He Didn't Even Give Me My Phone Back-

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It's been 2 days since me and Five have talked. Well since I've talked to him. He's been trying to talk to me but I've been avoiding him. I know, pretty bitchy but can you blame me?? The guy would flirt with me when he knew for a fact he had a girlfriend! And a pretty beautiful one at that!

Anyways, It was my break and the kids weren't training today since it was a Saturday so i thought it would be a good idea to go to Griddy's but i didn't want to go alone so asked Klaus, Allison and Vanya to come with me. They said yes and i asked Sir Reginal if it'd be ok (since i knew he was gonna bitch about it) and he agreed and even told me what to get him! (Like bro wth i know i'm a maid but i thought i was only the KIDS maid?!) AND THEN EVERYONE HAD THE AUDACITY TO TELL ME THEIR ORDER!!!

But i guess i shouldn't be upset, again, I'm their maid. Anyways, when We started walking to Griddy's, Klaus and Allison were asking me pretty weird questions about me and Five

"Ok so what's the deal with you and Five?" Klaus asked, leaning his face into my face. "Why do mean? There's nothing... that was dealt with?" "Yeah right! A couple of days ago you two were together ALL of the time!" 

"I don't know? I guess he just... kept a BIG secret from that I REALLY needed to know" I said "What? That he has a stuffed bear by his bed and cuddles with it at night? Or that he's secretly a Elvis Presley fan? And mostly likes his cheesy songs?" Klaus said before Allison elbowed him "Uh... ok didn't need to know that. But no, not that." I say while walking into Griddy's.

"It was something that he should have told me when we started... hanging out with each other a lot." i say while walking up to register and order everyone's order. 

We kept on talking while waiting for orders by the booths. "OK don't look now Y/N, but the cute guy behind you is totally checking you out!" Allison said looking over my shoulder. "Really?! Whats he doing?" i ask staring down "Hes trying to see you on the side! Oh god he's biting lip!" 

WHAT?! Was this guy really trying to see my face? Should i turn around to look at him? I turned around to look at him and...holy crap, he was pretty cute. I smiled at him and he smiled back. 

"Are you gonna go up to him and talk to him?" Vanya said while shaking my shoulders. "I-i don't know, should I?" I Asked them. "Yes! Now go before i do!" said Klaus with grinding his teeth. "OK OK!"i said and walked up to him

"Hey!" he said "Hey." i said back. "Lemme guess, they saw me staring and told you." I laughed flirty like "Yeah" "Sorry about that, i guess i have a staring problem with beautiful woman." I blushed and started laughing at how corny that was. "You're pretty funny, and cute." i flirted back and touched his arm. "Wow, I like your sweater!" "Thanks its uh boyfriend material" he said with smirk. I started laughing even more! "Jeez how corny can you get?" "But you obviously like it."


GOD WHATS TAKING THEM SO LONG?! Jesus what do i have to do to get a decent cup of coffee?! I'm gonna go check on them. "Hey guys, i'm gonna go check on them" I Told the guys. They obviously didn't care. I teleported outside the Griddys and saw Y/N with this guy and she was touching him?! WHAT THE FUCK. Why is she touching him like that? 


He was being so cute and a funny! But I don't know if hes gonna ask me out. And if he does, i don't know what id do. "So how many time do i have to make you laugh so you can give me your phone number?" he asked "You could just ask me ya know?" i say back and handed him my phone so he can add himself, then my orders were called. "Oh thats me. Oh crap before i go, whats your name?"i asked "Jacob and yours" "Y/N" 

After that he left and said goodbye and as soon as he said bye, Five came out of nowhere! "Who the hell was that guy?!" He said all up in my face. "A guy! A friend!" i said back. "Did he ask you on a date?!" "Thats none of your business! Now get your coffee since you're already here!"

We all left in silence until Jacob texted me. It read "Hey, its me Jacob. It was nice meeting you dollface. Best part of my day, hope we talk more." I couldn't help but giggle when he called me dollface. I texted back "Dollface? Are you living in the 60s or something?". That's when Five snatched my phone out of my hand "Who texting?!" he said while looking at them. "FIVE WHAT THE FUCK? IM NOT IN THE FUCKING MOOD NOW GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE BEFORE I SHOVE IT UP YOUR NOSE!!" i screamed. I could tell Five wasn't used to seeing me like this and got startled. I don't normally scream like that but hes just been getting on my nerves and i guess i couldn't keep it together. I know, I know it was out of nowhere but could you blame me?! He was being such an ass and was treating me like i was one of his sisters or something?! He didn't even give me my phone back-

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