What do you mean felt? You don't feel anything about me anymore?

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It's a Friday and its almost time for your date with Jacob

"Shit I need someone to help with my outfit." You start looking for Klaus and can't find him
"Probably getting more Alcohol." You thought to yourself. You start looking for Allison and Lady Grace but also can't find them "Right, they went shopping!" You thought again so you start looking for Vanya and hear her playing her violin.

"I don't wanna bother her while she's practicing though!" You said quietly "I guess I'll ask... Five?" You walk in to his room wearing this

(Sorry if it isn't your style)"Ok so since Klaus or Allison aren't here and Vanya's busy, I need your opinion on his outfit for

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(Sorry if it isn't your style)
"Ok so since Klaus or Allison aren't here and Vanya's busy, I need your opinion on his outfit for... my evening." You say. Five looks at with shocked look. "Y/N wh-why would- uh how do I say this?? Why would you wear something like that?" "Why does it look bad on me?" "No it's just that... the outfit should be worn for a special occasion! And if your just wearing it for the evening, why wear that??"

"Uhm, Five I'm gonna spend my evening with... Jacob." You say "Oh?! So that's why your wearing that! Don't you think it's a little much then?? Since it's your, IM HOPING, first date??!" He say standing up "How is it a little much?" "Cuz, I don't know, it's revealing? I mean are you even wearing a bra under that?!" "Ok you know what Five, FORGET IT! I'm not asking you for advice anymore!"  You say walking out of the room until he grabs your wrist.
"Y/N, change out of that now." " Why should I?! You shouldn't even be telling what to wear and what to not wear since your a guy! You have no right to tell me to change out of this!"
"Oh please! This guy probably only wants you for your body and do you really want him to be looking at you like that?! DO YOU?!?!" He screams at you. "You know what? Fine. I'll change.." you say and get out of his grasp.

You come out wearing this

"Happy?!" You say sarcastically

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"Happy?!" You say sarcastically. "Ok look I'm sorry I didn't- I didn't mean to scream at you" He say grabbing your shoulder. "That's not what I'm mad about!" "I'm also sorry that I said you should wear that. It's your body, you can do whatever" he says looking down

"Thanks but that's now what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how you treat me like I'm your girl friend!" "I- look I'm sorry I'm acting like this! I just hate hearing that your going out with this guy!" "Yeah now you now how I felt" you say giving him a sassy look.

"Wait wait wait! "Felt"?" He said "What do you mean felt? You don't feel anything about me anymore?" "No Five I- ugh ok look I don't really have time for this ok? I need to go I'll talk to you later!" You say walking out the door.

You meet Jacob at the park 13 minutes later
"Hey Jacob!" "Hey Y/N! Wow you look great!" "Thanks! Wanna go take a walk then watch a movie later?" "Sure! Why not"

A couple of minutes go by and your phone get a notification from "Jackass🙂" AKA Five

Ok look Y/N I really need you to
answer my question! Pls!
Five pls stop I'm having a good time with Jacob, just let me enjoy this!

Soon Five starts calling you. You ignore it and try to act normal but he kept on calling. "Hey uhm it looks like uh "Jackass" really wants you to answer! Just answer" He says with a awkward smile. "I'm sorry! Just one second"

You answer the phone.
"WHAT??" You say grinding your teeth "Y/n PLEASE JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION IT WONT TAKE LONG!" You groan annoyed "Five please! I don't have time for this! I'll tell you later just not now! I'm about to go to the theaters!" "Fine." He hangs up the phone on you.

"Hey you alright?" Jacob says hold your hand
"I'm fine let's just go to the movies already"

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