He hugged me.. ♡

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{Fives POV}
I teleported me and Y/N to my room and she was acting really weird?
"Ok uhm you may need to sit down for this" she said "Ok?" I sat down waiting for her to respond but she said nothing, looking like she was gonna cry.
"Ok here's the thing... uh" "What is it?" I said   "I uh... I SAW KLAUS BREAK YOUR COFFEE MUG BYE!!" And then she just left!

{Y/N' s POV}
Oh dear god please tell me I didn't just say that!! I walked out of the room and closed it and saw all the Hargreeves siblings staring at me!

"Y/N?! WHAT THE HELL" Is what I heard from all of them then they all started screaming at me that I couldn't even understand them! "Seriously, Y/N??!" Klaus said " "I BROKE HIS MUG" HES GONNA KILL ME!!" "I know I know! I'm sorry but I can't do it!"

Then the door swung open. "What are you guys screaming about?!" Five screamed "Y/N still needs to talk to you!" Klaus said, pushing me to his arms. "AND I DIDNT BREAK YOUR MUG" he said slamming the door shut.

{Fives POV}

"Ok Y/N cut the crap! What are you not telling me?!" I said crossing my arms "I-.. ok I saw Delores at Griddy's... and not alone" she said

"What do you mean?" "I saw with another guy and- well she was getting quite touching with him and-" she looked up and looked me dead in the eye, showing me that she wasn't gonna lie or try to leave the conversation.

"She kissed him.."

I immediately fell on to my bed and just couldn't speak I was too much in shock

{Y/Ns POV}

I can't believe I actually said it. I COMPLETELY RUINED HIS BIRTHDAY!! I knew I should have kept my mouth shut! He didn't say anything after I told.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't want to tell you today!" He stood quiet. "It looks like you need to be alone right now, I'll go." I say about to leave until he grabs my arm and looks at me with those enchanting eyes.

I could tell that was telling me to stay. So I sat down. "I know, you don't like hugs but.." I said but before I could even hug him..

He hugged me

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