Just Kiss me!

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You come downstairs wearing the maid uniform

As soon as you get to the dining room, everyone's eyes are on you

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As soon as you get to the dining room, everyone's eyes are on you. Especially Five. He just kept blushing and looking at you up and down, with his eyes widened.

Klaus tries to break the staring by saying "Oh, so she gets to wear and cute ass maid outfit while we're stuck with these dumb uniforms?" Everyone starts to laugh. "NUMBER 4! Language!" Says Sir Reginald
"Besides, you wouldn't even be able to pull it off, Klaus." Says Diego

                                                                                              {After breakfast}
"Alright children, time to train" Sir Reginald says getting up. "Uhm, training?" You ask, tapping his shoulder. "Yes, training! For when they go on missions" "Oh yes! Forgive me, I forgot  about that!" He grabs your shoulders like you were some prize "See this? This is how you respect an adult, children!" He says towards the kids. Your a little confused bout what just happened but notice Luther giving you a dirty look.

While the kids are training, your chores are to only clean the children's rooms and laundry, which didn't seem that bad
You finish all of the laundry and their rooms except Fives room. You walk in to see Five sitting on his bed. "Oh! Hi Five! Uh shouldn't you be training for like, 50 more minutes?" "Yeah, i just got kicked out for fighting to rough. So i have to stay here until father tells me to" "Oh, that sucks." You look around his room seeing no mess. "If you want, i could stay here. Keeping your company!" He looks at you with a smirk "OR... we could go to Griddy's and get some coffee?" He grabs you before you could even answer "Wait! But what if you get caught and you'll get in trouble! I don't want you getting ground or something." "It's fine, we wont get caught ok?" "But can I at least change? I don't wanna go out in this!" You say grabbing your skirt. He looks at you up and down with a scoff "Your fine, beside you look good in it." "Fine" He grabs you and teleports you both to Griddy's

"Uh-! Wha-" "Oh right i forgot! We have powers and mine is time travel and teleportation" You just stand there frozen while holding on to Five as if he was your only hope for living. Five couldn't help but start laughing "What? What's so funny??" You saying looking like your gonna slap him. "Sorry but I've just never seen someone react like that! Come on, lets just get the coffee and leave."

You both walk in and everyone's eyes were one you, again! You immediately get embarrassed and try to hide behind Five. Five notices your actions and looks at everyone with a death glare, which made them stop. You guys go up front to order and wait by the booths when Five notices guys looking at you from behind. You notice Fives faces "Five? What's wrong?" he says nothing until the one of the guys start to walk up to you both "Crap! Y/N kiss me" you get startled by that "Uh what? Is this your idea of a flirt?" "NO just kiss me" "Why?" "Just-" the guys is getting closer to you so Five has no choice but to grab you and kiss you! You get scared but then start falling into it and kiss him back. The guys notices and backs off. Five separates your lips and hold your cheek.

"I told you to do it, I had to use force!" You start blushing and start touching your lips. "But, you gotta admit-" he says getting closer to your ear "That did feel good."

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