His Girlfriend?!

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{The next day}

The children are out on a mission so you're home alone with Lady Grace. You walk in the laundry room and see Lady Grace.

"Lady Grace! What are you doing here? It's my chore to do the kids laundry, I told you to take a break!" You say walking her out of the room.  "After you did the dishes? Oh no I couldn't just make you do even more."

"Ma'am! Just rest for 20 minutes! Please?" "Alright then!"

{5 minutes later}

You hear the door ring "Oh, coming!" You get to the door and see a pretty young girl, about your age, with a smug look on her face "Hey uh, who are you?" she asks "I'm the new maid of the house!(obviously) And you are?" you ask back.

"I'm Dolores, and i'm looking for Five." she says. "Oh! He's at a mission he won't be here for a while. You want me to take a message?" you offered "Sure just say his girlfriend stopped by." She says

"Oh ok then- wait his... GIRLFRIEND?" You say a little envious. "Yes? His girlfriend, why?!" "Oh no reason! I'll tell him."                                                                                                               {20 mins later}

The kids have finally came home "Welcome back everyone. Lunch is already on the table" you greet the kids. Five gets close to you. "I kinda like this way of greeting us" he says flirty like. You start backing away from him. 

"Oh and Five, Dolores came by earlier." you say casually as Five's eyes widen. "Your...girlfriend. Hope you enjoy your lunch." you say with a disgusted look as you walk away. "I'll be heading to my room if you don't mind." you say as you walk upstairs.

Five teleports in front of you to stop you. "Ok look i can explain-" "No need! I already know what you wanted from me. You just wanted me to be your slutty side-chick. Understandable since everyone wants to screw the innocent one." you say while wagging your finger in front of him.

"WHAT NO IT'S NOT THAT!! Its just that- i guess i did think that at first but now i'm actually getting feelings for you."  Five says while holding your waist. "Hmm yeah probably sexual feelings right?" you say looking at the floor

"Hey look at me! I'm not some creep ok! I want to be with you but-" "But what?" you ask annoyed. "I can't bring myself to do it, Y/N! I can't just  break up with her out of nowhere, i don't wanna break her heart!"

You immediately get shock and stay quiet. "I guess you're right. I'm just upset cuz you never told me you had girlfriend. AND YOU STILL HAD THE AUDACITY FLIRT WITH ME AND KISS ME!"

"Im sorry, Y/N. But i hope you know we cant be together." he says "Yeah no shit Five... sorry but i can't really be around you for a while ok?" 

You walk into your room and lock the door.

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