Alright darling... <3

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Five hugged you for a while without saying anything and kept on clutching on on to you Without letting go

"I'm so sorry Five... I didn't want to tell today since it's your birthday and- I'm so sorry for ruining your birthday"

He said nothing but dig his head more in your shoulders. A couple of minutes go by and he immediately jerked his head up

"Wait, what am I doing crying over a girl? She's a bitch! For Christ sake she didn't even call or text me "happy birthday"?!" Five said, pacing back and forth in the room.

"You know what I'm gonna do?!" He said with a little crazy in his eyes. "What are you gonna do and should I be worried?"

"I'm gonna call her here! Right now! To break up with her! And maybe a a tad bit worried. And what your gonna do is grab all my siblings and tell them to take a walk or something? I don't want those nosey ass people listening"

"What about Sir Reginald? And Lady Grace? And Pogo?"

"My dad will be in his office, pogo will be with him and my mom will be cleaning the attic. Now go get siblings out!"

"Alright alright!"

You walk out and grab all the siblings out of their rooms

"Wait so where are we going again? Vanya asked. "Uhm- the park!" "Why are we going to the park?" Diego says "Because you guys need the sun!"

You and the siblings are about to walk outside until Five yanks you back by the waist

"Hey! She's coming with us!" Klaus says while grabbing your arm. "She has some chores to do but if you keep grabbing her like that, your helping her with them" Fives says smacking his hand off.

They siblings leave and you look at Five in confusion

"I'm pretty sure I did all my chores, Five." "Yeah I know. I just need your here with me when I face her" He says with puppy eyes.

"No you don't, you want to brag that you used to flirt with me while you were still seeing her!"  You say with a 😑 face. "Yeah your right"

A few minutes go by and you hear a knock on the door.

"You ready?" You asked "Yeah just stand still, OK? I just need to do this." "Ok?"

He grabs you by your face and kisses you.
He separated your lips and you both see each blushing like crazy.

"Ok I'm ready..." "Alright darling..."

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