You finally look up and see Fives face. He has legs open and his arms back and has a pissed off look in his face.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn't have done that, especially in front of your siblings." You say while looking at him with your innocent looks. "Sit" he said while patting on the bed.

You sit next to him. "It was mostly fault for grabbing your phone. I'm sorry, I've been acting like a little kid." You grab his thigh "Your fine, and if you were acting like a kid, you'd be pulling my pigtails!" You say jokingly as you both laugh.

"It's just that I'm new to this feeling, a feeling Delores doesn't give me..." he says getting closer to you "A-and what's that-?"

You both lean closer and closer until you resist.
"I'm sorry but we can't Five! We just can't!" "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I know we can't do that! But I can't help it I'm so used to it already!!!"

You look at him with a sorry look on your face then touch him lap again "I should get going..."
"Yeah, ok" You get up and leave the room.

Then get a text from Jacob

"Hey so idk if your reading this message or not but whenever your free, I was wonder if you'd like to go and, idk, get some coffee with me I guess? Maybe even dinner??? But if not that's fine"

                           Are you asking me out on a date, Jacob?

PPFFTT WHAT NO... yeah no I'm lying I am...
I planing on asking you out at the coffee place but you seemed like you were in such a rush

Yeah sorry it was uhm one of my friends, he was being inpatient

So is that a yes to the date?

Yeah I think it is a yes lol

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