Wait, A Maid Uniform?

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The next morning, you wake up by the children talking. "Hmm..? Wha- what time is it?" You say out loud while holding up your head. You look at the clock. 8:23 AM. "WHAT THE HELL?! ITS ALMOST 8:30!"

*Downstairs*                                                                                                                                                                             The children are talking loudly when all of a sudden- *THUD * "Uh? Isn't that Y/N?" Luther asks. "Shouldn't someone check on her?" Diego says. "Number Five, go check on her" Five blinks out of the dining room into your room finding you on the floor  tangled in your blankets only wearing an undershirt and underwear.

"AH! FIVE WHAT ARE YOU-" "Sorry sorry! I had to check if you were OK!" Five says helping you up while you try to cover yourself with the blanket covers "Ok you can leave Five..." You say giving Five the shooing hands gestures. "Alright, alright" He says leaving the room while looking at you up and down and biting his lip. 

"Number Five, Give this to Y/N, shes gonna need it" Sir Reginald says, handing Five a maid uniform.  "Wait, a Maid uniform?" "Yes, now hurry along now!" Five walks in your bed room seeing you take off you undershirt.  Five does a wolf whistle while looking at your body. "FIVE DO YOU EVER KNOCK?? UH- Stop looking!" "Calm down you don't need to get embarrassed, you look..." He give you a flirty kind of smile. 

"Anyways, dad told me to give this to you"  he hands you the uniform. "Whats thi- a  maid outfit! I thought he was kidding! He doesn't really expect me to wear this, right?" "I think he does" You look at it confused "Alright fine, uh you can leave now." Five get even closer to you "Yeah i don't think so, darling" He grabs your waist. "I- i just want you to eat, Lady Grace is wait for you, Five." He looks at you with a disappointed look 

"Fine" He walks out then stop dead in his steps and walks up to you. "Wait I forgot." He grabs on side of you cheek and kisses the other side. "Good morning..." Then he walks out while you do nothing but stay there and blush til you look like a tomato.

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