Yeah I Saw The Canoodling!

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The date finally ended at 10pm and Jacob walks you home

"Oh this is my stop" and point at the house and stand at the front of the house.

"I had a great time Y/N" he said "So did I"
"I'll give you a call we should do this again sometime!" Jacob said. "Oh sure why not"
That's when he leaned in for a kiss and you didn't wanna be rude and not DO ANYTHING so you have no choice but to kiss him back.

He finally leaves and you look up at fives bedroom window and see him staring. You walk in and Five immediately teleports in front of you.

"Hi?" You say. "How was it?" Five says with an attitude "The date?" "That! And the canoodling!! Yeah I saw the canoodling!" He screams.

"You saw?! Were you gawking at us like some creep??" You scream "No..? And don't call me a creep!"

"Well, if you must know you big pervert, the date went well..." "MHM!!" He says with his eyes wide open and his hand covering his mouth. "...but the kiss was kind of... awkward?"  "Oh?!" He says looking interested. "Ugh Five drop it! Im just gonna go to sleep already"

"No no no! Get back here! You still need to answer my question" he says grabbing your hand. "What question?" "Do you still feel anything for me? I'm sorry I need to know." "Five I-... yes. I still have feelings for you"

"Oh? Interesting?" He says while he makes a smirk "I'm out of here, you big freak"

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